Another month has passed and once again it has been a very interesting education of your thoughts and concerns. Thank you to all that have posted and we look forward to hearing more of your comments.
If you are confused about how to post on the blog or feel more comfortable e-mailing me your comments and concerns, please do so and we will post it for you.
I would like to say that we need to start of new. We need to come together as a community and create a positive environment where we can grow as a city both for the citizens and the businesses.
We can start this by concentrating on the summer events coming up.
The Mile High Music Festival, the city is turning 40 years old, the mayor will be giving the state of the city, the outreaches.
I read something on a different month that is positive.
Kings maybe looking in Northern Range, after the word got out that Wal mart is coming.
Logically, this is maybe true. Kings will lose money at their out of the city locations due to the new Wal mart in the North and may have to build, lets say somewhere on 104th.
Just so you know, the council has already passed the 1st reading on AN-223-10 (annexation of the Mile High Market Place) and the 2nd reading will be done this Monday May 3rd.
After the 2nd reading it will be done and the Mile High Market Place will be part of Commerce City.
All of this is of course only if the city council pass it.
The city did NOTHING to bring in Mile High Flea Market. They came to the city because they had a problem with Adams County over their big tent. And they want their roads in front repaired. Too bad once again the truth will not come out. Also how come there is never any analysis done as to how much this will really cost the city as opposed to what will actually be brought into the city in taxes. If it was such a big money maker, why is Adams County letting this happen. Does anybody at city hall ever think???
But you are missing the fact the Mile High Flea Market will then be in the city FOREVER! Sometimes you have to give a little to get a lot in the long run!
Take for example the tax incentives the city is willing to give the Wal martin the North, right around 2 million.
Commerce City PIO shoud be FIRED BUT FIRST APOLOGIZE TO 9NEWS. And then someone who is educated and professional should be hired to repair the relationships with all the media cause you cannot live without the media. REAL PIO's KNOW THIS.
Years ago, I served on my first citizens committee for CC. In that committee, we wrote a new, revised travel expense amendment that was later adopted into City Policy. At that time, City Council had voted a travel policy,1995-2001, that included spouses, boyfriends and in one case children to accompany them on city business conferences in and out of state. Thus, instead of paying for 9 council members to travel for city business, taxpayers paid for 18-20 people for each business conference. At these events, council members and their guests would eat and drink at the most expensive restaurants for $300 a meal and run up Bar bills of $600-700 dollars per meal all under CC travel expense.
A previous city manager, purchased $300 to $600 dollar fountain pens, expensive brief cases, sheepskin car seat covers for his city SUV and expensive food and huge bar bills as well as purchased expensive flowers from his wife's shop for city employees. All of this extravagant expense paid by the taxpayers of CC. All of this expense was "negotiated and approved by a majority of council" for years and while "government did have the legal right to handle negotiations and personnal issues in executive sessions." This does not make this policy or decisions the right one for CC taxpayers. "Once the agreement has been reached the law states that the details of agreement be shared in a public meeting and that a vote be taken public-ally." At no time, do I remember that a half-million dollar package deal was opened up for public discussion to hire City Manager, Jerry Flannery. As before, all the actual details of the cost of hiring a new city manager were kept in executive session and voted on in public as a line item on the agenda. If, the public knew the full extent of this package they would never have agreed to it. No one is saying that at this stage in his career that Jerry Flannery is not worth a half-million dollar package but the public has no way of knowing. As a city, CC is not financially able to provide such a sweetheart deal to any new city manager. One could say that the money, $450,000, was coming back to the city in 2011, but, from 2007 that was $450,000 desperately needed by CC taxpayers for small parks, Northern Range, silent train gates, 96th Ave., lights for crossing to trails, 96th Ave, city wide snow cleanup and on and on. CC has lost 9 million dollars in city revenues these past few years, from a 50 million budget to our current 41 million budget. This is not the time to hire the most expensive city manager in the history of CC.
The city used, Recruitment Guide Lines for Selecting a Local Government Administrator which recommends -"using appropriate safeguards and limits - to assist in financing of money for a new administrator. Which gives a variety of options including: a loan, a salary supplement, or a shared equity purchase." The reason different options are given is because not all cities are at the same financial growth and development. CC was not and can not support a half-million dollar package for a new City Manager. As we stated in the first part of this letter, City Council can and does manipulate the system to use it for personnel objectives and causes that the average taxpayer would not agree to. City Council members "hold their positions as a public trust" and shall "not give preferential treatment to any private organization or individual." So that, the public have confidence in the integrity of its government." (Ethics Policy Resolution No. 2001-35.)
Preferential treatment was given to Jerry Flannery above and beyond what the city taxpayers could afford. City Council needs to go back into executive session and by a majority vote clean this mess up. Or, we need to appoint another Citizen Committee to go through this Sweetheart deal dollar by dollar. If, we gave a $72,000 Bonus (Salary supplement.) than there should not be a house deal. At any rate, any house mortgage should be financed at the going mortgage rates and be the sole responsibility of the City Manager.
Ethics Policy Resolution No. 2001-35
Section 5 Disclosure
e. City Manager and department heads shall give written disclosure during the Calendar year in excess of $25.00.
Section 7 Acceptance of Gratuities Prohibited
It shall be a violation for any City elected or appointed officer or any City employee to accept gratuities, favors, or gifts in connection with or relative to any contract or business of the City, or to accept a substantial economic benefit tantamount to a gift of substantial value.
To live rent free in an expensive city owned house with zero interest and a .34 city tax could be considered a benefit tantamount to a gift of substantial value given the fact that the City Manager was already given a $72,000 Bonus and all moving and transitional costs were already paid. It does not matter that council voted for these expenses that does not make it right no more than council had the right to charge travel, expensive food and bar bills for guests and themselves and expensive gifts to CC taxpayers just because they voted on it.
"We did not want to make a profit off of him," City Attorney Robert Gehler said. "That was the interest rate the city was receiving on its investments, so it was a wash."
From the Dictionary: Gift definition Property, money or asset that one person transfers to another while receiving nothing in return.
"We did not want to make a profit off of him," City Attorney Robert Gehler said. "That was the interest rate the city was receiving on its investments, so it was a wash."
From the Dictionary: Gift definition Property, money or asset that one person transfers to another while receiving nothing in return.
King Soopers is NOT building a store in Commerce City. They are not building anywhere right now. Don't start rumors. It just gives people false hope. That is mean.
Fellow citizens-dont get fooled again by another bad contract. Take a look at the annexation and incentive agreements with the Mile High Marketplace. They have been negotiated by high-paid lawyer David Foster (funny how his name keeps coming up). Did you know the city has to pay the Marketplace all the legal expenses, engineering expenses, and other professional expenses that the marketplace made with all of the annexation and surveying work done to annex into the city? Don't believe me? look at the documents for yourself. Why is the city paying thousands and thousands to a business when they came to the city to annex? The city did not come to them. Those thousands and thousands of professional and legal fees could have been used for parks, and playgrounds, and police, and landscaping along Chambers! You would have thought that the city would handle contracts better now, but I guess I am wrong. They cannot say no to high-priced lawyers and high-priced city managers. Some would say it is being "business friendly". I would say it is being "business stupid".
I think you are jumping the gun a bit, The council will not know the final agreement until tomorrow night.
In addition, city staff has been working closely with the property owner to finalize an Annexation Agreement and a related Incentive Agreement as part of this annexation. These two agreements will set forth the conditions under which the property will be annexed and cover such things as taxes, public improvements, temporary uses, impact fees, and the dedication of public rights of way. Although city staff is very close to recommending approval of these two agreements, the agreements are not yet in their final form. Both agreements will be presented to the City Council for approval at the time of Second Reading of the annexation ordinance on May 03, 2010.
Payment on lieu of Sales tax is just going to make things easier. Less Headaches, and less time in count fighting over audits.
Still a good thing.
Where an operator or licensee of a flea market is authorized to rent space as part of a flea market operation in the City, a condition to such business operation is that the operator or licensee, shall, collect and remit to the City seven and one-half percent (7.5%) of the fees charged by the operator or licensee to the seller of merchandise for each space utilized for all or any part of a day on the flea market premises of the operator or licensee.
Is anyone else bothered by the fact that the council won't see the details of the annexation and incentive agreements before tonight, right before they vote on the ordinance on second reading? How can they make a thoughtful informed decision when they receive the details at the 11th hour? Also, isn't democracy supposed to be "the government of the people, by the people, for the people." In a representative government, our representatives are supposed to represent our position and when they don't we hold them accountable at election time. How can we make our opinions known to our representatives if we don't get to see the contracts until AFTER they have already been voted on? Agreements like this (and the City Manager's employment and relocation contracts) need to be included in the packets posted online so that we can inform ourselves and make our opinions known. I'm not suggesting that they be posted before they are fully negotiated, but if they are scheduled to be presented to council for approval, I think the public should get to see them BEFORE council votes on them.
On Monday, April 12, Senator Mike Johnston and Senator Nancy Spence introduced Senate Bill 191, Ensuring Quality Instruction Through Educator Effectiveness (EQuITEE), to promote changing the standards for the evaluation and non probationary status of teachers and principals. I am supportive of this legislation not only as a past teacher and small business owner, but as your neighbor, a fellow parent, grandparent and co-sponsor of the bill as your representative of Senate District 25. It is the experiences I have had in both past and present roles coupled with the data and research on where students in my district stand up against state academic averages that lead me to this strong position of support.
In Colorado one in every four students who starts high school does not graduate. That number is worse in many parts of my district. In Adams 12, the fifth largest school district in the state, dropout rates are 2.3 percent above the state average – that means in Adams 12 we had over 1,200 dropouts in 2009 alone. Further if you look at CSAP scores in Brighton you see that middle school and high school students are on average 15 to 20 points below the state average across reading, writing and math. I do not believe that Senate Bill 191 is the solution to all these problems, but it is a step in the right direction.
As a past teacher I know that Colorado has countless effective educators. I see this bill as a way to support those teachers and principals that are effectively educating their students. Multiple studies have proven that high-performing, effective teachers and principals are a fundamental component of student growth and achievement. Therefore, only through recruiting, developing and retaining great teachers and leaders can we provide the best opportunity for success to our kids.
Senate Bill 191 also provides more opportunities for effective teachers to advance on their merits, earn higher salaries and improve their effectiveness. It ends forced placement of teachers by requiring that all teachers be assigned to specific schools by “mutual consent” of the teacher and principal. This helps ensure that we have teachers that are excited and enthusiastic to teach in the school in which they are placed.
Tying student academic growth to teacher evaluations is controversial, but fair to teachers, principals and communities because it includes objective data in employment considerations. Most importantly, it is fair and supportive to the children in our district and across our state. The bill will aid our school districts in recruiting and keeping effective teachers. It will benefit Colorado businesses that will have access to an educated workforce. Most importantly, this is an exciting and important step forward for the children in Adams County and in districts all over Colorado.
I have heard from countless constituents both supporting and opposing this bill. My incredible faith in the quality teachers in our state, as well as the undeniable need for change and improvement in our schools makes me confident this bill is a step towards that improvement. Our children deserve better, and Senate Bill 191 will help to ensure that they get it.
I guess it makes sense that Jimmy Burd supports the City Manager, being the head of a "be nothing, do nothing" organization. Jimmy, cite next time, the exact measure of accomplishments that you credit our manager with (no, Jerry didn't bring Church's Chicken, the only new architecture on the landscape) - and while you're at it, maybe cite what the CCBPA has to show for itself regarding progressing the city forward. The north boasts many things including higher property values, education, and income. But foremostly, we know a sham when we see it and possess the resolve to address it. The City of Commerce City doesn't deserve the north. Deannexation is the best solution. Brighton is everything Commerce City isn't - intelligent, capable, and devoid of corruption. But I guess Jimmy has a far better chance of getting his marijuana dispensary (isn't that a motive of yours?) if CCBPA helps push more monies away from education, parks, and urban growth into the pockets of our ballooning "management". You go, CCBPA. FOR OUR OWN SAKE - DE-ANNEX CORRUPTION - DE-ANNEX THE NORTH / ANNEX INTO BRIGHTON.
Jimmy Burd was absolutely told by the Mayor Paul Natale to speak. How stupid does Paul Natale think the citizens watching are? And also Mr. Mayor, how come you let Jimmy Burd attack a private citizen and no one can say anything about city staff? Why is the precious city staff protected and a private citizen is not? Is it because the private citizen is exposing the whole truth??? I hope the Gateway keeps on telling this story til we all get our money back.
Where is Walmart? I thought we were getting Walmart in the North. I agree we should go to Brighton and ask them to annex us. We have to shop there anyway. Flannery said Walmart is coming to the north, well where is it?
Hey city, if you keep lying long enough, you will start to believe it yourself. And city council, where is your backbone? The citizens elected you to represent them and YOU ARE NOT. NONE OF YOU ARE VOICING OUR CONCERNS. WE WANT OUR MONEY BACK NOW! Nice that you let the Mayor tell you what to do!
This is a possibility. "De-Annexation" is a process that the Northern Range (96th Avenue North to 120th) could accomplish by a vote of the people. The Northern Range would then be categorically, within unincorporated Adams County until "Annexation" into Brighton occurred -- a process which the City of Brighton would sanction. Anyone care to take this up? I'll sign a petition to De-Annex -- as will thousands of my neighbors. None of us bought into this --and we truly can do something about it now. If you want an honest answer about this, I suggest you call the City Hall in the North. Brighton's Community Development Department is headed by Marv Falconburg: (303) 655-2059. (And - if you think the people would go for it - I guarantee you just might get a 'thumbs up' from the likes of Shea Homes, King Soopers, and the rest of the stores balking at our less-than-capable "City Management"). WE JUST NEED AN 'ANNEX INTO BRIGHTON' COMMITTEE.
Monday night, CCBPA representative Jimmy Burd, made a false accusation against the Gateway News, a private business in Commerce City, and Kathy McIntyre, a private citizen of Commerce City during citizen communication at the Commerce City council meeting. The Mayor Paul Natale and the City Attorney Robert Gehler did nothing to stop this.
The Gateway News is here to set the record straight once and for all. This issue was brought to light by COUNCIL MEMBER JADIE CARSON when she asked for an explanation of the city managers contracts. Not because of a conspiracy theory of Gateway News retaliation. The Gateway News still considers itself a partner of Commerce City.
The main point of the Gateway News “Deal Breaker” story is about the $72,000 cash payment to Flannery and what that was for. The Gateway News is still waiting for a real explanation by any or all of the council members or staff. The Gateway News has always taken pride in telling the truth and over the years the list is long of issues where the city’s position was in direct opposition to the Gateway News. Never until now has that ever been a problem. We uncovered issues with the former city manager and police chief, we were against the new city logo, we uncovered the GOCO grant issue where the city was put on probation for grants, and many more.
The Gateway News has to be able and will cover all News Issues regardless of what the outcome or opinions might be.
If mayor Natale wants to continue to say this is a non-story, we would then ask why the Commerce City Sentinel Express (where the city currently prints its legal notices), the Brighton Blade, The Westword, The Denver Post, Channel 9NEWS and many real estate website are covering this issue.
Ya, why didn't council vote on the Parkway curb cut tonight? I walk away from the computer for a minute and miss the whole thing? Why is it being put off?
wtf! city council is rushing a vote on documents they have never seen until tonight because mile high market place is in trouble with the county, great way to do business council or there is no deal! sounds like the mafia.
What do you want to bet that a lot of city council members who got money from the liqour store will be having a "sick out" on May 24 so they don't have to go on record with a vote against the Parkway Liquor curb cut? Start thinking of your excuses now.
I want to go to bed. The council wants to go to bed. Why does the city attorney want us all to stay up? I feel like I am being held hostage. Isn't that against the law? Isn't the police chief there? Can't the police stop this? Someone call 911!
The city charter needs to be changed that all meetings stop at 11pm. Other cities do that. How come we can't be like grown up cities that always do the right grown up thing? Our city is like a bad teenager.
If council votes for this tonight, then I will start believeing that city council votes are FIXED just like the WWF and the NFL and the NBA and the tables at Vegas.
county wont let them keep the building up without fire sprinklers... city will... headlines say Mile High Jazz Festival fire burns down sweetheart deal with CC...
The county wanted fire sprinklers in the open tent that the market place has....pretty silly. City attorney is right. This place will be here, and if the city doesn't take it in, they will have no control. Better to have a say, some revenue and improvements to the area. Bet the tax dollars will be quite large.
Commerce City !@#$% what the !@#$% we stay awake to hear and see city council and it is still going on and you just cut off your live streaming. Thanks a bunch! It is now 12:35 am. What a bunch of clowns.
what a joke... 1232 i am still up and city broadcast stopped before the meeting is over? guess the city server is scheduled to defrag on tuesday mornings...
Earlier, Rene says we need to be business friendly, now...? In this case we would actually gain revenue. The other annexation was never about getting money, but having business that used our roads help pay to maintain what they used for free.
Poor staff, I bet they have been working on this for weeks. Impossible to make everyone happy with so many details. Some of council must have not been paying attention since this was the subject of a closed/exec session already.
Good Job Council! Now Mayor can say in the state of the city on May 18th that we the city have both the Mile High Music Festival and the Mile High Blues Festival.
Did they ever get to discuss how they will evaluate the city manager and city attorney? After this performance I guess they don't need too. Just fire them both.
De-Annexation is very interesting to me. Which would be better for us Brighton or Denver? I have begun to feel that Commerce City is not going to turn itself around any time soon. I’ve had enough of all the fighting between council. I think too many council members lack sophistication. They won’t make the difficult decisions necessary to move ahead and overcome challenges like our image problem. They won’t move on projects in the north because it may make the citizens in the south feel neglected. I don’t agree with printing in Spanish. How would you ever have one city? If they want to be involved let them learn our language, even Brighton doesn’t do it. It surely isn’t helping Commerce City Schools.
Everytime I come to this blog, I feel like I am going to cry. It truly is so sad that our city has no hope. We need a leader and we do not have one. I think we need to seriously get a citizens group together that is large enough to have most members attend city council and speak every darn week until they give us our money back and start listening to us. We have to make them listen to us.
It seems it takes a lot to get people up and moving to do something. Fear of death makes people move. And extreme anger makes them move. Is anyone else as angry as I am?
Good decision City Council. Mile High Market Place will bring in a good deal of sales taxes as well as give the city some control over their future movements. Much better than allowing the county to be the only input. Thanks!
What’s so good about having the flea market in Commerce City? Most items are sold under the table tax free so would someone explain to me how we’re going to benefit from this? If the city tries to force regulation they’ll lose business because you need ID to get a tax collection license. OR is this just something else we’ll have to throw money at to try to attract English speaking American citizens to the area?
Derrick Keys, Commerce City Resident, Brighton Tax Payer
I do not understand how Council women Carson can bring this whole thing up with the city manager and then just sit there in silence while the entire thing collapses around her.
I do not understand how Council man Bullock can just sit their in silence when a citizen goes up to the citizen communication podium, the exact same place he was not to long ago saying the exact same things he was. What about the 2 over paid city managers? What about the the huge amount of money coming out of the budget for just the city managers office?
I do not understand. This council needs to define themselves, this is the time.
Is council going to be a puppet council or a council of action for what is right for the taxpayers, the ones that voted you into office.
end note: did the council ever get back to the citizen who asked questions about this issue 2 weeks ago?
Arnold I fully disagree. This is not our business. The law written by Arizona is the same as the Fed law that is ignored. This just allows the Arizona police to actual follow the law that the Feds put into place and protect the jobs and services provided to those legally here. This is not about immigration, this is about ILLEGAL immigration. BIG DIFFERENCE!!
According to the info at the council meeting Mon. The taxes will not be on the indivdual purchases, but will be on the vendors. Of course not everything will be taxed, but it will bring in many thousands of dollars of sales taxes. It also benifits the city to have input/control over this business.
I don't think it would be wise for commerce city council to ban visiting Arizona. Besides I don't think we have any plans to go to Arizona for any reason.
City does not need to bring anymore attention to itself.
Some people should return to school and learn about the US. AZ law just mimics current US law that has been on the books since the 1040's. Since the US government won't enforce the law it's up to the states. Those who have sneaked into this country should be arrested and sent back to their country. Commerce City should be asking for an ICE office to help improve our image. If people want to protest, then protest the laws mexico has and brutally enforce against illegal immigrants.
If a council person tries such nonsense as wanting to support action against AZ I'd be willing to sign a recall petition. How selfish of you people over look the facts of illegal immigration. There are millions of people from other nations, family members waiting to come here LEGALLY! They are in school; they are learning English, our culture to contribute and NOT be a burden on us. The way to fix immigration is to enforce our immigration laws sending home those who shouldn’t be here. Sorry, DPS only did it to try to get the president to come to their school.
Cheo, It's not about heart. I have a warm and friendly heart. I feel for people who struggle. I also FEEL that immigration laws are here to protect our country. Legal is the way to immigrate. Illegal is just that...illegal
Interesting.... Casper responded on the TBCC blog to a writer signed in as Robby, as Robby R. Had does Casper know that Robby, is Robby R ? I wonder if this blog will not get posted or removed as others have been? Suprised Robby's comment was allowed on in the first place.
Commerce City will keep being in the news as long as city council and the mayor and the attorney and the manager do not do the right thing. Don't think that there aren't other news stories to cover, there are, but they are watching Commerce City now. Thank goodness too so they can be held accountable.
Anyone who is home on Friday morning should check out Channel 8 and watch the last school board meeting. It is a classic with Jeanette Lewis blowing up at the audience because they are being disrespectful. What is really disrespectful Lewis is your district's CSAP scores. The kids could have just stayed home and gotten better scores by learning to read the Gateway blog. Gee. Maybe too many legal fees Lewis and maybe just maybe your friends are not so smart after all. District has lost all the educated people.
D14 was classic, BUT, I live in the Northern Range and I am wondering WHY I am even watching D14 on Channel 8.
Don't get me wrong it has great reality TV entertainment, but I do not want my Channel 8, which is reserved traditional for cites as the "community channel" to be for a School District I am not part of.
forget it dustie, Channel 8 is a very difficult subject, go to the charter on the city website and look under Chapter 6 CABLE TV, it is huge with tons of information.
This needs to be a agenda item on a city council meeting to explain what channel 8 is and what is the deal with the Adams City School District taking it over.
I personally would like to city a mix use of City News, Adams #14 News and 27J School News.
It would keep in the theme of ONE CITY that seems to be very popular these days.
Please explain yourself for the following scenario:
cc Section 7 Acceptance of Gratuities Prohibited
It shall be a violation for any City elected or appointed officer or any City employee to accept gratuities, favors, or gifts in connection with or relative to any contract or business of the City, or to accept a substantial economic benefit tantamount to a gift of substantial value.
"We did not want to make a profit off of him," City Attorney Robert Gehler said. "That was the interest rate the city was receiving on its investments, so it was a wash."
Gift definition: Property, money or asset that one person transfers to another while receiving nothing in return.
Did City Council violate one of its adopted rules?
people, seriously I am growing tired of the city manager issue. just it up, he is not going anywhere. there is nothing you can do, it is OVER! city wins!
We have a right to free speech in this country. We have the right to be heard.
The expression of negative or potentially hurtful statements against other citizens of this country under the cover of "Anonymous" is cowardice and contrary to the spirit of free speech. Stand up and express yourself with all the rights and RESPONSIBILITIES that those that fought for free speech envisioned.
STAND UP against wrongs or injustices or behaviors you disagree with...but STAND UP. Don't criticize under the veil of secrecy that absolves you of the responsibility of your words.
"Anonymous" should be ashamed for neglecting their responsibilities.
Sometimes, it is very painful to watch Adams 14 School District's meetings on Channel 8, Recently, the School Board accepted another 12 Teacher resignations. President Jeanette Louis started to make a comment about this being "the usual end of the year resignations" and a little murmur came up from the audience. Pres. Lewis loudly came down on them and told them they would "be removed from the meeting" if they continued to murmur and she demanded their respect and repeated her statement saying," She had a right to her opinion." Likewise, it is painful to see and hear about the poor decisions made by City Council over these past few years. Because, all of these one line item votes effect thousands of innocent CC taxpayers and their children in today's economy.
When City and School systems become so broken down, God sends His witnesses in against the lies and half-truths being used against His people. "For they will cry to the Lord because of oppressors, and He will send them a Champion." Isa. 19:20. We need Champions in CC, people that will stand up and tell the truth.
1 – 200 of 398 Newer› Newest»I hope I am the first.
I would like to say that we need to start of new. We need to come together as a community and create a positive environment where we can grow as a city both for the citizens and the businesses.
We can start this by concentrating on the summer events coming up.
The Mile High Music Festival, the city is turning 40 years old, the mayor will be giving the state of the city, the outreaches.
Good Luck Fellow citizens
I have a good positive point that is going unreported.
Commerce City 2010 Census participation rate has beat the 2000 participation rate by 11%. That is huge.
Great job Commerce City.
For each person you list in your household, about $850 comes back to the community.
I get it! start all over like Spring,
But when it rains, everything gets wet, you just have to wait until it all drys out.
CM says: about the census, "For each person you list in your household, about $850 comes back to the community."
Isn't that about how much the Manager's Nissan is?
that means we only need the money from 12 citizens every year Flannery is here.
that's not bad!
HEY SANS, Stay FOCUSED! POSITIVE is the new theme!
I read something on a different month that is positive.
Kings maybe looking in Northern Range, after the word got out that Wal mart is coming.
Logically, this is maybe true. Kings will lose money at their out of the city locations due to the new Wal mart in the North and may have to build, lets say somewhere on 104th.
Friend of the city,
I would like to talk to you, can you email me your information
On Monday the city will review on most likely pass Ordinance 1815.
Basically, this is what is needed to get the Mile High Market place to annex into the city!
That is a HUGE plus for Commerce City!
Great job, worked with the business to bring them in the city, a WIN-WIN.
to Stay Positive,
Just so you know, the council has already passed the 1st reading on AN-223-10 (annexation of the Mile High Market Place) and the 2nd reading will be done this Monday May 3rd.
After the 2nd reading it will be done and the Mile High Market Place will be part of Commerce City.
All of this is of course only if the city council pass it.
I suspect they will, 9 to 0.
The city did NOTHING to bring in Mile High Flea Market. They came to the city because they had a problem with Adams County over their big tent. And they want their roads in front repaired. Too bad once again the truth will not come out. Also how come there is never any analysis done as to how much this will really cost the city as opposed to what will actually be brought into the city in taxes. If it was such a big money maker, why is Adams County letting this happen. Does anybody at city hall ever think???
But you are missing the fact the Mile High Flea Market will then be in the city FOREVER! Sometimes you have to give a little to get a lot in the long run!
Take for example the tax incentives the city is willing to give the Wal martin the North, right around 2 million.
South Adams County Water & Sanitation District Report Sewage Spill. The Issue has been Cleaned and the Flow has Returned to Normal.
Commerce City PIO shoud be FIRED BUT FIRST APOLOGIZE TO 9NEWS. And then someone who is educated and professional should be hired to repair the relationships with all the media cause you cannot live without the media. REAL PIO's KNOW THIS.
well so much for being positive, but I will not give up.
Cock fighting, sewage, bad press. a bad week.
sewage! ewwwwww! that sucks!
Re: Sewage Spill
I would like to know how the hell the rocks got in there in the first place. If someone put them there it should be a CRIME!
From South Adams Water
The manhole cover had been removed and was filled with rocks, which caused the sewage to backup and spill out into a large area of the field.
just because you annex into the city, you still have to pay county taxes?
Truth Test
Years ago, I served on my first citizens committee for CC. In that committee, we wrote a new, revised travel expense amendment that was later adopted into City Policy. At that time, City Council had voted a travel policy,1995-2001, that included spouses, boyfriends and in one case children to accompany them on city business conferences in and out of state. Thus, instead of paying for 9 council members to travel for city business, taxpayers paid for 18-20 people for each business conference. At these events, council members and their guests would eat and drink at the most expensive restaurants for $300 a meal and run up Bar bills of $600-700 dollars per meal all under CC travel expense.
A previous city manager, purchased $300 to $600 dollar fountain pens, expensive brief cases, sheepskin car seat covers for his city SUV and expensive food and huge bar bills as well as purchased expensive flowers from his wife's shop for city employees. All of this extravagant expense paid by the taxpayers of CC. All of this expense was "negotiated and approved by a majority of council" for years and while "government did have the legal right to handle negotiations and personnal issues in executive sessions." This does not make this policy or decisions the right one for CC taxpayers. "Once the agreement has been reached the law states that the details of agreement be shared in a public meeting and that a vote be taken public-ally." At no time, do I remember that a half-million dollar package deal was opened up for public discussion to hire City Manager, Jerry Flannery. As before, all the actual details of the cost of hiring a new city manager were kept in executive session and voted on in public as a line item on the agenda. If, the public knew the full extent of this package they would never have agreed to it. No one is saying that at this stage in his career that Jerry Flannery is not worth a half-million dollar package but the public has no way of knowing. As a city, CC is not financially able to provide such a sweetheart deal to any new city manager. One could say that the money, $450,000, was coming back to the city in 2011, but, from 2007 that was $450,000 desperately needed by CC taxpayers for small parks, Northern Range, silent train gates, 96th Ave., lights for crossing to trails, 96th Ave, city wide snow cleanup and on and on. CC has lost 9 million dollars in city revenues these past few years, from a 50 million budget to our current 41 million budget. This is not the time to hire the most expensive city manager in the history of CC.
The city used, Recruitment Guide Lines for Selecting a Local Government Administrator which recommends -"using appropriate safeguards and limits - to assist in financing of money for a new administrator. Which gives a variety of options including: a loan, a salary supplement, or a shared equity purchase." The reason different options are given is because not all cities are at the same financial growth and development. CC was not and can not support a half-million dollar package for a new City Manager. As we stated in the first part of this letter, City Council can and does manipulate the system to use it for personnel objectives and causes that the average taxpayer would not agree to. City Council members "hold their positions as a public trust" and shall "not give preferential treatment to any private organization or individual." So that, the public have confidence in the integrity of its government." (Ethics Policy Resolution No. 2001-35.)
Preferential treatment was given to Jerry Flannery above and beyond what the city taxpayers could afford. City Council needs to go back into executive session and by a majority vote clean this mess up. Or, we need to appoint another Citizen Committee to go through this Sweetheart deal dollar by dollar. If, we gave a $72,000 Bonus (Salary supplement.) than there should not be a house deal. At any rate, any house mortgage should be financed at the going mortgage rates and be the sole responsibility of the City Manager.
Ethics Policy Resolution No. 2001-35
Section 5 Disclosure
e. City Manager and department heads shall give written disclosure during the Calendar year in excess of $25.00.
Section 7 Acceptance of Gratuities Prohibited
It shall be a violation for any City elected or appointed officer or any City employee to accept gratuities, favors, or gifts in connection with or relative to any contract or business of the City, or to accept a substantial economic benefit tantamount to a gift of substantial value.
To live rent free in an expensive city owned house with zero interest and a .34 city tax could be considered a benefit tantamount to a gift of substantial value given the fact that the City Manager was already given a $72,000 Bonus and all moving and transitional costs were already paid. It does not matter that council voted for these expenses that does not make it right no more than council had the right to charge travel, expensive food and bar bills for guests and themselves and expensive gifts to CC taxpayers just because they voted on it.
I get what you are getting at. It can make sense. A definite fine line.
"We did not want to make a profit off of him," City Attorney Robert Gehler said. "That was the interest rate the city was receiving on its investments, so it was a wash."
From the Dictionary:
Gift definition
Property, money or asset that one person transfers to another while receiving nothing in return.
WOW I would say that is a pretty solid argument.
Good Job Estelle
Good Point, of course it will have to go to the TRUUUUUTH TESTTTTT of the City Staff.
I think you may have stumbled upon something here.
The city is a government of documents that need to be absolute.
I am one who accepts that definition of a gift, I would say it needs to be reviewed by Bob Gehler, the city attorney.
I am sure Gehler will dance around the idea and have some whereas argument, but at least it will be entertaining.
"We did not want to make a profit off of him," City Attorney Robert Gehler said. "That was the interest rate the city was receiving on its investments, so it was a wash."
From the Dictionary:
Gift definition
Property, money or asset that one person transfers to another while receiving nothing in return.
very SMART! nice work Estelle
A resolution is not binding legally but it is a policy statement which helps to establish your community standard.
King Soopers is NOT building a store in Commerce City. They are not building anywhere right now. Don't start rumors. It just gives people false hope. That is mean.
Wow a record of maybe 8 positive comments.
Good job everyone!!
Fellow citizens-dont get fooled again by another bad contract. Take a look at the annexation and incentive agreements with the Mile High Marketplace. They have been negotiated by high-paid lawyer David Foster (funny how his name keeps coming up). Did you know the city has to pay the Marketplace all the legal expenses, engineering expenses, and other professional expenses that the marketplace made with all of the annexation and surveying work done to annex into the city? Don't believe me? look at the documents for yourself. Why is the city paying thousands and thousands to a business when they came to the city to annex? The city did not come to them. Those thousands and thousands of professional and legal fees could have been used for parks, and playgrounds, and police, and landscaping along Chambers! You would have thought that the city would handle contracts better now, but I guess I am wrong. They cannot say no to high-priced lawyers and high-priced city managers. Some would say it is being "business friendly". I would say it is being "business stupid".
I think you are jumping the gun a bit, The council will not know the final agreement until tomorrow night.
In addition, city staff has been working closely with the property owner to finalize an
Annexation Agreement and a related Incentive Agreement as part of this annexation.
These two agreements will set forth the conditions under which the property will be
annexed and cover such things as taxes, public improvements, temporary uses, impact
fees, and the dedication of public rights of way. Although city staff is very close to
recommending approval of these two agreements, the agreements are not yet in their
final form. Both agreements will be presented to the City Council for approval at the
time of Second Reading of the annexation ordinance on May 03, 2010.
Payment on lieu of Sales tax is just going to make things easier. Less Headaches, and less time in count fighting over audits.
Still a good thing.
Where an operator or licensee of a flea market is authorized to rent space as part of a flea market operation in the City, a condition to such business operation is that the operator or licensee, shall, collect and remit to the City seven and one-half percent (7.5%) of the fees charged by the operator or licensee to the seller of merchandise for each space utilized for all or any part of a day on the flea market premises of the operator or licensee.
Is anyone else bothered by the fact that the council won't see the details of the annexation and incentive agreements before tonight, right before they vote on the ordinance on second reading? How can they make a thoughtful informed decision when they receive the details at the 11th hour? Also, isn't democracy supposed to be "the government of the people, by the people, for the people." In a representative government, our representatives are supposed to represent our position and when they don't we hold them accountable at election time. How can we make our opinions known to our representatives if we don't get to see the contracts until AFTER they have already been voted on? Agreements like this (and the City Manager's employment and relocation contracts) need to be included in the packets posted online so that we can inform ourselves and make our opinions known. I'm not suggesting that they be posted before they are fully negotiated, but if they are scheduled to be presented to council for approval, I think the public should get to see them BEFORE council votes on them.
I agree! How can we expect the council to make a snap decision like this at the very end.
council has the option to take off any item. to study more.
to be honest I hope that part of the incentives is not legal fees.
Otherwise, I would be concerned on how the hell it is out on the internet.
I can think of at least 100 different ways that the Commerce City truth test can be torn apart.
So strange that the the city choose this route.
On Monday, April 12, Senator Mike Johnston and Senator Nancy Spence introduced Senate Bill 191, Ensuring Quality Instruction Through Educator Effectiveness (EQuITEE), to promote changing the standards for the evaluation and non probationary status of teachers and principals. I am supportive of this legislation not only as a past teacher and small business owner, but as your neighbor, a fellow parent, grandparent and co-sponsor of the bill as your representative of Senate District 25. It is the experiences I have had in both past and present roles coupled with the data and research on where students in my district stand up against state academic averages that lead me to this strong position of support.
In Colorado one in every four students who starts high school does not graduate. That number is worse in many parts of my district. In Adams 12, the fifth largest school district in the state, dropout rates are 2.3 percent above the state average – that means in Adams 12 we had over 1,200 dropouts in 2009 alone. Further if you look at CSAP scores in Brighton you see that middle school and high school students are on average 15 to 20 points below the state average across reading, writing and math. I do not believe that Senate Bill 191 is the solution to all these problems, but it is a step in the right direction.
As a past teacher I know that Colorado has countless effective educators. I see this bill as a way to support those teachers and principals that are effectively educating their students. Multiple studies have proven that high-performing, effective teachers and principals are a fundamental component of student growth and achievement. Therefore, only through recruiting, developing and retaining great teachers and leaders can we provide the best opportunity for success to our kids.
Senate Bill 191 also provides more opportunities for effective teachers to advance on their merits, earn higher salaries and improve their effectiveness. It ends forced placement of teachers by requiring that all teachers be assigned to specific schools by “mutual consent” of the teacher and principal. This helps ensure that we have teachers that are excited and enthusiastic to teach in the school in which they are placed.
Tying student academic growth to teacher evaluations is controversial, but fair to teachers, principals and communities because it includes objective data in employment considerations. Most importantly, it is fair and supportive to the children in our district and across our state. The bill will aid our school districts in recruiting and keeping effective teachers. It will benefit Colorado businesses that will have access to an educated workforce. Most importantly, this is an exciting and important step forward for the children in Adams County and in districts all over Colorado.
I have heard from countless constituents both supporting and opposing this bill. My incredible faith in the quality teachers in our state, as well as the undeniable need for change and improvement in our schools makes me confident this bill is a step towards that improvement. Our children deserve better, and Senate Bill 191 will help to ensure that they get it.
After looking at the Mile High market deal. I think it is a good thing. And here is just one reason why.
You should look at it as a Public Relations piece.
Think of it, on May 18th the mayor can say that the city will have BOTH the Mile High Music Festival and the Mile High Blues Festival
city may have a celebration tonight for the 40 years of being a city, but the actual day is May 5th.
wow a lot of videos tonight at council.
I love that city's birthday is Cinco De Mayo!
I am confused about why there is a guy crying about Sapp Bros.
Poor guy, I hope commerce city works it out with the guy with the church trailer
Guy is Crying at Council.
Save our Trailer
Address actions in Commerce City NEWS!
Right when HELL freezes over!
City Manager is Worth every penny and even more.
If McIntyre was mad and just after revenge, why did the sentential do it too?
Jimmy Burds is with ccbpa, a group that recently held a event on How to get more business in the city.
So how is the staff doing such a good job?
Jimmy was told to speak by mayor?
What did the Mayor give Jimmy free McDonald coupons to talk?
the comments by first guy are valid, I don't care about anything else but what is right.
Why does the city have 2 deputies?
and I would love for the city to explain themselves in the City Lights publication.
I guess it makes sense that Jimmy Burd supports the City Manager, being the head of a "be nothing, do nothing" organization. Jimmy, cite next time, the exact measure of accomplishments that you credit our manager with (no, Jerry didn't bring Church's Chicken, the only new architecture on the landscape) - and while you're at it, maybe cite what the CCBPA has to show for itself regarding progressing the city forward. The north boasts many things including higher property values, education, and income. But foremostly, we know a sham when we see it and possess the resolve to address it. The City of Commerce City doesn't deserve the north. Deannexation is the best solution. Brighton is everything Commerce City isn't - intelligent, capable, and devoid of corruption. But I guess Jimmy has a far better chance of getting his marijuana dispensary (isn't that a motive of yours?) if CCBPA helps push more monies away from education, parks, and urban growth into the pockets of our ballooning "management". You go, CCBPA. FOR OUR OWN SAKE - DE-ANNEX CORRUPTION - DE-ANNEX THE NORTH / ANNEX INTO BRIGHTON.
Time to Change is a GREAT Program!
I hope council gives them what they want.
just heard, commerce city had some guy come up to once again attack the media?
Is this true?
just heard, commerce city had some guy come up to once again attack the media?
Is this true?
no NOT at all, the city did NOT have someone speak, the citizen Jimmy Bird spoke on his own will.
Jimmy Burd, being part of the CCPBA doesn't have very high standards.
check them out for yourself.
that was very mean of Jimmy to do this.
First off the Gateway News has CCBPA's link on their own website.
Second, this was all brought up by Jadie Carson, just recently, not back in 2007.
Third, I do not think this story was out of character of the Gateway News, Did you all forget about what happened to the last city manager?
city council meeting has lots of videos. very boring.
Jimmy Burd was absolutely told by the Mayor Paul Natale to speak. How stupid does Paul Natale think the citizens watching are? And also Mr. Mayor, how come you let Jimmy Burd attack a private citizen and no one can say anything about city staff? Why is the precious city staff protected and a private citizen is not? Is it because the private citizen is exposing the whole truth??? I hope the Gateway keeps on telling this story til we all get our money back.
Where is the recall committee when you need them? I say recall the whole bunch.
Where is Walmart? I thought we were getting Walmart in the North. I agree we should go to Brighton and ask them to annex us. We have to shop there anyway. Flannery said Walmart is coming to the north, well where is it?
CCBPA has done what? And what has the city done? I have missed everything!
Hey city, if you keep lying long enough, you will start to believe it yourself. And city council, where is your backbone? The citizens elected you to represent them and YOU ARE NOT. NONE OF YOU ARE VOICING OUR CONCERNS. WE WANT OUR MONEY BACK NOW! Nice that you let the Mayor tell you what to do!
How do we annex into Brighton? Please let us know. Is it really possible? Do we have hope?
No offense to whoever Jimmy Burd or Bird but I would question your motives of why you would suck to council, you looking for something?
I will take a opinion from a third party that has nothing to do with the city, like the Denver Post Editorial Board.
RE: De-annexation / Annexation into Brighton.
This is a possibility. "De-Annexation" is a process that the Northern Range (96th Avenue North to 120th) could accomplish by a vote of the people. The Northern Range would then be categorically, within unincorporated Adams County until "Annexation" into Brighton occurred -- a process which the City of Brighton would sanction. Anyone care to take this up? I'll sign a petition to De-Annex -- as will thousands of my neighbors. None of us bought into this --and we truly can do something about it now. If you want an honest answer about this, I suggest you call the City Hall in the North. Brighton's Community Development Department is headed by Marv Falconburg: (303) 655-2059. (And - if you think the people would go for it - I guarantee you just might get a 'thumbs up' from the likes of Shea Homes, King Soopers, and the rest of the stores balking at our less-than-capable "City Management"). WE JUST NEED AN 'ANNEX INTO BRIGHTON' COMMITTEE.
Monday night, CCBPA representative Jimmy Burd, made a false accusation against the Gateway News, a private business in Commerce City, and Kathy McIntyre, a private citizen of Commerce City during citizen communication at the Commerce City council meeting. The Mayor Paul Natale and the City Attorney Robert Gehler did nothing to stop this.
The Gateway News is here to set the record straight once and for all. This issue was brought to light by COUNCIL MEMBER JADIE CARSON when she asked for an explanation of the city managers contracts. Not because of a conspiracy theory of Gateway News retaliation. The Gateway News still considers itself a partner of Commerce City.
The main point of the Gateway News “Deal Breaker” story is about the $72,000 cash payment to Flannery and what that was for. The Gateway News is still waiting for a real explanation by any or all of the council members or staff.
The Gateway News has always taken pride in telling the truth and over the years the list is long of issues where the city’s position was in direct opposition to the Gateway News. Never until now has that ever been a problem. We uncovered issues with the former city manager and police chief, we were against the new city logo, we uncovered the GOCO grant issue where the city was put on probation for grants, and many more.
The Gateway News has to be able and will cover all News Issues regardless of what the outcome or opinions might be.
If mayor Natale wants to continue to say this is a non-story, we would then ask why the Commerce City Sentinel Express (where the city currently prints its legal notices), the Brighton Blade, The Westword, The Denver Post, Channel 9NEWS and many real estate website are covering this issue.
I wish the council would vote on the Parkway Marketplace Liquor Curb Cut tonight and not push it off.
I for one think that it is a good idea.
What council did was messed up, but no recall is needed.
I am too not for a recall.
I would NEVER sign a recall petition unless council breaks the law.
Have we not learned from the past?
Ick no recall.
Gateway you need a live chat room on Monday night.
Ya, why didn't council vote on the Parkway curb cut tonight? I walk away from the computer for a minute and miss the whole thing? Why is it being put off?
I welcome the Mile high flea market, a good thing. We will have both Mile High Music Festival and the Mile High Blues Festival.
I don't care about the tent issue.
traffic is hellllll around the mile high market place!
Maybe city can do something about it. GREAT DEAL!
DAMN Mile high Market place! A package Deal or nothing?, what there is no trust!
Then again I don't blame you.
Welcome to the city, Hopefully.
PS I am one against the de-annexation from Commerce City.....for now at least.
How the hell can we expect our council members to take all this in about the mile high market place and vote on it tonight?
Unfair to council?
re: Mile High Market Place:
This is sounding like a boys and girls club deal, why does it have to be such a snap decision.
Sounds like Bob wants this to really go through.
Staff worked a long time on this.
wtf! city council is rushing a vote on documents they have never seen until tonight because mile high market place is in trouble with the county, great way to do business council or there is no deal! sounds like the mafia.
Mile High Market Place open 7 days a week? City take the deal, Mayor is right, it might happen anyway!
OH LOOK Mr. Foster!
nice, start at 11 pm with documents that the council has never seen, who is the idiot here, the manager or the city attorney?
Looks Like it is a lot for council to take in for one night.
I would say this needs to be pushed off.
Staff works for council? thats a new one
What do you want to bet that a lot of city council members who got money from the liqour store will be having a "sick out" on May 24 so they don't have to go on record with a vote against the Parkway Liquor curb cut? Start thinking of your excuses now.
I want to go to bed. The council wants to go to bed. Why does the city attorney want us all to stay up? I feel like I am being held hostage. Isn't that against the law? Isn't the police chief there? Can't the police stop this? Someone call 911!
The city charter needs to be changed that all meetings stop at 11pm. Other cities do that. How come we can't be like grown up cities that always do the right grown up thing? Our city is like a bad teenager.
For Flea market:
city council can't put on ballot of a seat tax, but citizens can.
I don't mind that way of thinking.
Still think it is a good thing.
Lets get them into the city.
If council votes for this tonight, then I will start believeing that city council votes are FIXED just like the WWF and the NFL and the NBA and the tables at Vegas.
If the city council does this for the Mile High Market place, it is going to set the standard for others that follow.
Be Careful Council
the longer I hear this, the more concerns I am having.
They want to drop the 2 city added fire codes. I don't know about this.
Too many conditions.
City needs to put this off until a later date.
I can hear the title now.
"Mile High Market Place gets Sweat Heart Deal at 11th hour"
county wont let them keep the building up without fire sprinklers... city will... headlines say Mile High Jazz Festival fire burns down sweetheart deal with CC...
Foster said, $120,000 in improvements to the Mile High Market Place is not "Chump Change"
Well, Mr. Foster, your in Commerce City now. We drop $120,000 like its nothing!
City does have a time limit, but can vote to stay and finish, which is what they did tonight.
way to go Ben! El Jardin getting some free advertising
The county wanted fire sprinklers in the open tent that the market place has....pretty silly.
City attorney is right. This place will be here, and if the city doesn't take it in, they will have no control.
Better to have a say, some revenue and improvements to the area.
Bet the tax dollars will be quite large.
Commerce City !@#$% what the !@#$% we stay awake to hear and see city council and it is still going on and you just cut off your live streaming. Thanks a bunch! It is now 12:35 am. What a bunch of clowns.
what a joke... 1232 i am still up and city broadcast stopped before the meeting is over? guess the city server is scheduled to defrag on tuesday mornings...
Hello, where is the video of council meeting?
No VIDEOOOOOOO stream! what happened, I was actually listening tonight.
oh well, that sucks, no video!
Commerce City LIVE Video is up again.
You go Jadie and Rene!
Take a little time to really go through these "incentives"
Rene has a good point about the money for Mile High Market Place.
Money is not the end all be all.
That was what got Commerce City in trouble with the Northern Annexation.
Basic story brought up by a tea party lawyer at city council meeting, annex the north for the 3 million in revenue.
You can not tie the hands of future council by passing something that says that councils can not put a seat tax for 10 years!
Flea Market: I don't think the big tent will burn down, but I would never put my name on it.
No one wants a city seat tax.
so anyone can boss around commerce city, if they get foster and 11th decision?
McEldowney is going to vote for something that Foster wants. WOW, why would that be?
I got the council in majority as a pass.
WELCOME MILE HIGH MARKET PLACE to Commerce City!!!!!!!!!!
Earlier, Rene says we need to be business friendly, now...?
In this case we would actually gain revenue.
The other annexation was never about getting money, but having business that used our roads help pay to maintain what they used for free.
Poor staff, I bet they have been working on this for weeks.
Impossible to make everyone happy with so many details.
Some of council must have not been paying attention since this was the subject of a closed/exec session already.
So if Commerce City and The Flea Market were prison mates, we know he would get the top bunk.
After much detailed discussion the Commerce City Council has decided to Annex the Mile High Market Place into the City with Incentives 7-2
drive safe the bars are closing...............................................................................
Welcome Mile High Market Place to Commerce City!
Good Job Council!
Now Mayor can say in the state of the city on May 18th that we the city have both the Mile High Music Festival and the Mile High Blues Festival.
I think when it is all said and done, the council made the right decision.
Good Job Council,
Too bad the stream went down.
Anybody that took money from David Foster vote against this?
Did they ever get to discuss how they will evaluate the city manager and city attorney? After this performance I guess they don't need too. Just fire them both.
any reason why stream went down?
From Commerce City,
"We had to preset how long the video is going to last before we start. We didn't anticipate 7 hours so had to restart it."
you put that quote from city about the stream thru a truth test?
De-Annexation is very interesting to me. Which would be better for us Brighton or Denver? I have begun to feel that Commerce City is not going to turn itself around any time soon. I’ve had enough of all the fighting between council. I think too many council members lack sophistication. They won’t make the difficult decisions necessary to move ahead and overcome challenges like our image problem. They won’t move on projects in the north because it may make the citizens in the south feel neglected. I don’t agree with printing in Spanish. How would you ever have one city? If they want to be involved let them learn our language, even Brighton doesn’t do it. It surely isn’t helping Commerce City Schools.
funny, I love to come here to get a grin! EVERYTIME!
Oh yes, everyone is just a bunch of comedians. they should have Open Mic at Derby Daze!
Welcome to the City Mile High Market Place. Or as I know you the flea market
Mile High Market, Mile High Racing, Mile High Music, Mile High Blues.
We ain't DENVER people!
Everytime I come to this blog, I feel like I am going to cry. It truly is so sad that our city has no hope. We need a leader and we do not have one. I think we need to seriously get a citizens group together that is large enough to have most members attend city council and speak every darn week until they give us our money back and start listening to us. We have to make them listen to us.
It seems it takes a lot to get people up and moving to do something. Fear of death makes people move. And extreme anger makes them move. Is anyone else as angry as I am?
welcome Mile High Market place, good timing, you will get some free advertising in the state of the city.
I would Like to personally say THANK you to ALL the council members.
We all know that you do NOT get Paid well at ALL!
You all stayed until the early morning on Tuesday to get this flea market thing hammered out.
and thank you for letting them into the city. in the long run it will be worth it, you'll see.
Good decision City Council.
Mile High Market Place will bring in a good deal of sales taxes as well as give the city some control over their future movements.
Much better than allowing the county to be the only input.
What’s so good about having the flea market in Commerce City? Most items are sold under the table tax free so would someone explain to me how we’re going to benefit from this? If the city tries to force regulation they’ll lose business because you need ID to get a tax collection license. OR is this just something else we’ll have to throw money at to try to attract English speaking American citizens to the area?
I do not understand how Council women Carson can bring this whole thing up with the city manager and then just sit there in silence while the entire thing collapses around her.
I do not understand how Council man Bullock can just sit their in silence when a citizen goes up to the citizen communication podium, the exact same place he was not to long ago saying the exact same things he was. What about the 2 over paid city managers? What about the the huge amount of money coming out of the budget for just the city managers office?
I do not understand. This council needs to define themselves, this is the time.
Is council going to be a puppet council or a council of action for what is right for the taxpayers, the ones that voted you into office.
end note: did the council ever get back to the citizen who asked questions about this issue 2 weeks ago?
They are not sitting in "silence", the contracts with the city manager are BINDING CONTRACTS. Not much you can do.
Also, BOTH Jadie and Rene were NOT on council when all this happened.
Only Kathy Teter and Jim Benson voted against this.
Was council a little bit too "giving"? Yeah, maybe so, but look at where we were and look at where we are.
Council will not do anything about this. We need to focus on growing now, not starting back on square one.
Happy Birthday C TOWN
Happy Cinco De Mayo
Today the city of Boulder BANNED all travel to Arizona in protest of the new immigration law.
I would recommend the council of Commerce City follow suit.
Except for the city manager, he can go back to Arizona.
Arnold I fully disagree. This is not our business.
The law written by Arizona is the same as the Fed law that is ignored.
This just allows the Arizona police to actual follow the law that the Feds put into place and protect the jobs and services provided to those legally here.
This is not about immigration, this is about ILLEGAL immigration.
According to the info at the council meeting Mon.
The taxes will not be on the indivdual purchases, but will be on the vendors.
Of course not everything will be taxed, but it will bring in many thousands of dollars of sales taxes.
It also benifits the city to have input/control over this business.
NO WAY! the Arizona - Boulder City decision is about RACIAL PROFILING! and YES the Commerce City council SHOULD follow Boulder's lead!
No Human is ILLEGAL!
I don't think it would be wise for commerce city council to ban visiting Arizona. Besides I don't think we have any plans to go to Arizona for any reason.
City does not need to bring anymore attention to itself.
No reason to punish the AZ economy for a political issue.
it is UNFAIR
Look who is doing these Bans, DPS and Boulder! City should NOT follow suit.
Commerce City needs to now stay focus on ourselves.
Some people should return to school and learn about the US. AZ law just mimics current US law that has been on the books since the 1040's. Since the US government won't enforce the law it's up to the states. Those who have sneaked into this country should be arrested and sent back to their country. Commerce City should be asking for an ICE office to help improve our image. If people want to protest, then protest the laws mexico has and brutally enforce against illegal immigrants.
If a council person tries such nonsense as wanting to support action against AZ I'd be willing to sign a recall petition. How selfish of you people over look the facts of illegal immigration. There are millions of people from other nations, family members waiting to come here LEGALLY! They are in school; they are learning English, our culture to contribute and NOT be a burden on us. The way to fix immigration is to enforce our immigration laws sending home those who shouldn’t be here.
Sorry, DPS only did it to try to get the president to come to their school.
That is NOT the spirit of America. They have the right to come and make a better life for themselves.
YES they do! but, LEGALLY!
I agree!!
Yes Cleo, they need to do it legally like many, many others have and are in the process of doing.
I hate to break all of your dreams and ideas about Commerce City, but YES we do have illegal immigrants in the city.
How do you feel about them coming here because they had it bad in Mexico and this is a much better life here.
Still stand by that they have to do it legally.
That is the bottom line.
Just like my family did when they came from Europe.
WOW a immigration discussion.
I am all for immigration, but as many others said, it has to be legal.
not fair to the people who actually play by the rules and come into the city legally.
Illegal immigrants should be sent back to their countries and then come back into the country legally.
It is only fair and just.
Sorry buddy, but I have to agree, they need to be legal.
We are a land of laws and breaking them is just not acceptable.
I would be highly surprised if the Commerce City council take on the stance of boycotting Arizona.
Not worth it. I it will not work out for Boulder either. watch and see.
We are not talking about products, we are talking about people here, your fellow humans.
I saw a picture of a guy holding up a sign saying that NO HUMANS ARE ILLEGAL. It was in the Gateway News a while ago.
I saw that picture.
All I have to say is if they sneak into a country, then yes they are illegal.
I can agree to disagree.
I just have a bigger heart then some of you.
Not about who has a bigger heart, it is about what is legal and what is illegal.
I am impressed, a discussion about immigration that was pretty civilized.
D14 was going nuts last week.
It's not about heart. I have a warm and friendly heart.
I feel for people who struggle.
I also FEEL that immigration laws are here to protect our country.
Legal is the way to immigrate.
Illegal is just that...illegal
Casper responded on the TBCC blog to a writer signed in as Robby, as Robby R.
Had does Casper know that Robby, is Robby R ?
I wonder if this blog will not get posted or removed as others have been?
Suprised Robby's comment was allowed on in the first place.
Great news this morning! Walmart submitted a building permit for the Northern Range yesterday. Way to go Commerce City!
IS this true? I thought they already did this?
No, they were approved, they did not pull permits.
So this is good news, if true.
okay, cock fighting, PD shooting, Council Out of control spending, Adams 14 going nuts, colfax guy connection.
I have never seen the city in the news so much in my life.
too bad about the police shooting, my heart goes out to both the officer and person shot and killed.
city has a bad vibe right now. It will pass.
What made the boulder felon guy think Commerce City was a safe place to come to?
Commerce City will keep being in the news as long as city council and the mayor and the attorney and the manager do not do the right thing. Don't think that there aren't other news stories to cover, there are, but they are watching Commerce City now. Thank goodness too so they can be held accountable.
Anyone who is home on Friday morning should check out Channel 8 and watch the last school board meeting. It is a classic with Jeanette Lewis blowing up at the audience because they are being disrespectful. What is really disrespectful Lewis is your district's CSAP scores. The kids could have just stayed home and gotten better scores by learning to read the Gateway blog. Gee. Maybe too many legal fees Lewis and maybe just maybe your friends are not so smart after all. District has lost all the educated people.
Heard signatures are being collected to request the removal of all Commerce City signs on 96th,104th and 120th. Are people that humiliated?
That is the tea party area, at first I thought this was just stupid rumor. Maybe true.
Still won't change the fact they are in Commerce City.
D14 was classic, BUT, I live in the Northern Range and I am wondering WHY I am even watching D14 on Channel 8.
Don't get me wrong it has great reality TV entertainment, but I do not want my Channel 8, which is reserved traditional for cites as the "community channel" to be for a School District I am not part of.
But still Great Entertainment.
So sad it is a school district.
Why would people want to take down the Commerce City signs?
One Community, not a resource for 1/2 of the cities school districts.
Also agree is has good entertainment value, but not what it is suppose to be used for.
who pays for channel 8?
I think I can shed a little light on chn. 8
I don't know who pays for it, but there is a IGA between the D 14 School District and the City.
I don't know if any money is required to run it.
If so, I think the D 14 school district would be the ones to pay for it.
Good questions.
I will get more information about the city Cable channel and post when I receive it.
forget it dustie, Channel 8 is a very difficult subject, go to the charter on the city website and look under Chapter 6 CABLE TV, it is huge with tons of information.
This needs to be a agenda item on a city council meeting to explain what channel 8 is and what is the deal with the Adams City School District taking it over.
I personally would like to city a mix use of City News, Adams #14 News and 27J School News.
It would keep in the theme of ONE CITY that seems to be very popular these days.
Gateway News ask cc council this:
Please explain yourself for the following scenario:
cc Section 7 Acceptance of Gratuities Prohibited
It shall be a violation for any City elected or appointed officer or any City employee to accept gratuities, favors, or gifts in connection with or relative to any contract or business of the City, or to accept a substantial economic benefit tantamount to a gift of substantial value.
"We did not want to make a profit off of him," City Attorney Robert Gehler said. "That was the interest rate the city was receiving on its investments, so it was a wash."
Gift definition: Property, money or asset that one person transfers to another while receiving nothing in return.
Did City Council violate one of its adopted rules?
The Gateway News can't ask questions, they are banned from asking questions
I asked the question to all the Commerce City Council.
seriously I am growing tired of the city manager issue.
just it up, he is not going anywhere. there is nothing you can do, it is OVER! city wins!
any response gateway?
Yes, from Council women Kathy Teter and Mayor Paul Natale. I will wait to see if others respond before posting.
Also, the Gateway News does not have any ban on asking questions to the city of Commerce City.
I have a problem with "Anonymous" postings...
We have a right to free speech in this country. We have the right to be heard.
The expression of negative or potentially hurtful statements against other citizens of this country under the cover of "Anonymous" is cowardice and contrary to the spirit of free speech. Stand up and express yourself with all the rights and RESPONSIBILITIES that those that fought for free speech envisioned.
STAND UP against wrongs or injustices or behaviors you disagree with...but STAND UP. Don't criticize under the veil of secrecy that absolves you of the responsibility of your words.
"Anonymous" should be ashamed for neglecting their responsibilities.
Sometimes, it is very painful to watch Adams 14 School District's meetings on Channel 8, Recently, the School Board accepted another 12 Teacher resignations. President Jeanette Louis started to make a comment about this being "the usual end of the year resignations" and a little murmur came up from the audience. Pres. Lewis loudly came down on them and told them they would "be removed from the meeting" if they continued to murmur and she demanded their respect and repeated her statement saying," She had a right to her opinion." Likewise, it is painful to see and hear about the poor decisions made by City Council over these past few years. Because, all of these one line item votes effect thousands of innocent CC taxpayers and their children in today's economy.
When City and School systems become so broken down, God sends His witnesses in against the lies and half-truths being used against His people. "For they will cry to the Lord because of oppressors, and He will send them a Champion." Isa. 19:20. We need Champions in CC, people that will stand up and tell the truth.
who pays for our channel 8? Or is there even a charge?
Is Adams School District 14 paying the city to use it?
Great News for Walmart in the North, I don't mind a Walmart, Target would have been better, but beggars can't be choosers.
I was at the Mile High Market Place today. That place is Packed, I assume it is like that everyday?
Commerce City did the right thing by bringing them into the city.
I know it is not the ideal incentive package, but hey it gets them in and we will see revenue from that place eventually.
Good Job Commerce City
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