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So disappointed in the new information about Perlmutter and his wife with being a lobbyist with solyndra.
I am voting for JOE COORS!
Commerce City Council was ridiculous last night. I am beginning to think the Commerce City Staff is RIGHT about what they say about council behind close doors.
commerce city has not updated their agenda on their website for months.
how much are we paying for communication department?
From what I have seen of last Monday nights council meeting, there is one council member that needs to get control of thier spouse. Throwing a water bottle across the chambers and rushing the podium is getting a bit out of hand.
When the city is not getting anything accomplished, what would you expect them to put on their agenda?
Just read the letter about Commerce City. I guess it is the State of the City since we are not having one this year.
All I can say is that it is very interesting and full of nasty ugly things.
worse is that it is written by a staff member.
dont care if you vote for romney or obama. just PLEASE vote NO on 64!
What letter and where is it?
I hope the gala thing is not true. It has been around forever.
Gala Gardens just the next in a string of failed businesses in CC?
Chief ONE said...
On behalf of the dedicated members of the Commerce City Police Department, welcome.
I am extremely proud to be a member of this community and serve as the Interim Chief of Police. Commerce City is one of the finest places to live in the nation. That success is due to the outstanding efforts of the men and women of the Commerce City Police Department and the community’s dedication, cooperation in crime prevention and commitment to quality of life.
We will face unique challenges as all departments do. I am optimistic the men and women of the Commerce City Police Department will meet them with unity and tenacity, working side-by-side with our citizens to enhance the quality of life. As the Department moves ahead, I look forward to providing the best police service possible. I am confident this department will continue on a path of excellence as we address the needs of our community with professionalism and determination. As we develop programs, implement technology and take on new initiatives, know that our department regards the City’s residents as its highest priority.
I want to thank the police officers and the civilians who support them. Together we accomplish one of the most basic duties of the police department: keeping Commerce City safe. I recognize their compassion, dedication and desire to serve their community. Additionally, I would like to thank the City Manager and his staff, the Mayor and City Council and our extraordinarily supportive residents without whom we would not be able to provide effective and professional police service.
While there may be a change in leadership, I want to assure the community the direction of police dedication to our citizens has not changed. The men and women of the Commerce City Police Department are the best in the nation, and we will build on our traditions of professionalism, innovation and compassion.
Interim Chief Chuck Saunier
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Chief TWO said...
From Alexandria, VA Website:
Message from the Chief
Page updated Jan 15, 2010 3:28 PM
On behalf of the over 400 dedicated members of the Alexandria Police Department, I would like to welcome you to the Alexandria Police Department’s web site.
I am extremely proud that Alexandria continues to be one of the safest places to live in the nation. That success is due to the outstanding efforts of the men and women of the Alexandria Police Department and the community’s vigilance and cooperation in crime prevention.
While having faced many recent challenges, I am optimistic that the Department will meet them with unity and tenacity, working side-by-side to enhance the quality of life of our residents. As the Department moves ahead, I look forward to providing the best police service possible. I am optimistic that this Department will continue on the path of excellence as we continue to address the needs of our diverse community with professionalism and determination. As we develop programs, implement technology and take on new initiatives, know that our department regards the City’s residents as its highest priority.
I want to thank the police officers and the civilians who support them. Together they accomplish one of the most basic duties of the police department: keeping Alexandria safe. I recognize their compassion, dedication and desire to serve their community. Additionally, I would like to thank the City Manager and his staff, the Mayor and City Council, City Communications staff, City Department Heads, Sheriff Dana Lawhorne, Fire Chief Adam Thiel, Commonwealth's Attorney Randy Sengel and our extraordinarily supportive residents without whom we would not be able to provide effective and professional police service.
I look forward to leading the Department in this time of transition. I want to assure the community that this is a change in leadership, not direction. The men and women of the Alexandria Police Department are the best in the nation, and we will build on our traditions of professionalism, innovation and compassion.
Earl L. Cook
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Bold Prediction:
Our current prestigious chief will slither his way into the permanent position.
The 12K city paid to 'Look" was just a dog and pony show!
cc could/should hire someone completely outside for chief position. CCPD needs a fresh restart.
Should we congratulate CIG for the three awards they won for our city's "Communication Department"?
I asked CC to update the cc site for meeting agendas. got no response. can GN ask for us?
I will pass the message along.
For the current agendas for Commerce City...
Do not use: https://commercecity.civicweb.net/Documents/DocumentList.aspx
Instead go thru the main Commerce City Home page at: http://www.c3gov.com/
Commerce City is the honey boo boo of adams county. what a joke.
hey anonymous,
do you have a specific reason what you are calling cc the "honey boo boo" of adco?
I saw a video of the mayor candidates on youtube.
Anyone see AdCo Commish Candidate Charles Tedesco lying like a rug to a 7 News reporter about his DUI arrest record. Ha! What, he didn't think the reporter had done a little homework before asking the questions?
Nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey...gooooood byyyyye.
Go to: http://denver.cbslocal.com/2012/10/18/adams-county-commissioner-candidate-lies-misleads-in-interview/
Does anyone know what the honorable Mr. Mayor Sean Ford does?
Is he still Mayor?
This cat is a no show in my book.
Why do I picture him in his office eating cheetos and surfing the Internet?
Dude, pry yourself from your chair, get out and make a difference.
I have DUIs OH Thats right I forgot!
I guess that is one we can get for the GOP!
From the CBS report: "Charles Tedesco, a candidate for Adams County Commissioner, admits he lied about his criminal record and tried to mislead during an on-camera interview with CBS4 earlier this month.
“I don’t know why I did it,” Tedesco later said. “I was embarrassed.”"
People who Endorse Chaz
State and National Endorsements
Congressman Jared Polis CD2
Congressman Ed Perlmutter CD7
State Representative Joe Miklosi
State Representative Judy Solano
State Representative Cherylin Peniston
Stae Representative John Soper
Local Endorsements
Dominic Moreno, Mayor Pro Tem Commerce City, CO
Mike Cerbo, Former Colorado State Representative
Randy Cruz, Pastor, Cross Connections Church
Cynthia A. Martinez, Brighton City Council Member Ward 2
Polly Baca, Former State Senator
WOW I would be embarrassed too!
I am a dem but will vote for the republican!
What does the Mayor do for Commerce City? Lets see why don't you ask him? Next time you see him walk up and ask him about the meetings with the city of Denver over the airport, or the stock show moving to Commerce City. Why don't you ask the other city council members what they are doing? From the reports that they each give at the end of the city council meetings it sounds to me like there are a few that do nothing but show up for the monday night meeting and that is it. Why does JD Carson never show up to anything? What about McEldowney? What do these two members do for the city? From what I see the Mayor is the only member who is out trying to get things done for the city.
Commerce City police officers are out of control. They all need to be fired and investigated.
Is this just a puppet council. Staff will do everything is what I always here. Problem is that the staff is not doing anything.
CC needs a REAL Mayor and council!
whatever happened to the 2012 state of the city in Commerce City?!
I saw the Commerce City employee letter to media and council.
Is that the state of the city replacement.
It was very informative!
If the mayor is so busy and productive; where is the update to the city?
How long would it take to carve out a simple letter to the residents of his "progress".
What's he working on? More back room deals?
I've been to council meetings and he sits there like Jaba the Hutt.
I read the paper. I watch the news. I haven't seen his name on anything...anything since he took office.
What a joke.
CC is completely on the wrong track. Matter of fact we are going backwards.
Nothing new coming.
By the way, the big story of the taco bell in the north? I went to it. It was STUPID!
The mayor is too busy in the back, going around the charter rules telling staff what to do.
He doesn't show up at anything but instead has his best boy Moreno stand up in his place for everything.
No, he can't surf the net, cause he doesn't know how to use a computor.
He has made progress tho. look at the great new businesses we have and how many we have lost! Great new music venues for parties and more dollar stores, YEA!
Yes we certainly do need a real mayor and council.
Well well well,
I agree completely with the person who spoke up about Adams County candidate Chaz Tedesko. He sat there and lied to the press about his arrest record. And pay attention to those mentioned who chose to support him, including our very own Dominick Moreno.
I and many of my friends could not be sadder that Tracey Snyder got out of the race! Trust me, you should all be sorry that our very own hard working girl will not be our House Representative. She went in with no hidden agenda and was experienced enough to do us proud.
Has anyone been watching the City lately? Business after business going away, and a Council that cannot get along to save their lives! I would have the past Council back in a New York minute. We were doing so much better and now look! Back to being the laughing stock of Adams County!
Tracey Snyder please get well and get back to taking care of the people! We need you!
Of course the democrats including Moreno supported other democrats. That is how the system works 99% of the time. Any of them now with new information likley agree Tadesco's behavior was unacceptable. It scares me people either too naive or too under educated of how things operate will be voting. As for Snyder, met her a few times but I left with the impression she only had time for those people our groups who could get her votes. Maybe that was not the intention but more than once that is way she comes across. Maybe that's why she switched parties. Either way, if she doesn't show loyalty or conviction then, what should I expect when she is confronted by special interests groups and lobbyists.
for ANYONE to just switch their party just to get votes because of the county they live in is despicable.
I am a Democrat but would never support Snyder, ever!
Why would anyone want to be part of the Dems in Adco?! They are the most corrupt bunch of A-holes in the entire state!
I changed my political party affiliation about 10 years ago. I did it because I was parents of a party but really did not know what it was. I am not ashamed of this. I was just copying what my parents were. After I educated myself I decided to switch sides and I am happy I did.
I do agree I would lose respect for someone who did it just to get votes.
You all want a Commerce City State of the City 2012????
Area around the soccer complex (Dicks Sporting Goods Park) has NO, NONE, NOTHING being developed!
The old High School Site has NOTHING happening!
Derby area is hanging on by a thread! NOTHING happening! Even after ALL the good money spent on "Consultants"
Dog Track AKA the gov bail out for mile high racing is the biggest mistake in the history of Commerce City! In the hole for millions upon millions. Nothing NOTHING happening!
North has Kings and a taco bell. That is the biggest news in years? What a joke.
Staff thinks residents are stupid and dont care and the council can be manipulated easily.
Like I said, What a joke.
ps-dont get me started on the PD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I personally know Tracey Snyder and she did NOT just up and change her status to Democrat to get Votes. That is absurd.
No on Adams County 1A:
The recent Adams County report to the public (2011-2012) shows that the cost to taxpayers for the current three commissioner board is $636,063.
Simple math will show $636,063 divided by 3 is over $200,000 per commissioner on the board. The new cost of 5 commissioners tops over 1 million dollars!
Lucrative retirement and benefits are another cost the county pays for each commissioner that must be added to the total cost even if the former commissioner is no longer working for the County.
$87,300 salary for each commission, set by the state legislature
$32,301 estimated benefits
$12,000 to $20,000 for car expense
$30,000 (middle ground) for term limited retired commissioner
Support staff $??,???, Other expenses: travel, personal job associated expense, etc. $?,???
Total increased cost likely $180,000 - $210,000 per commissioner as a recurring expense X 2=around $400,000.
For comparison, the build out two office spaces at the new Adams County Government Center and furnishings. $70,000 County estimate. That may be an underestimate.
whatever happened to the boys and girls club in Commerce City?
It was announced the same time as the Aurora one and that is already under construction?
I say YES on 1A
We need to get rid of the good ole boys system in this county.
We need more people to keep this corruption from being the standard in the county.
It is time to clean it up.
The amounts of dollars listed in the earlier comment, if true are in fact rediculous and that TOO needs to be changed.
The salary alone is totally out of line. They meet a few times a year and receive high salaries benifits and car allowences.
ALL this has to change!
NO more Dems for me in this county commisioners until I see change!
Hey no on 1A...if I read your post right, you say it will cost about $400,000 to add the 2 commissioners to the board. I think you are saying that is too much money, right? But if you think about it, how much money was spent with all the screw ups the past boards have done. You know the no bid contracts and the paying to pave 15 miles of a 10 long road. Maybe if there had been 5 commissioners there would not be the millions of dollars spent on this stuff. I think if there had been 5, there would have been a bit more oversight. So to me I think $400,000 is well spent to save millions. Wouldn't you agree, or are you one of the ones that was collecting some of that money?
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