Another month has passed and once again it has been a very interesting education of your thoughts and concerns. Thank you to all that have posted and we look forward to hearing more of your comments.
If you are confused about how to post on the blog or feel more comfortable e-mailing me your comments and concerns, please do so and we will post it for you.
I didn’t get a response when I submitted this ? via the ask Commerce City web site so maybe someone here knows. If the city had $400k lying around, why didn’t they develop the “future park site” just east of Fronterra village in the north? It would also be a perfect location for a library and rec center. It’s almost summer time, our kids still can’t walk or ride their bikes to the rec center or skate parks in the south. This may also influence more people who may waver in their decision to buy here. People are not buying into “live, work and play in the midst of industrial smog and tractor trailer traffic”. C_City voter
I would like to see more city sponsored festivals in the Northern Range.
Maybe a farmers type market with some kind of a theme. It would maybe even get the big media out here, which in return will get business interested in the area of the North.
FYI: Library has its own district and is funded and run by it. A vote was taken a few years ago to raise mill levy, that part of would have built a library in the was voted down.
Sans, if are refering to the mention of the census in the city flyer, whats the big deal? It helps bring money to the schools and helps us in future retail with our numbers?? You don't get it?
You do not need to worry about the Mile High Music Festival. Our own ED director is the daughter of the promoter/sponser. As long as she is here, the festival is here! Although one could say it is a potential conflict of interest (helping out the city or helping out the family?)
Doesn't matter who is who. Commerce City had it before the ED director was here, so your conclusion that we only will get it because of who is a city employee is invalid.
It is being spread all over the internet that if citizens come to complain at city council, all they can do is just voice their opinion, but council can not respond back. This is some kind of a new format.
The issue then gets pushed off to the city manager.
If this is true, why would anyone go to council? Why not just email the city council?
I saw the poster for the music festival. It reads: “Mile high music festival”, located just 8 miles from downtown Denver. No mention of Commerce City or are we now the mile high city? Even the news outlets report it as one of good things do while in Denver with plenty of parking at Denver’s North Field shopping center. Don’t we have plenty of parking at the shopping center where walmart is located so we can maybe capture some extra tax dollars potential shoppers? Is our reputation that bad where people don’t want to come here? Frustrated that they’re (news outlets) quick to give us negative press and overlook us for the good things happening in our city. C_City voter
All city council members were polled tonight as to if they received any campaign finance funding from David Foster. All were present except Paul Natale. Everyone of them said no. They were polled in response to a request from Jim Benson as he felt they should recues themselves from voting on property whose owner is represented by David Foster.
At the April 5th meeting of City Council on the Economic Development Plan several opinions were expressed. City Council member, Jason McEldowney called some things expressed by private citizens "Gut Wrenching" not necessarily in agreement with what was said but indeed they were upsetting things to hear.
The fact that U.S. Senator Michael Bennett on T.V. has said, "That the Whole Place is Broken" meaning our Congressional process. The fact is that Congress on both the State and Federal levels is "Broken." When, millions of people across this United States had lost their jobs, 401 Ks and Retirement Packages, Congress voted themselves a "Cost of Living" pay raise. When, hundreds of thousands of people had lost their Health Insurance coverage, Congress voted themselves the best Health Care coverage a Nation could provide. When, hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S. lost their retirement packages as businesses just took them away, for example, United Airlines and pilots had to take a cut in salaries just to hold their jobs, Congress voted to continue their generous retirement benefits. These benefits come out of the same Social Security funds that pay the public retirement and Congress wants to cut payments and benefits to the general public. Furthermore, various Congressional delegates are given millions of dollars from Special Interest groups towards their next election but still claim to vote according to public interests. Recently, I went to the Capitol to speak on behalf of SB33. I really had an eye-opener as the Committee Chair got up and left as people were testifying to get something to eat and take a bathroom break. Why not just call a recess for a few minutes? It is no fun testifying to an empty chair as I took an entire day to be there. As a City, we can not depend on something that is "Broken" to set a course for future development.
At this time in our City development, I am concerned about the quality of jobs that will be made available to CC residents. I am not prejudice against any group of people, North or South. For example, when the Hotel Industry wants to hire people at below minimum wage jobs with no benefits that greatly disturbs me. After this meeting, I talked to someone in Administration that assured me that they have been discussing this specific issue for some time and that they have already set guidelines to help prevent these companies from coming in and taking advantage of poor workers that are willing to take any kind of job to support their families. However, there are some large corporations such as the Hotel Industry that have smaller corporations that do hire below minimum wage that they shelter that we need to be watch out for. My feeling is that we need to make all the tools available to employers to help in the process of hiring new personnel so that illegible CC residents can find employment close to home. There was a loud outburst in the audience when I suggested E-Verify to help employers hire qualified candidates saying that illegal immigrants need to be given these jobs on an equal basis with other CC residents and that we were not considering the entire community. My response would be that is just what needs to happen in that the entire community needs to have equal access to employment right here in CC.
There were some loud comments that illegal immigrants were not included in this entire Economic Development plan, when over a period of ten months, there were several open meetings held in all areas of this City for citizen comments and concerns and all these comments were included in this plan. Finally, there was a comment that as a City we have not done enough to give the Adams 14 School District students a better education or a Boys and Girls Club. Recently, a second Bond issue was presented over a phone survey and was put down due to the financial conditions residents currently find themselves in. (The City has lost about $30,000 or more per roof top in taxes due to a decrease in home values.) This School Bond would have doubled our current School taxes. If, Adams 14 residents would lose their jobs they could eventually lose their homes and then, they would not be able to pay these increased school taxes. One of the largest City taxes collected from our residents is a Use Tax, perhaps, these Adams !4 parents could pay a Use Tax, if, their children go to school and they do not pay a property and school tax?
I may not be like a lot of the citizens on here, but I am not going to just sit back and let everyone walk all over us, even if that means the staff that is currently in place. We have issues in this city and it is not a matter of being negative, it is a matter of bringing issues out into the light and being part of a solution.
According to our highly paid consultant: Based on research and a comprehensive competitive analysis, Angelou identified five target industries to focus ED efforts:
1. Denver International Airport (DIA) Technology – includes time-sensitive manufacturing and distribution, third-party logistics firms, e-commerce fulfillment, office complexes that house air travel-intensive professions, and hotel and exhibition complexes.
2. Advanced Manufacturing - includes renewable energy, aerospace, fabricated metal product, and medical device manufacturing.
3. Logistics and Distribution – includes freight forwarding, supply chain management and warehousing.
4. Business and Professional Services – includes regional offices, back office support services, and technical support facilities.
5. Retail/Hospitality/Leisure – includes dining, entertainment, sports and health-related retail.
This city is bounded by Denver, who is much better at ED then we will ever be! Despite the BS city council tells you about the "best Staff in the world" verbiage they are always spewing!
We have to sit here and just wait for China to come, or hopefully latch onto the scraps from Brighton. Commerce City got into the game way to late. Maybe it was because we were dealing with a Drinking and Driving City Manager, Maybe it was because we never had a staff in place to actually do anything. But, we are told that things are better now and we are going to be taking off any day now. Well I will believe it when I see it. Until then, don't hold your breath folks
Commerce City Council Meeting April 5th, 1:44: Benson Asks Council if they are able to vote without biased because of campaign contributions from David Foster? What is UP WITH THAT?
Council Members Jim Benson and Jadie Carson bring up a motion to reconsider the Comp plan to go back to the way the CAC had it, not the way that some lawyer wants it for its client (250 acres owned by someone who does not live in the city). It fails...
Good to know the city is still acting the way it always has.
Geez. This comp plan situtation is pretty dumb as I see it. Dustie do you know or can you find out: 1) Out of how many total acres of planning, was the 250 acres? 2) What % of this comp plan was NOT accepted as presented? 3) Is it unusual for part of a planof this size to NOT be accepted? Seems like a lot of "Hurt" feelings by the citizen group, that their ENTIRE plan was not taken as they suggested!
It is nice be involved as a citizen but come on. This is no longer the same small town where a few people made all of the decisions that will have an affect on all. We have to start thinking as a growing city and make smarter choices. It’s about the people not the individual. Why be upset that a major land owner wants to protect their investment.
to all of the negative commentators about the comp plan. the city needs to go thru this process. we have too. it is the first step. we have to do this and we do need to plan. don't be so hard on the council and staff, they are trying the best they can to move this city forward. i am going to go out on a limb and guess a lot of you are new to the city and if this is so, an fyi - we are light years from where we were just 5 years ago.
By what Constitutional Right does illegal immigration have for equal access to an American Lifestyle? Is it the Bill of Rights? The 1st or 5th Amendments? Which Constitutional Amendment do they claim?
For over ten years, illegal immigration has laid claim to equal access to American jobs, education, health care and Due Process as if they had the full privilege of Citizenship. With each new President, they claim that Amnesty is coming for them and that they have the same rights as American Citizens have. They arrived in this country under cover of darkness but soon laid claim for up to half of everything Americans owned. America gave these poor people everything we owned including our employment, our health care, our education and in Colorado immigration housing.
Now, they have become so politically secure in their place of comfort in America that they yell and wave their arms in our City Council and demand more of a voice in the Due Process of how this city is being built out for the future than the average citizen has. Why, do we owe them new schools when we can not afford to pay double school taxes ourselves at this time? Why, do we owe them a new Boys and Girls Club when we can not give all of Commerce City a Boys and Girls Club? Why, do they demand a voice in our Political process when they are not eligible to vote themselves? By what Constitutional right do they yell and wave their arms to make these demands of their city of comfort? Is it under Freedom of Speech? Then, let them speak in Order and make no demands of a City that has provided them with an American lifestyle that for ten years they have had no real legal rights too. Estelle Remington
I Love you Estelle Remington! That's a huge reason our city has such a poor image and the city won't address it. I hope the mayor and council members will start listening to the voters.
Proposition 101: This is a grab bag of tax cuts and revenue reductions that somehow made it through the single-subject requirement for ballot proposals. In broad strokes, it would eliminate the FASTER plan for transportation funding, in part by cutting vehicle registration fees to $2 for new vehicles and $1 for older vehicles. It would immediately reduce the state's income tax from the current rate of 4.63 percent to 4.5 percent, and over time cut it to 3.5 percent. And it would eliminate all taxes and fees on telephone and satellite and Internet services, except for 911 fees. A conservative estimate says that this initiative will cost the state more than $1.5 billion a year (current value).
Pro City is right. People should have a right to continue in the direction the city previously okayed. I bet 250 acres is a very small percentage of the overall plan, yet people are making it out as if it's a big portion. If that is all of the plan that council did not follow, then I think they should be pleased. People always want to make something out of nothing, they love conflict and "conspiracy".
This a reply to anonymous that loves Estelle Remington!! So I guess your biget like she is. To comment on the people that live here so negetive is what you think of your selves. For a bit of information, Commerce City has always had a bad name from way back at least sixty yrs. With people like you speaking so poorly about our chilren and our citizens this is exactly why metro Denver has the same negativeimage of us. Even if you live up north, we all have same poor image that you put upon this community. This country started with nothing but immagrants the only true people are the indians, everyone else is an out sider. If it true as Estelle says they take our jobs why don't you all go work the fields and clean the bathrooms, Oh I forgot that is just much to hard .
Whoever said that people who have opinions shoud be on the cities boards and commissions, well maybe some of us would if we would be told how to apply???? The city of Commerce City publishes their notices in the Commerce City Sentinel Express. Anybody know where to get that newspaper? Maybe thats why none of us get involved. We don't know how to and it seems like the same dozen or so people keep getting appointed every year to more than one board or commisions. Gee city maybe ask the rest of us, but you probably don't want to because we might apply, then what would you do if you got a bunch of college educated taxpayers involved.
Commerce City, we need to change our image within the city limits, before we can improve our image outside the city limits. I am not saying that we don't have problems. We need to pull together as a community.
Lets really try to beat Brighton at the census participation rate. They are only 5% ahead of us. I understand that we are already at our percentage rate of 2000. So one big push at the end.
the last day to mail back your census is this FRIDAY!
not fair to pay one newspaper that no one gets to publish notices and not the one that people can actual get, at least city should pay gateway to publish notices on their website.
I know that the info about boards and commision openings have, at least in the past been in the Gateway, City Lights ie: (city's "paper")on the city web site, as well as in the Sentinal. People don't take the time to "investage", seek out info or even "read".
Something positive that is going on. The taste of our water has improved so much over the past few years. I wanted to say thanks to the water district for listening to its customers.
I don’t take blogs personally but I wanted to respond to the person labeling me a “biget” I’ve been to many countries and in every one of them: Those who want to immigrate to the US are taking courses to learn both the language and culture. They apply to come through legal channels and eventually get here. This is how a lot us got here and even today have family in those classes trying come. That is a process that causes no problem or burden to the people of any nation. Now I read these incongruous statements declaring a person a bigot because they don’t support people illegally sneaking into another country. It’s a matter of equity. C_City Voter
you know, I have been reading this blog since almost the beginning and it never surprises me. Until, now.
I do not understand why the council is acting the way they are now. I feel like McEldowney has a big ego because he was voted in my citizens and not just appointed.
I do not understand how Rene Bullock in just sitting there doing nothing while all of this is crashing around them. Are you going to really say that the council has no way of dealing with issues including the city manager and top heavy city staff?
It is like a twilight zone episode.
By the way, Dustin, I really appreciate all that you have done for the city. You are the one who is responsible for the streaming council meeting.
Also, council was suppose to get a comparison of fees and permits from other cities to see where we stand. I have not heard anything about this in months. Maybe the city staff is just too busy.
Lastly, I would like to make one request, and since I know this place is really the hottest place in town I will leave it here.
I am requesting, that since the city seems to have money (city manager's deal) we have FULL Hamburgers this years at the outreaches, and NOT just hot dogs.
Commerce City wraps around the Rocky Mountain Arsenal like a perfect C with a long neck, Hwy 2, connecting the North and South parts of the City. Like all cities, we share the same economic problems that most of the Nation shares. How do we make the tax dollars received meet everyone's needs? And, the truth is in this economic crisis, no city can. We all have to share and take turns in our times of need.
Over these past few years, the City has built a state-of-art Pioneer Park which is one of the largest in Colorado at the cost of millions of dollars to this city. Also, we have helped with the Derby Redevelopment Area and built a town meeting center with several services to the community. We have widened Quebec Ave, built a new Civic Center, a new medical center, Dick's Sporting Goods Park and passed an Adams 14 Bond issue for one of the largest High Schools in Colorado, plus, put in a silent train gate for the Southern residents. (I probably missed a few things, but, these are the ones I can remember.)
On the other side of our C, the Northern Range has about 9,000 roof tops built with about 4,000 Reunion roof tops which is a self-contained community and these home buyers pay twice the amount of property taxes and Builder Fees for parks and recreation. However, about 5,000 roof tops or about 15,500 people live in the subdivisions around Reunion. These residents have limited access to parks and recreation and the Northern Range has been waiting for the past 5 years for their turn for these amenities. We desperately need a silent train gate at 96th Ave. In one year, 16,425 trains with loud whistles run past 96th Ave. In the ten years that we live here, we have had 164,250 trains go past our homes. Furthermore, these trains usually shut down 96th Ave. for 15 to 20 minutes each day while they change tracks or allow another train to get on the other track blocking traffic so we need street widening for Hwy 2 and 96th Ave.
The Core City asked and received many amenities over these past few years and continues to ask support for a Boys and Girls Club which will cost millions to build and millions to upkeep the program. This could cost the equivalent of the cost of new amenities for CC for each year of operation. It is time to look to the Northern residents and give them a better lifestyle.
I heard that the City is working on an annexation agreement with mile high flea market. Has anyone seen this? Can Mr. Flannery negotiate as good a deal for the City as he does for himself?
Amen Estelle!!! Also remember that we have higher taxes because our special districts are paying for our own streets/sewer, parks, etc. with little to no contribution from the core city.
We've been invited to live in this city, make contributions to fix it up, pay for pioneer park, and then given a cold shoulder (in my opinion).
At least our dogs have a park of their own up north.
Chistol, it is comments like yours that embarrass our city and our citizens. YOU should look in the mirror. Understand that your nasty attitude hurts us every time you say this type of thing. Move if you don't like the oil that helps keep us afloat!!
On a more positive note (frankly tired of the Chistol and Keys type comments)Those who insist on always dragging us down, can be sucessful in keeping us there. Thanks.....
Gateway the twitter connect "putting life into perspective" is SO good!!
I have been reading in the news about the riff between Sheriff Doug Darr and his opponent Nicastle. I would like to ask all of you to support Doug Darr. He has been a great Sheriff in Adams County and truly does his job from his heart.
I know a lot of you might think this is a weird thing to say, BUT I think the gateway News knows too much. Like I said, I know it sounds weird, but they really do know too much about the city.
More then what a "normal" newspaper should know about city government.
I would like to know why the city is paying for the insurance on the city managers house. What would happen if something happens at that house? Who would be responsible for it, they city?
Or, is the city just giving Flannery cash to pay for the insurance and if so, why would we trust him to pay the insurance on it when he has not even paid for the house.
Also lets all remember, the city manager TOOK OUT the language that said that he would pay back the city after he sold his house in Arizona, why?
This whole thing in best summed up in Jim Benson's words "Shady"
I would like to see the city manager give the money back and I would like to see the 2, yes I said 2 deputy city managers voluntarily give up their Car Allowances.
The city really needs to move forward in a positive way. I know that some are upset. But the current city manager is doing a good job and yes, this city is miles and miles ahead then we were just 5 to 10 years ago.
I would ask that we all focus on the future and move forward as one positive united commerce city.
We have a good council in place and I think the communication will increase when the council is not so worried about the Gateway News calling them out all of the time.
I can appreciate the opinions, but it is a lot harder running the place, then sitting back and criticizing.
Hard to change any image when the council is fighting over things like which council member can bring a gun to council and who is bought by special interest.
I agree with you Pro City. That doesn't mean I agree with everything that the city/council does. It does mean we are miles ahead and have a good council. Today is just that today, we need they need to be able to go forward not back.
A few months ago, Adams 14 School District did a phone survey to see if property owners would support another School Bond issue and property owners replied with a loud, No! Now, Adams 14 SD wants to increase our Mill Levy to .50 per $1,000 dollars of home value using an example of a home valued at $150,000 and a $100 dollar increase per year. Using my home as an example, we currently pay $684.74 in School taxes per year. A .50 increase in our taxes would bring our School tax up to $955.00 per year or an increase of about $270.26 in 2010-2011. Again, using our house as an example, each month our house payment consists of Interest on our mortgage, Insurance, property and School taxes. Nothing is applied to our house principal and our house lost $27,000 in value in 2008-2009. Each summer, my husband plants a garden that costs about $100 each month to water and we have several fruit trees. If, we have to pay higher taxes, we will not be able to water our garden or fruit trees and it will lower our quality of life with no fresh vegetables or fruit.
The budget for Adams 14 SD is about $62,000,000 a year. The City budget is about $41,000,000 per year which clearly shows the difference in income in tax revenues that this city receives. Only about 5% of CC tax comes from Property Tax which includes both North and South home owners. Which shows the small amount of money available through property tax. One of the largest amounts of tax received by the city is called a Use Tax. (C3 Comprehensive Plan.) Instead of once again putting the burden of a higher Mill Levy on property owners, let's start by trimming the unnecessary costs at the top of the Adams 14 SD and "apply that uniformly to all administrative positions within the district." (April, Letter.) The largest percentage of parents of Adams 14 children are not property owners and they do not pay directly to a school tax fund. They are between 25 and 49 years old and they rent and pay a Use Tax. Now, one can say that they pay a school tax by their rent to a property owner, but, it is only a small percentage compared to a home owner. If, a home owner can not pay school taxes they will lose their homes. Many of the home owners in CC are older and already have their homes paid off, so, this becomes a quality of life issue for them as they are older or retired and higher taxes of any kind become a hardship. Like us, they will have to sacrifice something in their lifestyle to pay additional taxes. "Commerce City has the second lowest median household of municipalities in the county except for Federal Heights which is the lowest." In 2007, "Households have relatively low incomes at $41,087.00." (Socioeconomic & Housing Profile, p. 5 and 7.)
Hence, instead of raising School Taxes on property owners let's cut Administrative salaries and expenses by $50 on every $1,000 dollars earned. That would give the School District the money it needs. If, we cut all overnight conference travel, food and gas expense for Administration, unnecessary legal and lobby expense, School Board expense, new furniture and equipment expense by $50 for every $1,000 spent it should add millions to educational costs. In closing, I would like to know what percentage of every tax dollar is actually spent on direct education to our students?
PRO City says!!!::: "I think the communication will increase when the council is not so worried about the Gateway News calling them out all of the time."
You have to be kidding me!
Gateway News... Please continue asking questions and getting truth out there!
Not everything in life is happy rainbows, the picture of the Dustin's rainbow in reunion was just a picture, not the hard dirty reality on the city called Commerce City.
I understand that the city staff of Commerce City is going to propose to not put a full access in the Parkway strip mall. I would ask the Commerce City Council to re consider as I think it would be very benefical to all in the city.
Anyone with inside knowledge of the rebuilding plan? Given the fact that derby and the surrounding area is a majority non English speaking Mexican enclave. Will the rebuild look to attract English speaking American citizens and business to those areas?
Derby face lift is just bricks and pretty plants, I don't think it will have anything to do with bring a certain type of Business. The Derby area is still in Commerce City, which has a long time ago established itself as a Hispanic area.
Whoever put the post on the blog about the city being way ahead of were it was five to ten years ago, please explain yourself. At least when Perry VanDeventer was the city manager we got housing development and the first retail in the north, the soccer stadium, the 104th avenue widening project, lights on highway 2, the parkway plaza. Since the new city manager has come on board, nothing has happened, except all the money he took. So how are we better off??? It is like the children's book, The Emperor Has New Clothes, we don't have anything, so admit it already.
Hey Gateway, don't give up on your Deal Breaker story. There are a lot of angry taxpayers here in the north. We all want our money back and they won't listen to us. We email our council members and askc3 and we get NO answers and we all know that if we go to city council they don't listen and they don't response. You are the only hope we have. Keep printing it and keep it on the web until they give the money back to us please.
Cinco De Mayo at the dog track. GREAT IDEA!!! Remember the club across the street from the dog track, the Mile High Event Center that was in court with the city. That was so much fun. Sorry folks, this is not a good idea. Too bad we can't keep city staff long enough so they remember the past history and won't keep making the same mistakes over and over.
gave money to city manager for 20% to 30% decrease in house value in Arizona that never happened. He bought for 216, appraised at 300, sold it at 305. These are the facts and I want the money back.
As the wise words of Council Member Rene Bullock said "WE ARE NOT GOING AWAY"
Since business looks at a city to see if it is stable. I would imagine that all of this trash talk about the city manager and council has not helped us "court" new business. Just a guess.
The Commerce City State the City Address by Mayor Paul Natale should be on May 18th, early in the morning around 7 or 7:30
I do not know the dates of the outreaches, they should be in the summer time. (I agree with the hamburger issue), this was also brought up by past Commerce City council member Orval Lewis.
I am still waiting for answer about the Hanson Group being a vendor of the city.
I too am concerned that all of this bashing of the city staff is hurting the new businesses thinking of coming to the city. Isn't it time to help promote the city rather than tear it down? The mistake about the contract may not end up being as big as the mistake people are make hashing it over and over!!
In order to do spring cleaning and get your house in order, the first thing you need to do is get rid of the trash. Sorry folks but sweeping things under the carpet is NEVER a good idea. Whats wrong is wrong and it needs to be brought to light so it can be dealt with and corrected. A city that can admit its mistakes, take action and correct them is a city where business and residents will flock to. Commerce City always seems to ignore problems til someone else makes them face them and then they have no choice but to fix them. Wake up at city hall and start doing the right things, theres an idea for you.
CONGRATULATIONS TO DUSTIE OF THE GATEWAY NEWS. So glad to see you back producing videos. The Every Fifteen Minutes is profound, and will ultimately save unknown numbers of lives, young and old. Thank you for what you do for our community. We all still have you and Yukiko in our prayers.
CONGRATULATIONS TO DUSTIE OF THE GATEWAY NEWS. So glad to see you back producing videos. The Every Fifteen Minutes is profound, and will ultimately save unknown numbers of lives, young and old. Thank you for what you do for our community. We all still have you and Yukiko in our prayers.
Paul Floth, Reunion Resident, Brighton Sales Tax Payer
I would like to see more crime reports in the boundaries of Commerce City. I see the Adams County Sheriff is really good keeping the public informed. I would like to see the same effort from the CCCPD.
I saw a full page ad in the Denver Post today for the walk for autism. There in great big letters that it was to be in Commerce City. Thank you Autism speaks for giving our city the recognition of your meeting there.
TBCC have you received any answers to any of your questions that you have presented to the mayor or city council? Please do not stop asking and please do not give up. We have to take our city back from the idiots that are running it now. We must elect good mature responsible people to office in November 2011 and fire the current city manager and staff. We need to move our city forward. This is not about positive or negative, it is about cold hard reality.
Yes that is right anonymous. Fire everyone!! Maybe we can returen to the days of pay offs, water taps for friends. Tickets fixed for friends. Elected officals getting booze and family meals on the city's credit card!! Yes anonymous.... lets negate all of the good that we have gained. Maybe you should run for office since you know SO much!
YESTERDAY ANONYMOUS SAID TO ANONYMOUS "Yes that is right anonymous. Fire everyone!! Maybe we can returen to the days of pay offs, water taps for friends. Tickets fixed for friends. Elected officals getting booze and family meals on the city's credit card!! Yes anonymous.... lets negate all of the good that we have gained. Maybe you should run for office since you know SO much!" I WOULD LIKE TO SAY, MUCH CHEAPER TO BUY BOOZE, FAMILY MEALS, TICKETS, AND WATER TAPS THAN A HALF MILLION DOLLAR HOUSE AND $72,000 SEEMS LIKE THE BIGGEST PAYOFF IN THE CITY'S HISTORY. PEOPLE WHO WRITE ON THIS BLOG SHOULD THINK BEFORE THEY WRITE, YOU COME OFF STUPID. AND I THINK I WILL RUN FOR OFFICE AND PRAY EVERYDAY THAT I DONT BECOME AN ELITIST SNOB WHO FORGOT THAT THE CITIZENS OF COMMERCE CITY ARE REAL PEOPLE WHO DONT LIVE IN HUGE HOUSES WITH TONS OF MONEY AND DONT WORK.
can just one blog writer tell me just a few things good that have happened in our city since Perry VanDeventer left that happened because of anyone on city council or in the city administration? i used to read the beacon every week and i never saw anything and now i dont see anything on this website either. this is a question for the city staff and city council and mayor. i see no progress, a lot of talk about "positive" but all i see is money flowing out the doors of city hall to line staffs pockets and no results anywhere.
1 – 200 of 259 Newer› Newest»I didn’t get a response when I submitted this ? via the ask Commerce City web site so maybe someone here knows.
If the city had $400k lying around, why didn’t they develop the “future park site” just east of Fronterra village in the north? It would also be a perfect location for a library and rec center. It’s almost summer time, our kids still can’t walk or ride their bikes to the rec center or skate parks in the south. This may also influence more people who may waver in their decision to buy here. People are not buying into “live, work and play in the midst of industrial smog and tractor trailer traffic”.
C_City voter
I would like to know what else voter would like to see done with that money!
For me, I would have liked to seen channel 8 used in a proper way!
Rec Center in North would be my close second, what do you all think?
I am a little disappointed that I didn't get my Commerce City News yet.
I thought it was supposed to be printed in the fourth Friday of every month?
I like the photos you have on the main page.
I got my Commerce City News in the mail, but it was late.
I say take the 400K and give it to the quality community for a lifetime grant program.
Damn Gateway,
You should be getting those "consultant fees" from the city.
Whatever you do, the city does.
stream, census participation.
I just saying you should cash in!
so i think walmart should be coming soon.
not to be too over excited, but i think you all should be hearing some news, good news soon!
watch for really good news around the day of April 6th or 7th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so back to the calendar of certain city employees. I think at least the city council should know what the many city managers are doing.
I am just saying...
for the $400,000,
I would like to see more city festivals.
Think for a second, maybe a farmers type market, theme festival in the Northern Range.
for the $400000
I would like to see more city sponsored festivals in the Northern Range.
Maybe a farmers type market with some kind of a theme. It would maybe even get the big media out here, which in return will get business interested in the area of the North.
Story about Adams D#14
Library has its own district and is funded and run by it.
A vote was taken a few years ago to raise mill levy, that part of would have built a library in the was voted down.
I see that the Gateway News is promoting the mile high music festival.
Maybe a good idea since it was such a flop last year.
400K should have gone to the boys and girls club effort
I like the idea of the themed festivals. I just don't know how commerce city would be involved.
FYI, my commerce city news was very late this time around.
Didn't really learn much from it. Census stuff. But, I feel federal tax dollars should be taking care of promoting it, not local city dollars.
Anyone else agree with me?
Why did the city of Commerce City stop the Easter Egg Festivals?
Sans, if are refering to the mention of the census in the city flyer, whats the big deal?
It helps bring money to the schools and helps us in future retail with our numbers??
You don't get it?
do you know if the mile high music festival is in Commerce City this year?
As far as I know, yes the 2010 Mile High Music Festival will be in Commerce City at the Dicks Sporting Goods Park.
Not a bad question, I have heard rumors of other places such as Jefferson County and Denver interested in being the host.
Dustin McIntyre, Gateway News
Mile High Music Festival ROCKS! It is one of the biggest things and positive that Commerce City has going for themselves.
Zach, Brighton
Happy Easter Commerce City!
are we going thru a census? Thats weird I never heard anything about it.
MILE HIGH MUSIC FESTIVAL!!!!!!!!!! Thank God, SOMETHING Positive to talk about!!!!!!!
maybe Dave Mathews Band and Jack Johnson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you even from Commerce City?
your too negative, move to Brighton.
I heard rumors too, I think Jefferson cty. would really like the festival. They have the hotels and restaurants to support it.
Sans should run for mayor in 2012! Since he thinks he knows so much!
You do not need to worry about the Mile High Music Festival. Our own ED director is the daughter of the promoter/sponser. As long as she is here, the festival is here! Although one could say it is a potential conflict of interest (helping out the city or helping out the family?)
Yes, But if they move it to another city, they might get a bigger crowd, let say a city like the "Mile High City" aka DENVER!
Doesn't matter who is who. Commerce City had it before the ED director was here, so your conclusion that we only will get it because of who is a city employee is invalid.
has anyone else heard that we are going to have a thing called a census this year?
Never knew until now!
I read it is the great city publication that was mailed to my house, late of course.
any news on walmart?
and what is going on with PD station in the north with the fire station?
Give us the 411!
Watch for possible news about Walmart on 104th around April 6th
It is being spread all over the internet that if citizens come to complain at city council, all they can do is just voice their opinion, but council can not respond back. This is some kind of a new format.
The issue then gets pushed off to the city manager.
If this is true, why would anyone go to council? Why not just email the city council?
Come ON Commerce City.
Brighton is always 6 to 7 percent ahead of us in the Census Participation.
Lets pull it together! We can beat Brighton!
Commerce City should be promoting the MHMF. It is the only positive thing they got.
Oh Wait, doesn't walmart come tomorrow!?!?!?!?!?
I saw the poster for the music festival. It reads: “Mile high music festival”, located just 8 miles from downtown Denver. No mention of Commerce City or are we now the mile high city? Even the news outlets report it as one of good things do while in Denver with plenty of parking at Denver’s North Field shopping center. Don’t we have plenty of parking at the shopping center where walmart is located so we can maybe capture some extra tax dollars potential shoppers? Is our reputation that bad where people don’t want to come here?
Frustrated that they’re (news outlets) quick to give us negative press and overlook us for the good things happening in our city.
C_City voter
All city council members were polled tonight as to if they received any campaign finance funding from David Foster. All were present except Paul Natale. Everyone of them said no. They were polled in response to a request from Jim Benson as he felt they should recues themselves from voting on property whose owner is represented by David Foster.
Re: Census Participation Rate!
There you go C town, Closing in on Brighton, only down by 5%.
Lets push to the END!
"Gut Wrenching" PART 1 of 2
At the April 5th meeting of City Council on the Economic Development Plan several opinions were expressed. City Council member, Jason McEldowney called some things expressed by private citizens "Gut Wrenching" not necessarily in agreement with what was said but indeed they were upsetting things to hear.
The fact that U.S. Senator Michael Bennett on T.V. has said, "That the Whole Place is Broken" meaning our Congressional process. The fact is that Congress on both the State and Federal levels is "Broken." When, millions of people across this United States had lost their jobs, 401 Ks and Retirement Packages, Congress voted themselves a "Cost of Living" pay raise. When, hundreds of thousands of people had lost their Health Insurance coverage, Congress voted themselves the best Health Care coverage a Nation could provide. When, hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S. lost their retirement packages as businesses just took them away, for example, United Airlines and pilots had to take a cut in salaries just to hold their jobs, Congress voted to continue their generous retirement benefits. These benefits come out of the same Social Security funds that pay the public retirement and Congress wants to cut payments and benefits to the general public. Furthermore, various Congressional delegates are given millions of dollars from Special Interest groups towards their next election but still claim to vote according to public interests. Recently, I went to the Capitol to speak on behalf of SB33. I really had an eye-opener as the Committee Chair got up and left as people were testifying to get something to eat and take a bathroom break. Why not just call a recess for a few minutes? It is no fun testifying to an empty chair as I took an entire day to be there. As a City, we can not depend on something that is "Broken" to set a course for future development.
"Gut Wrenching" PART 2 of 2
At this time in our City development, I am concerned about the quality of jobs that will be made available to CC residents. I am not prejudice against any group of people, North or South. For example, when the Hotel Industry wants to hire people at below minimum wage jobs with no benefits that greatly disturbs me. After this meeting, I talked to someone in Administration that assured me that they have been discussing this specific issue for some time and that they have already set guidelines to help prevent these companies from coming in and taking advantage of poor workers that are willing to take any kind of job to support their families. However, there are some large corporations such as the Hotel Industry that have smaller corporations that do hire below minimum wage that they shelter that we need to be watch out for. My feeling is that we need to make all the tools available to employers to help in the process of hiring new personnel so that illegible CC residents can find employment close to home. There was a loud outburst in the audience when I suggested E-Verify to help employers hire qualified candidates saying that illegal immigrants need to be given these jobs on an equal basis with other CC residents and that we were not considering the entire community. My response would be that is just what needs to happen in that the entire community needs to have equal access to employment right here in CC.
There were some loud comments that illegal immigrants were not included in this entire Economic Development plan, when over a period of ten months, there were several open meetings held in all areas of this City for citizen comments and concerns and all these comments were included in this plan. Finally, there was a comment that as a City we have not done enough to give the Adams 14 School District students a better education or a Boys and Girls Club. Recently, a second Bond issue was presented over a phone survey and was put down due to the financial conditions residents currently find themselves in. (The City has lost about $30,000 or more per roof top in taxes due to a decrease in home values.) This School Bond would have doubled our current School taxes. If, Adams 14 residents would lose their jobs they could eventually lose their homes and then, they would not be able to pay these increased school taxes. One of the largest City taxes collected from our residents is a Use Tax, perhaps, these Adams !4 parents could pay a Use Tax, if, their children go to school and they do not pay a property and school tax?
Estelle Remington
Benson making big deal over campaign financing and voting. gateway, you should do a highlight clip
great pictures. do you have any in the core city?
I may not be like a lot of the citizens on here, but I am not going to just sit back and let everyone walk all over us, even if that means the staff that is currently in place. We have issues in this city and it is not a matter of being negative, it is a matter of bringing issues out into the light and being part of a solution.
I love your photography, you have a real special talent.
It's not easy getting the shots you do.
Benson is ridiculous, all he does is stir the pot every week.
So it looks like we finally have a plan on place for what our city will be in the future. the first ever.
A good start!
What a waste!
According to our highly paid consultant: Based on research and a comprehensive competitive analysis, Angelou identified five target industries to focus ED efforts:
1. Denver International Airport (DIA) Technology – includes time-sensitive manufacturing and distribution, third-party logistics firms, e-commerce fulfillment, office complexes that house air travel-intensive professions, and hotel and exhibition complexes.
2. Advanced Manufacturing - includes renewable energy, aerospace, fabricated metal product, and medical device manufacturing.
3. Logistics and Distribution – includes freight forwarding, supply chain management and warehousing.
4. Business and Professional Services – includes regional offices, back office support services, and technical support facilities.
5. Retail/Hospitality/Leisure – includes dining, entertainment, sports and health-related retail.
This city is bounded by Denver, who is much better at ED then we will ever be! Despite the BS city council tells you about the "best Staff in the world" verbiage they are always spewing!
We have to sit here and just wait for China to come, or hopefully latch onto the scraps from Brighton. Commerce City got into the game way to late. Maybe it was because we were dealing with a Drinking and Driving City Manager, Maybe it was because we never had a staff in place to actually do anything. But, we are told that things are better now and we are going to be taking off any day now. Well I will believe it when I see it. Until then, don't hold your breath folks
Just because I have a coffee mug that says "BEST DAD IN THE WORLD" does not really mean I am.
So when the Mayor and Commerce City Council tell you that the city staff is great and deserve everything the city can throw at them, ask them this:
City staff is great? SHOW ME PROOF!
Comp Plan and ED Plan?
your reunion picture make me feel happier, hipper, happening!
I see a lot of citizens that think they have all the answers, yet I see no one actually acting!
You all have the answers and solutions, but just still in your houses and complain!
If you had any sincere good intentions for Commerce City, you would get involved in the city by getting on boards and running for office.
The city and its staff is doing the best they can and we are light years ahead then we were just 10 years ago!
We need to be a city, one city, not a bunch of opinions that split this city up.
do you know if the mayor is going to do a 'state of the city' for 2010?
do you know what is going on with walmart in the norther range?
*I was told permits possibly being pulled around the first week in April
minute 52:00 of Commerce City Council Meeting:
Don't know who the hell this guy is, but he has a great grasp of what the city is!
Hits it RIGHT on the head!
Benson says council is going against the CAC (citizen Advisory Committee)? He says council "kicked them in the Head! NICE!
Benson brings up the 250 acres that is represented by lawyer named David Foster. That name will come up again. Stay Tuned
Screw CAC, they didn't give Council Members Money for their campaigns!
You guys better keep up!
Commerce City Council Meeting April 5th, 1:44: Benson Asks Council if they are able to vote without biased because of campaign contributions from David Foster? What is UP WITH THAT?
who is this David Foster?
Council Members Jim Benson and Jadie Carson bring up a motion to reconsider the Comp plan to go back to the way the CAC had it, not the way that some lawyer wants it for its client (250 acres owned by someone who does not live in the city). It fails...
Good to know the city is still acting the way it always has.
Commerce City over 100 building permits thus so far this year, only 60 were slated for the entire year, see things ain't so bad.
Also, Walmart is on track, getting water and everything ready to build.
love the photogrpahy
hey gateway,
can you do a story on the mystery 250 acres that almost stopped the entire comp plan!
Geez. This comp plan situtation is pretty dumb as I see it.
Dustie do you know or can you find out:
1) Out of how many total acres of planning, was the 250 acres?
2) What % of this comp plan was NOT accepted as presented?
3) Is it unusual for part of a planof this size to NOT be accepted?
Seems like a lot of "Hurt" feelings by the citizen group, that their ENTIRE plan was not taken as they suggested!
It is nice be involved as a citizen but come on. This is no longer the same small town where a few people made all of the decisions that will have an affect on all. We have to start thinking as a growing city and make smarter choices. It’s about the people not the individual. Why be upset that a major land owner wants to protect their investment.
The following may explain why we have the "caliber" of talent up on the Commerce City Stage
$933.75 per month – Mayor
$817.05 per month – Council
$5,000 life insurance policy
$5 annual recreation center fee
*Raise the pay raises the talent.
hell, I say go to a strong mayor format!
Who needs, a bunch of execs, sitting in meetings all day, talking about how to plan to plan.
hey! xaiver!
raise the rate, raise the talent?
what industry are you talking about? banking? gov.?
if we learned anything with this recession, it is that raise the rate, lose your money.
to all of the negative commentators about the comp plan. the city needs to go thru this process. we have too. it is the first step. we have to do this and we do need to plan. don't be so hard on the council and staff, they are trying the best they can to move this city forward.
i am going to go out on a limb and guess a lot of you are new to the city and if this is so, an fyi - we are light years from where we were just 5 years ago.
By What Right?
By what Constitutional Right does illegal immigration have for equal access to an American Lifestyle? Is it the Bill of Rights? The 1st or 5th Amendments? Which Constitutional Amendment do they claim?
For over ten years, illegal immigration has laid claim to equal access to American jobs, education, health care and Due Process as if they had the full privilege of Citizenship. With each new President, they claim that Amnesty is coming for them and that they have the same rights as American Citizens have. They arrived in this country under cover of darkness but soon laid claim for up to half of everything Americans owned. America gave these poor people everything we owned including our employment, our health care, our education and in Colorado immigration housing.
Now, they have become so politically secure in their place of comfort in America that they yell and wave their arms in our City Council and demand more of a voice in the Due Process of how this city is being built out for the future than the average citizen has. Why, do we owe them new schools when we can not afford to pay double school taxes ourselves at this time? Why, do we owe them a new Boys and Girls Club when we can not give all of Commerce City a Boys and Girls Club? Why, do they demand a voice in our Political process when they are not eligible to vote themselves? By what Constitutional right do they yell and wave their arms to make these demands of their city of comfort? Is it under Freedom of Speech? Then, let them speak in Order and make no demands of a City that has provided them with an American lifestyle that for ten years they have had no real legal rights too. Estelle Remington
I Love you Estelle Remington! That's a huge reason our city has such a poor image and the city won't address it. I hope the mayor and council members will start listening to the voters.
C_City Voter
I think Estelle is saying that Commerce City may have some illegal Immigrants living within our city limits?
Does anyone else know about this issue?
gateway news,
Fit all the pieces into the newly adopted 2010 Commerce City Comprehensive Plan.
Proposition 101: This is a grab bag of tax cuts and revenue reductions that somehow made it through the single-subject requirement for ballot proposals. In broad strokes, it would eliminate the FASTER plan for transportation funding, in part by cutting vehicle registration fees to $2 for new vehicles and $1 for older vehicles. It would immediately reduce the state's income tax from the current rate of 4.63 percent to 4.5 percent, and over time cut it to 3.5 percent. And it would eliminate all taxes and fees on telephone and satellite and Internet services, except for 911 fees. A conservative estimate says that this initiative will cost the state more than $1.5 billion a year (current value).
Pro City is right. People should have a right to continue in the direction the city previously okayed.
I bet 250 acres is a very small percentage of the overall plan, yet people are making it out as if it's a big portion.
If that is all of the plan that council did not follow, then I think they should be pleased.
People always want to make something out of nothing, they love conflict and
LOOK HERE forgot to mention which Council people have that same law firm lawyer to be their personal attorney.
There is more here for those that LOOK!
This a reply to anonymous that loves Estelle Remington!! So I guess your biget like she is. To comment on the people that live here so negetive is what you think of your selves. For a bit of information, Commerce City has always had a bad name from way back at least sixty yrs. With people like you speaking so poorly about our chilren and our citizens this is exactly why metro Denver has the same negativeimage of us. Even if you live up north, we all have same poor image that you put upon this community. This country started with nothing but immagrants
the only true people are the indians, everyone else is an out sider. If it true as Estelle says they take our jobs why don't you all go work the fields and clean the bathrooms, Oh I forgot that is just much to hard .
Whoever said that people who have opinions shoud be on the cities boards and commissions, well maybe some of us would if we would be told how to apply???? The city of Commerce City publishes their notices in the Commerce City Sentinel Express. Anybody know where to get that newspaper? Maybe thats why none of us get involved. We don't know how to and it seems like the same dozen or so people keep getting appointed every year to more than one board or commisions. Gee city maybe ask the rest of us, but you probably don't want to because we might apply, then what would you do if you got a bunch of college educated taxpayers involved.
gateway news,
you have an amazing thing going on here.
Commerce City,
we need to change our image within the city limits, before we can improve our image outside the city limits.
I am not saying that we don't have problems.
We need to pull together as a community.
Lets really try to beat Brighton at the census participation rate. They are only 5% ahead of us. I understand that we are already at our percentage rate of 2000.
So one big push at the end.
the last day to mail back your census is this FRIDAY!
Please MAIL it BACK
We can't move forward until you mail it back!
because the Commerce City Sentinel Express is a legal newspaper.
city publishes its legal notices in Commerce City Sentinel Express?
so let me get this straight.
legal, but not getting to the people?
I thought new council wanted to "improve communication with the people"
number "3" on their list of priorities.
Why not publish in all local papers?
city cant pay anymore for publishing anything anywhere, it is gambling in the housing markets.
not fair to pay one newspaper that no one gets to publish notices and not the one that people can actual get, at least city should pay gateway to publish notices on their website.
I know that the info about boards and commision openings have, at least in the past been in the Gateway, City Lights ie: (city's "paper")on the city web site, as well as in the Sentinal.
People don't take the time to "investage", seek out info or even "read".
Something positive that is going on. The taste of our water has improved so much over the past few years. I wanted to say thanks to the water district for listening to its customers.
I don’t take blogs personally but I wanted to respond to the person labeling me a “biget”
I’ve been to many countries and in every one of them: Those who want to immigrate to the US are taking courses to learn both the language and culture. They apply to come through legal channels and eventually get here. This is how a lot us got here and even today have family in those classes trying come. That is a process that causes no problem or burden to the people of any nation. Now I read these incongruous statements declaring a person a bigot because they don’t support people illegally sneaking into another country. It’s a matter of equity.
C_City Voter
No offense Casper, but I never get any papers,nor do my neighbors, from anyone. I do check this web site for info. Find most things here.
so city just prints in commerce city Sentinel because they are required too? not because they really what the information to get to the citizens?
I have a real problem with that.
I live in south lawn, and I did get my printed version of Gateway, I have NEVER gotten a Commerce City Sentinel
city streaming meetings is really a good step in the right direction.
Internet is how the world in getting its information.
I love it. Good Job Commerce City
C_City Voter,
Nicely written, I am 100% in agreement with you.
I bet you money that we see Jim Benson run for mayor!
you know, I have been reading this blog since almost the beginning and it never surprises me. Until, now.
I do not understand why the council is acting the way they are now. I feel like McEldowney has a big ego because he was voted in my citizens and not just appointed.
I do not understand how Rene Bullock in just sitting there doing nothing while all of this is crashing around them. Are you going to really say that the council has no way of dealing with issues including the city manager and top heavy city staff?
It is like a twilight zone episode.
By the way, Dustin, I really appreciate all that you have done for the city. You are the one who is responsible for the streaming council meeting.
Also, council was suppose to get a comparison of fees and permits from other cities to see where we stand. I have not heard anything about this in months. Maybe the city staff is just too busy.
Lastly, I would like to make one request, and since I know this place is really the hottest place in town I will leave it here.
I am requesting, that since the city seems to have money (city manager's deal) we have FULL Hamburgers this years at the outreaches, and NOT just hot dogs.
compare this to commerce city:
Same service (, why are we so amateurish? I thought we gad Best Staff in the entire universe.
The Perfect C
Commerce City wraps around the Rocky Mountain Arsenal like a perfect C with a long neck, Hwy 2, connecting the North and South parts of the City. Like all cities, we share the same economic problems that most of the Nation shares. How do we make the tax dollars received meet everyone's needs? And, the truth is in this economic crisis, no city can. We all have to share and take turns in our times of need.
Over these past few years, the City has built a state-of-art Pioneer Park which is one of the largest in Colorado at the cost of millions of dollars to this city. Also, we have helped with the Derby Redevelopment Area and built a town meeting center with several services to the community. We have widened Quebec Ave, built a new Civic Center, a new medical center, Dick's Sporting Goods Park and passed an Adams 14 Bond issue for one of the largest High Schools in Colorado, plus, put in a silent train gate for the Southern residents. (I probably missed a few things, but, these are the ones I can remember.)
On the other side of our C, the Northern Range has about 9,000 roof tops built with about 4,000 Reunion roof tops which is a self-contained community and these home buyers pay twice the amount of property taxes and Builder Fees for parks and recreation. However, about 5,000 roof tops or about 15,500 people live in the subdivisions around Reunion. These residents have limited access to parks and recreation and the Northern Range has been waiting for the past 5 years for their turn for these amenities. We desperately need a silent train gate at 96th Ave. In one year, 16,425 trains with loud whistles run past 96th Ave. In the ten years that we live here, we have had 164,250 trains go past our homes. Furthermore, these trains usually shut down 96th Ave. for 15 to 20 minutes each day while they change tracks or allow another train to get on the other track blocking traffic so we need street widening for Hwy 2 and 96th Ave.
The Core City asked and received many amenities over these past few years and continues to ask support for a Boys and Girls Club which will cost millions to build and millions to upkeep the program. This could cost the equivalent of the cost of new amenities for CC for each year of operation. It is time to look to the Northern residents and give them a better lifestyle.
I heard that the City is working on an annexation agreement with mile high flea market. Has anyone seen this? Can Mr. Flannery negotiate as good a deal for the City as he does for himself?
Amen Estelle!!!
Also remember that we have higher taxes because our special districts are paying for our own streets/sewer, parks, etc. with little to no contribution from the core city.
We've been invited to live in this city, make contributions to fix it up, pay for pioneer park, and then given a cold shoulder (in my opinion).
At least our dogs have a park of their own up north.
Mile High Flea Market part of Commerce City?
Does that mean they will have to change their name from 'Denver' Mile High to Commerce City Oil city Market Place
heard the flea market will get some kind of a flat fee deal instead of the normal %, I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing?
Anyway you look at it, I am glad the city didn't force them in and it was a more of a mutual agreement.
talking about Parks! Money given to City manager Flannery should have been put towards a northern range city park
Chistol, it is comments like yours that embarrass our city and our citizens.
YOU should look in the mirror. Understand that your nasty attitude hurts us every time you say this type of thing.
Move if you don't like the oil that helps keep us afloat!!
On a more positive note (frankly tired of the Chistol and Keys type comments)Those who insist on always dragging us down, can be sucessful in keeping us there. Thanks.....
Gateway the twitter connect "putting life into perspective" is SO good!!
Derby is getting make over. a good thing to twitter and report on!
just heard walmart got a bunch on water and will be making moves soon!
great news!
I have been reading in the news about the riff between Sheriff Doug Darr and his opponent Nicastle. I would like to ask all of you to support Doug Darr. He has been a great Sheriff in Adams County and truly does his job from his heart.
gateway news,
you guys ever get a answer on the deal breaker questions?
I live in Commerce City, Not Disney Land! Sorry things here aren't as nice as I would like them!
All of you guys who bash Suncor should realize that we are only running in the positive is because of Suncor. That is Money PEOPLE!
I heard there is a big event at the dog track sometime around Cinco De Mayo?
Anyone know anything about this?
why would com??merce city celebrate cinsco de may?
love the article!
Kathy, well written and well thought out!
great article. I would love to see you guys in a room with the city manager asking questions.
I know a lot of you might think this is a weird thing to say, BUT I think the gateway News knows too much. Like I said, I know it sounds weird, but they really do know too much about the city.
More then what a "normal" newspaper should know about city government.
I am praying for you everyday.
I am sorry you are so sad
God still loves you
The Gateway bashing is getting OLD!
Many have heard that you got angry because they no longer publish with you.
Nuf said!!
I happen to agree that the Gateway News knows way too much. That is maybe why this blog is so active.
I would like to know why the city is paying for the insurance on the city managers house. What would happen if something happens at that house? Who would be responsible for it, they city?
Or, is the city just giving Flannery cash to pay for the insurance and if so, why would we trust him to pay the insurance on it when he has not even paid for the house.
Also lets all remember, the city manager TOOK OUT the language that said that he would pay back the city after he sold his house in Arizona, why?
This whole thing in best summed up in Jim Benson's words "Shady"
Gateway News is upset? What about the Commerce City Sentinel? They have done 2 stories on City Manager house.
yeah! screw the gateway, who the hell do you think you are give the public information! what do you think this is!
gateway news is upset? what about the people who are upset with the deal breaker story?
I guess we are just one big upset community.
there! goal on "one community" accomplished...
is the Paul comment from the mayor?
when is the Commerce City (State of the City)?
When is the Outreaches or are they going to have Outreaches?
Are they going to only give hotdogs, like last year? personal note - I would like to see hamburgers
Did the Hanson Group do any work for Commerce City in the past?
Sad and Glad:
I am a little Sad that Brighton has beaten us in the Census Participation Rate, but it was only by 3%
But I am glad that the city as a whole has gone up by 5% of Census Participation since the year 2000.
Thank you Gateway News for getting the word out.
God loves you?
what about the money!?
I would like to see the city manager give the money back and I would like to see the 2, yes I said 2 deputy city managers voluntarily give up their Car Allowances.
And... well that is enough for now.
thank you
KATHY MAC! great piece on Commerce City!
Tom Bradley, n. range, commerce city
The city really needs to move forward in a positive way. I know that some are upset. But the current city manager is doing a good job and yes, this city is miles and miles ahead then we were just 5 to 10 years ago.
I would ask that we all focus on the future and move forward as one positive united commerce city.
We have a good council in place and I think the communication will increase when the council is not so worried about the Gateway News calling them out all of the time.
I can appreciate the opinions, but it is a lot harder running the place, then sitting back and criticizing.
Derby getting a make over! is there anything those new brick streets can do about getting some Engish speaking business?
City needs to change the negative image from the inside first!
Hard to change any image when the council is fighting over things like which council member can bring a gun to council and who is bought by special interest.
I agree with you Pro City.
That doesn't mean I agree with everything that the city/council does.
It does mean we are miles ahead and have a good council.
Today is just that today, we need they need to be able to go forward not back.
Mill Levy Override
A few months ago, Adams 14 School District did a phone survey to see if property owners would support another School Bond issue and property owners replied with a loud, No! Now, Adams 14 SD wants to increase our Mill Levy to .50 per $1,000 dollars of home value using an example of a home valued at $150,000 and a $100 dollar increase per year. Using my home as an example, we currently pay $684.74 in School taxes per year. A .50 increase in our taxes would bring our School tax up to $955.00 per year or an increase of about $270.26 in 2010-2011. Again, using our house as an example, each month our house payment consists of Interest on our mortgage, Insurance, property and School taxes. Nothing is applied to our house principal and our house lost $27,000 in value in 2008-2009. Each summer, my husband plants a garden that costs about $100 each month to water and we have several fruit trees. If, we have to pay higher taxes, we will not be able to water our garden or fruit trees and it will lower our quality of life with no fresh vegetables or fruit.
The budget for Adams 14 SD is about $62,000,000 a year. The City budget is about $41,000,000 per year which clearly shows the difference in income in tax revenues that this city receives. Only about 5% of CC tax comes from Property Tax which includes both North and South home owners. Which shows the small amount of money available through property tax. One of the largest amounts of tax received by the city is called a Use Tax. (C3 Comprehensive Plan.) Instead of once again putting the burden of a higher Mill Levy on property owners, let's start by trimming the unnecessary costs at the top of the Adams 14 SD and "apply that uniformly to all administrative positions within the district." (April, Letter.) The largest percentage of parents of Adams 14 children are not property owners and they do not pay directly to a school tax fund. They are between 25 and 49 years old and they rent and pay a Use Tax. Now, one can say that they pay a school tax by their rent to a property owner, but, it is only a small percentage compared to a home owner. If, a home owner can not pay school taxes they will lose their homes. Many of the home owners in CC are older and already have their homes paid off, so, this becomes a quality of life issue for them as they are older or retired and higher taxes of any kind become a hardship. Like us, they will have to sacrifice something in their lifestyle to pay additional taxes. "Commerce City has the second lowest median household of municipalities in the county except for Federal Heights which is the lowest." In 2007, "Households have relatively low incomes at $41,087.00." (Socioeconomic & Housing Profile, p. 5 and 7.)
Hence, instead of raising School Taxes on property owners let's cut Administrative salaries and expenses by $50 on every $1,000 dollars earned. That would give the School District the money it needs. If, we cut all overnight conference travel, food and gas expense for Administration, unnecessary legal and lobby expense, School Board expense, new furniture and equipment expense by $50 for every $1,000 spent it should add millions to educational costs. In closing, I would like to know what percentage of every tax dollar is actually spent on direct education to our students?
PRO City says!!!::: "I think the communication will increase when the council is not so worried about the Gateway News calling them out all of the time."
You have to be kidding me!
Gateway News... Please continue asking questions and getting truth out there!
I completely disagree with the PRO CITY comments.
Not everything in life is happy rainbows, the picture of the Dustin's rainbow in reunion was just a picture, not the hard dirty reality on the city called Commerce City.
I understand that the city staff of Commerce City is going to propose to not put a full access in the Parkway strip mall. I would ask the Commerce City Council to re consider as I think it would be very benefical to all in the city.
gateway news,
I think there is a big event planned for the dog track. Do you know anything about this?
It was talked about at the council meeting a week or so back.
It is a cinco de mayo celebration.
Anyone with inside knowledge of the rebuilding plan? Given the fact that derby and the surrounding area is a majority non English speaking Mexican enclave. Will the rebuild look to attract English speaking American citizens and business to those areas?
Derby face lift is just bricks and pretty plants, I don't think it will have anything to do with bring a certain type of Business. The Derby area is still in Commerce City, which has a long time ago established itself as a Hispanic area.
Boy, you think people were complaining about the Rancho Liborio noise, wait until the event at the Mile High Dog Track!
Kathy, God may Love you! but the citizens love you more!
Lots of hard work and we see that!
Thank You and keep up the good work!
first time here, good stuff Gateway News
Whoever put the post on the blog about the city being way ahead of were it was five to ten years ago, please explain yourself. At least when Perry VanDeventer was the city manager we got housing development and the first retail in the north, the soccer stadium, the 104th avenue widening project, lights on highway 2, the parkway plaza. Since the new city manager has come on board, nothing has happened, except all the money he took. So how are we better off??? It is like the children's book, The Emperor Has New Clothes, we don't have anything, so admit it already.
2 cities?
I think so, since everyone seems to feel obligated to leave what part of the city the are from in their name!
Hey Gateway, don't give up on your Deal Breaker story. There are a lot of angry taxpayers here in the north. We all want our money back and they won't listen to us. We email our council members and askc3 and we get NO answers and we all know that if we go to city council they don't listen and they don't response. You are the only hope we have. Keep printing it and keep it on the web until they give the money back to us please.
good times/taco place is out of business in the core, what happened?
Cinco De Mayo at the dog track. GREAT IDEA!!! Remember the club across the street from the dog track, the Mile High Event Center that was in court with the city. That was so much fun. Sorry folks, this is not a good idea. Too bad we can't keep city staff long enough so they remember the past history and won't keep making the same mistakes over and over.
gave money to city manager for 20% to 30% decrease in house value in Arizona that never happened. He bought for 216, appraised at 300, sold it at 305. These are the facts and I want the money back.
As the wise words of Council Member Rene Bullock said "WE ARE NOT GOING AWAY"
As of April 20th, Commerce City ONLY 1% behind Brighton in the "Race to the Best Census Participation Rate". Commerce City:73% Brighton:74%
great site gateway. a lot of info. for all of us info seekers.
good job!
Since business looks at a city to see if it is stable.
I would imagine that all of this trash talk about the city manager and council has not helped us "court" new business.
Just a guess.
I love the Doug Darr Photo.COOL
The Commerce City State the City Address by Mayor Paul Natale should be on May 18th, early in the morning around 7 or 7:30
I do not know the dates of the outreaches, they should be in the summer time. (I agree with the hamburger issue), this was also brought up by past Commerce City council member Orval Lewis.
I am still waiting for answer about the Hanson Group being a vendor of the city.
Dustin McIntyre, Gateway News.
Thanks for all the comments and questions
The comment about the negative remarks driving away business might be true.
I just read that 90% of people read blogs and only 5% leave constructive comments and 5% leave negative comments.
So, all of you should remember that others, including potential business can read your comments.
I am very interested in the thing on Friday. any idea why this is even happening now, right after the new ED plan was voted in?
I too am concerned that all of this bashing of the city staff is hurting the new businesses thinking of coming to the city.
Isn't it time to help promote the city rather than tear it down?
The mistake about the contract may not end up being as big as the mistake people are make hashing it over and over!!
In order to do spring cleaning and get your house in order, the first thing you need to do is get rid of the trash. Sorry folks but sweeping things under the carpet is NEVER a good idea. Whats wrong is wrong and it needs to be brought to light so it can be dealt with and corrected. A city that can admit its mistakes, take action and correct them is a city where business and residents will flock to. Commerce City always seems to ignore problems til someone else makes them face them and then they have no choice but to fix them. Wake up at city hall and start doing the right things, theres an idea for you.
CONGRATULATIONS TO DUSTIE OF THE GATEWAY NEWS. So glad to see you back producing videos. The Every Fifteen Minutes is profound, and will ultimately save unknown numbers of lives, young and old. Thank you for what you do for our community. We all still have you and Yukiko in our prayers.
CONGRATULATIONS TO DUSTIE OF THE GATEWAY NEWS. So glad to see you back producing videos. The Every Fifteen Minutes is profound, and will ultimately save unknown numbers of lives, young and old. Thank you for what you do for our community. We all still have you and Yukiko in our prayers.
I really like you videos
Thank you for responding dusty about the questions people ask you.
Great Video! I like how you mixed in the video and still photos in perfect sequence.
City should hire you as to create marketing pieces.
Keep up good work.
I see you are making videos again. I really like the memorial day one still as the best.
Good to see Gateway is back to making movies instead of bashing council.
I would like to see more crime reports in the boundaries of Commerce City. I see the Adams County Sheriff is really good keeping the public informed. I would like to see the same effort from the CCCPD.
Who told you that the state of the city was in may?
The State of the City is in May
I asked a council member during a 27J event.
Why, is it a secret?
I saw a full page ad in the Denver Post today for the walk for autism.
There in great big letters that it was to be in Commerce City.
Thank you Autism speaks for giving our city the recognition of your meeting there.
gateway news,
your video of the every15mins. is wonderful. I wish NO PARENT would ever have to go to a crash scene as the one in your video did.
Great stuff.
no, its not a secret, rumor is that the council was told not to talk to you guys.
i am just saying that is the word on the street.
Gate Way News,
Yes there will be a event at the Mile High Racing Park the weekend before the Cinco De Mayo celebration.
A good thing for Commerce City if you ask me.
I think you will see some certain individuals that will get upset at the Event at the Dog Track, but I agree this is a good thing for the city.
People need to be able to have fun in the city sometimes.
you got that right, people already complaining about cog track event and it has not even happened yet.
you all are jumping the gun a bit. They have to approved for a liquor license first.
I don't see why the event couldn't get sell beer, it will all be okay.
I know there are people who are upset at the whole Dog Track event, but you will always have that.
It will be okay people!
I am in support of the festival for cinco de mayo. I am for anything that will bring people happiness.
TBCC have you received any answers to any of your questions that you have presented to the mayor or city council? Please do not stop asking and please do not give up. We have to take our city back from the idiots that are running it now. We must elect good mature responsible people to office in November 2011 and fire the current city manager and staff. We need to move our city forward. This is not about positive or negative, it is about cold hard reality.
Yes that is right anonymous.
Fire everyone!!
Maybe we can returen to the days of pay offs, water taps for friends. Tickets fixed for friends.
Elected officals getting booze and family meals on the city's credit card!!
Yes anonymous.... lets negate all of the good that we have gained.
Maybe you should run for office since you know SO much!
hey tbcc,
why set yourselves up, just say something if you want.
I am also for the festival to go forward. Nothing wrong with people having fun, life is to short.
Shea Homes "SPACES" model homes will have grand opening tomorrow @ 10am. Look for the flags in the Reunion area.
Fire everyone!!
Maybe we can returen to the days of pay offs, water taps for friends. Tickets fixed for friends.
Elected officals getting booze and family meals on the city's credit card!!
Yes anonymous.... lets negate all of the good that we have gained.
can just one blog writer tell me just a few things good that have happened in our city since Perry VanDeventer left that happened because of anyone on city council or in the city administration? i used to read the beacon every week and i never saw anything and now i dont see anything on this website either. this is a question for the city staff and city council and mayor. i see no progress, a lot of talk about "positive" but all i see is money flowing out the doors of city hall to line staffs pockets and no results anywhere.
GATEWAY your story is on about the city manager, CONGRATUALTIONS!
Hippier, Happier, HUNGRIER, Homes!!!
hungrier! I GET IT! hilarious! but we are getting a walmart soon, i think. right? someday? anyone?
Reunion: Where Hungry Starts!
reunion: work. play. live.
no mention of eating?
YES the north needs nourishment to keep up the attack on the CITY!
you are all getting wal mart! what more do you want! be happy that you are at least getting that!
Shea took out the kitchens in the new spaces models.......
no need, no grocery stores.....
FUNNY! I love it, this blog cheers me up!
Commerce City Mayor Paul Natale will give state of the city address, 7:30 am May 18 @ Civic Center’s City Council chambers, 7887 E 60th Ave.
This video has got over 2,000 views!
What can we do to stop this?!
Can you upload your every fifteen minutes video to vimeo?
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