A quick search of the city of Commerce City on YouTUBE reveals a video by "yummies" that paints the city in a negative light.
The Gateway News would like to change this...This summer we are planning to create a positive video of what Commerce City is really about.
We are asking for your input... Please comment below on what you think the direction the video should take. What should the theme of the video be? What should the story board look like? What are the places, items that should be highlighted?
Any and All ideas are welcome.
I must admit I for one am surprised.
The Gateway has seemed to be promoting only the "negative" in the city for months now.
This would be a welcome change.
There is so much good in this city, but it is much more interesting to go after the dark stuff!
dusty, i am confused what you are asking of us. can you please explain?
We want to create a positive video for the internet about the city of Commerce City. What should it be about? should it be video clips, photos, both? Should it have words or just music, what is your opinion?
Be creative and tell me what you think it should look like.
I would say it should be no longer then 2 minutes long, 3 minutes tops. People have a hard time sitting and paying attention to anything more then 3 minutes long.
this sounds more like a challenge then a project.
i have no clue! i am not that creative person. i guess show pioneer park and some pretty trees.
I would like to say one thing and that is seeking out the truth about something very bad that has happened to our city is NOT negative. It is positive. That is how problems are solved and how we can move forward as a city. Shame on the current city council for refusing to acknowledge how bad the situation is around the house in Reunion that was bought for the city manager and shame on them for refusing to correct the situation. And shame on the city manager for refusing to pay for his own housing, taxes and insurance when he makes $172,000 a year. The citizens are angry and shame on the city council for not listening to them.
Thanks Dustie, we know you're talent & am sure you will make this great!1
dusty, you need to show the diversity of the city. both north and south.
i would have someone talking in the background as a brief history, someone with a unique voice.
i would do both pictures and videos.
hope this helps
haven't you all learned yet, people like the dark news much more then happy news. sorry that is human nature.
I would like to see the video be the theme of ONE CITY.
Divided into N and S and we fail, One City, we will succeed.
The video could show the city response to the recent hail storm. Public Works making sure the hail was off the streets, drainage was working, and things were safe. It could show the police department making sure we all knew about reputable contractors and how to report scammers. Neighborhood Services protecting the citizens from door to door scammers. Members of city council and senior staff walking around the affected neighborhoods, making sure the citizens knew they were there to help. The buidling department putting in the expedited permit process, especially for roofs, even opening on the three day weekend, knowing a number of homeowners need to get started. Good right up the the last two points.
copied this from **reply to all** funny but true
Anonymous said...
Show an overhead video of our single recreation center and the congested traffic maze to get to it. Also an overhead view of our prized Pioneer Park that is too far for children to get to. How about an overhead view of the northern enclave highlighting the 7-11 for convenient shopping. Until our official stop their infighting and get things done the unfavorable video is “Commerce City”.
Unless you show only Belle Creek and Reunion who build and maintain their own little cities inside of Commerce City
Friday, May 28, 2010
I would like to see a positive but honest video, you need to include Suncor and the Hispanic population
The majority of the hispanics in Commerce City (over 88%) are illegal immigrants that sneaked into our country. These are facts which can be verified via ICE. This is what burdened SD14 and help give us such a negative image. Why would we highlight that.
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