Another month has passed and once again it has been a very interesting education of your thoughts and concerns. Thank you to all that have posted and we look forward to hearing more of your comments.
If you are confused about how to post on the blog or feel more comfortable e-mailing me your comments and concerns, please do so and we will post it for you.
Dustin McIntyre, Gateway News and
Hello there everyone. My name is Petey the Prairie Dog and I am an employee of the city of Commerce City and also an activist with P.A.W. That is the very successful group out of the northern range, Prairie Dogs Against Walmart. I guess you are wondering how I secured a job in the building department without anyone knowing? Have you ever been to the building department at city hall? Well everyone is so very busy they didn’t even notice me, chewing and shredding documents, thereby thwarting every effort to build in the northern range. So don’t just give me credit for Walmart, give me credit for all the awesome economic development they keep talking about. They talk, I chew and shred. What a team! (And I think there are prairie dogs working in other departments too. They have disposed of the city manager’s offer letter, employee complaint documents, etc.)
Do you have any idea how far and unpleasant of a drive it is to come to Derby from the north. I'm not going to mention the increased possibility of being hit by an unlicensed/uninsured person...
Derby gets free advertising in the city lights and Gateway just did a thing on them too. Why is it that Derby is always a charity case? I have a issue with my tax dollars being spent to promote only one area or business.
It is a business world, if you can't make it. Sorry.
Floth, are you aware the reason some people are trying to help the Derby area is the streets are torn up currently for the renovation? It is an area that could be a real benefit to our city. The improved image and new business can do nothing but help all areas!! Obviously you must be new to the city, it is also a personal world made of people, if you don't like it, sorry!
Paul Floth: The tax dollars you pay to the city (if your are talking about property tax) doesn't pay for your trash pick up. The average home in the north pays about 60 to 70 dollars per year to the city, the rest go to schools,fire,library, metro districts etc.
Mr. Floth, It is not only Commerce City that promotes areas within their city limits. It is a win win for a city to do this.
Derby is a key part to Commerce City.
I suspect that one day the city might even give Derby Historical status, if they haven't yet.
And as far as the city promoting one business is not true. They city features new business that have entered in to the city. A recent article was put out by the city on their website about Cummins Diesel in the north range.
my god! their is a small group that will defend the city's actions no matter what they do. I call them the Defenders of the City
They blow a bunch of money on a rude city manager (example: Benson letter: "I have asked the city manager to make some good faith showing in this matter by simply paying for his taxes and insurance every month, but he refuses to do so, stating "I don't have to."). And the defenders of the city say he is worth every penny.
City manager has yet brought anything significant to the city. (side note: next time your in the Lakewood area, specifically the Belmar area, see what is going on there, a new target, best buy and two other huge boxes.) And yet the Defenders of the city jump in.
The Police shoot a family pet, instead of Pivot and Parry, at least that is what I was taught to avoid on coming danger. Or use their pepper spray or flashlight. And the city defenders jump right in.
I do not agree with what Mr. Floth said about the Derby area.
But I am tired of people, especially politicians and city staff referring to the property tax as only covering the trash pickup. This fact maybe true, but is is nothing more then a great example of how people use statistics to make a point.
I think of taxes as all the same. If I pay the taxes on my house to the city or buy a gallon of gas from Suncor and pay the taxes to the city that way, it is exactly the same.
Make no mistake people, the city is getting more then just your property taxes. The city really does nothing except mostly sit back and collect taxes that comes from us ultimately. Because this comes to them so easily, you will get citizens who get upset when the money is then spent in a manner that is not responsible.
Like giving it to a city manager for a loss that never happened. Or a car allowance that is one of the highest in the state.
Or lawsuits that should have not happened in the first place.
ps, this was in a way a bit of a rant, but I do feel better.
I would like to thank the for having a way to start and express opinions.
I assume nothing, everything, I write is documented. Both Denver Newspapers and CNN said that Bell, Calif. is a poor city. Commerce City is a financially secure city in that we have major industries (Sunco and UPS, etc.) that pay millions of dollars each year in Use taxes.
Let me share a friend's experience. Twenty years ago, her first husband was Canadian and the family arranged her marriage from the Middle East. At that time, it cost her $2,000 to become a Canadian citizen and she had to learn to speak English. Twenty years later, her husband died of Cancer. A year ago, she met and married a Middle East friend of ours in Colorado. They both speak their native language at home. Today, it cost her $3,000 to file for citizenship. At dinner the other day, she proudly showed me her six ID cards needed to become a permanent resident. It will cost another $600 in six months to become a permanent resident and in four years she will become a U.S. Citizen. The U.S. government gives immigrants 5 years to learn to speak English and pay the filing fees of about $4,000 to become a citizen. Thus, it is the U.S. government that sets guidelines and standards for citizenship. If, an immigrant lives in the United States for five to twenty years and makes no effort to learn English and pays no filing fee to become a citizen of this United States one could say they are not trying to assimilate.
Illegal immigrants have taken about 11 million jobs away from U.S. citizens. That does not include those immigrants that have Green cards and are here on work visa. Green card immigrants have worked in this United States for over 200 years. However, most Green card holders do not return to their country of origin. Finally, the shoe has been on the other foot as I hold several college degrees in Education and Human services and can not find employment in teaching and the field of my choice because I do not speak Spanish. My religion has nothing to do with getting employment except that I have often prayed for a job.
From cc goals: How do we overcome possible hurdles of SACWSD, SACVFD for business attraction?
we can change on any number of levels, but without our other key partners working together not against each other business will go where it's easier to do business ‐ this is about identifying IF there is an issue, and if so, how to overcome in PARTNERSHIP with SACFD, SACWSD, and others.
This should have been addressed 4 years ago, not recently.
Does the SACWSD support the commerce city tea party, these are the questions that need to be addressed.
Sit down restaurants in the entire City that compliment Northfield development. Growth is all around us, in Northfield/Stapleton, and the Prairie Way Center.
We need to be sure that we are not left behind in ED, and that we continue to move forward with smart growth.
I am wondering why we are just getting this now? This should have been brought up years ago.
Ward meetings provide a way for our citizens to hear directly from city council and staff regarding what is going on in the city. In Ward II in January 2008 the city spent $2,000 and somewhere around 200‐250 people attended. In May 2009 the city spend over $5,000 on a “town hall” at Thimming Elementary in River Run and only 40 people attended. This cost the city $125 per person. We need to find a way to spend the city’s money in the most efficient manner to attract the most residents to such a meeting.
Citizens don't care because they know they will get no action. Can't get a response from council at council meeting, rule is to talk and then sit down, like talking to the wall. Email them and you get a rude response or just out right ignored.
This council will go down as the "deal breaker" council that ignored the citizens and did NOTHING.
In May 2009 the city spend over $5,000 on a “town hall” at Thimming Elementary in River Run and only 40 people attended. This cost the city $125 per person.
Actually, it was more like 20 people if you take away the staff and media
Interesting, I never heard this from the city until now. What do citizens do if they have a "concern"?
Concerns in the community about ‘illegal element’ and not paying ‘fair share, but yet demanding significant attention from city & schools ‐ how do we overcome?
From CC staff: Citizen Engagement - North (E/W) Range community
1) They are feeling ever more the stranded community, caught between Brighton & CC and feeling part of neither 2) This is our growth area – and as the housing situation levels out and rebounds, we need these people to be ambassadors to attract new buyers
They have gambled on CC, and so far they have lost ($$), they are feeling like they made a poor choice and are t rapped ‐ How can we save these relationships before they are made bitter and check‐out?
Already small talk about how to de-annex into Adams County and become part of Brighton
Encourage development of the Adams From cc staff goals: Crossing area, in addition to Tower Road and HWY 2. We should also look at a revenue sharing agreement with Brighton for businesses that open up in the proximity.
Adams Crossing should come first as there with be 1,000 employees there later this year or early 2011. Brighton is way ahead of us on this one.
why would Brighton get into any kind of agreement with cc? Why should they? Once again, is cc a charity case?
With the Chinese get this new air craft carrier bomber and tensions increasing, I ask, is it a good idea for Commerce City to get involved with the Chinese?
Sans, the council would be damned no matter what they do. If they try to get citizens envolved, but they don't turn out, then bad council. If they don't try, then bad council. Brent, I my opinion, the reason some of this info was brought out before was the past position of ED didn't have a clue on how to provide a comprehensive plan as to what our city needs.
Archer, hope you can write a huge check. I looked in to the "deannexation" and ya gotta pay CC for all infrustructer up front. You know the stuff you are paying for over 30 years now! Personally I think that would be a good idea for you. Everything you write is critical. I like ideas, critisim and input, not all negativity!!
No worries. China was never going to come here anywhere so do not fret. They had come to Canada and America to attempt to get investors to go to China, never the other way around. And if Commerce City is stupid enough to pay for their trip, why not take it?
Something is very wrong with Pro City. I am all for being positive but Pro City never challenges ANYthing about the city, about decisions made, about direction, about newsworthy events, and even about the lack of real economic development in Commerce City. This despite the great things going on in Brighton, Stapleton, Northfields, Thornton and Northglenn. The most patriotic thing that anyone can do is to challenge and question their elected officials and all of their government entities. Dissent is basic to a healthy government and is the hallmark of patriotism. Reasonable and wise folks welcome questions and discussion. Yet Pro City spins circumstance and events in a way that certainly is disturbing. Who is Pro City? Mayor Paul Natale or his family? An employee whose job it is to watch this blog and respond with spin? Pro City is devoid of thoughtful balance and objective thinking. Very dangerous for any democracy, including a local government.
I'm not surprised people in the north want to break away from commerce city. city council doesn't listen to the people. the city turns a blind eye to illegal immigrants. just take a look at the literature sent to our homes. spanish mixed with english?? -what a waste of money..strait to the recycle bin for all city communication. city refuse using e-verify to confirm city employees are eligible for employment.
Since 2000, when Commerce City became known as a Sanctuary City, thousands of immigrants flooded into the Historical area of our city. City council representatives are elected from a population count in their Wards. So, in the core city area we have Wards I, VI and III with parts of Ward III pointing fingers up into the Northern Range area. The entire Northern Range area is Ward II. Before 2000, the majority of a population count would have been made up of property taxpayers and registered voters. Today, only a minority of the Historical City residents are registered voters while the majority of these core city residents are current immigrants to our city. These immigrants pay Use taxes to the city just like Suncor who has no vote in city affairs or finances. Moreover, immigrants are heavy consumers of goods and services and probably spend about 100% of their incomes within the city limits, but, do not vote. Today, Use taxes probably comprise 70 to 72% of our city finances.
Most of the Northern Range area is made up of about 96% of property taxpayers and registered voters in Commerce City, but, we have only one city council member to represent us. Furthermore, the Northern Range spends about 100% of consumer monies outside of city limits as there is little or no retail or grocery stores in the Northern Range and they probably have two or three times the amount of money to spend as the core city. The one time I ventured to Derby to take some pictures for a Committee, a women followed me asking for money, a young man in a white pickup circled around me for about ten minutes until I left. A restaurant had a huge Mexican flag out front and the small shops played loud Mexican music. I really did not feel safe. I felt like I was in another country.
City council members from the Historical City vote according to their Ward's needs which are many even though the majority of residents are not able to vote themselves. Hence, unlike Suncor who has no say on how their Use taxes are being spent, immigrants get almost dollar for dollar whatever infrastructure or support service they need for their quality of life. On the other hand, the Northern Range with only one city council member who is easily out voted does not have equal representation according to the majority of registered voters in CC and property taxes paid. If City Council continues to refuse to hear the Northern Range concerns, I fully agree to explore de-annexation to Adams County and Brighton. Why would I agree? Because, we must do something for our families future education, employment and quality of life. If, we have no equal representation and no voice on council what are we doing in CC? ( Archer wrote a very insightful tweet.)
from cc goals: "Financial practices & decision making. We need to think in terms of sustainable financial practices . We need to get better at identifying ‘unintended' consequences of our decisions"
Does this in anyway tie back to the numerous amendments to the Commerce City manager's contract?
By the way I do appreciate the PRO-CITY comments. Good to hear the "other" side on this.
straight from the city's mouth: "travel times to CC Rec are unreasonable for majority of NR community and act as a deterrant to use of existing facility"
So can we finally admit that we are TWO CITIES NOW?
this is a hell of a comment by our city staff: "The image of Commerce City in the minds of many outside the city is one of industry and slums, substandard housing, and housing unfit for human habitation."
Estelle, first of all there is no ward VI. By the way the "one ward person who represents the north" doesn't. His focus has been on the south and his buddies there.
The image of Commerce City in the minds of many outside the city is one of industry and slums, substandard housing, and housing unfit for human habitation.
I was reading about the closed interviews for Aurora's city manager. If we add Flannery's salary plus the $72000 he received in the unethical and shady house deal- does that make him the highest paid CM in Colorado?
Section 4.2 Wards The City is hereby divided into four (4) wards whose boundaries shall be the same as presently established . ........ Wards shall be contiguous and compact, and shall have approximately the same number of voters. Commerce City Charter
A few months ago, I paid for a copy of the voters in our subdivision for a petition. There were 600 or more registered voters and 300 actual voters. I would guess that this would be the case in our other Wards. Because, there has been 10 to 12% home foreclosures in CC and the Angelou Economic Study said at that time we had about 53% Hispanic population and most of them had no citizenship and therefore can not vote. Thus, I feel that the voter count for core city wards is not a true count and would like to see some kind of a recount of the true number of voters. The Charter does not say registered voters but "the same number of voters." Since the last census numbers 2008, we have no idea the numbers of immigrants flowing in and out of CC. The wards as I remember have about 8 to 9,000 registered voters each. But, that hardly seems true since we have a disproportionate number of immigrants living in the Historic City. Only 10 to 17% actually vote.
Personally, I admire and respect, Jim Benson. He thinks outside the box and is very observant. I continue to support him.
On Aug. 2, at the end of the city council meeting, council pro-tem Tracey Snyder asked for specific funds be used to purchase car seats for children 8 yrs and younger. (Channel 8) Colorado passed a law that children 8 yrs and younger had to use car seats. She said that needy families were getting children ready for school and could not afford cars seats, too! Council member, Jason McEldowney agreed with her and said that he would vote for that. Mr. Serna spoke to the council and agreed that people could bring car seats into Maria and that families could not afford to buy their own car seats.
For many years, local churches, stores and Channel 9 News have donated hundreds of school bags and filled them with school supplies and given them to local school children. Walmart and area stores have barrels that local customers have filled with donated school supplies to give to children. Therefore, the community is already giving and helping these local families. City Manager Flannery said local Fire Stations are collecting car seats for CC residents.
The question is with so many different groups already giving local residents free backpacks, school supplies and car seats is this now the responsibility of city council to provide hundreds of dollars to local residents for car seats. If, we give money, we can not be sure it will go for car seats, if, we (The City.) purchase car seats to give what is the next expectation? I can not find anywhere in our City Policy or Charter where it says that the city is responsible to provide this kind of assistance to our residents.
2 things, why is council starting at 5:30 instead of 6:30 according to the agenda, second, why is only the city attorney getting eval and not the city manager.
From the agenda: "Executive Session 5:40 a) An Executive session concerning a personnel issue regarding the annual evaluation of the City attorney pursuant to C.R.S 24-6-402(4)(f)"
Denver just passed an ordinance that makes construction firms use the federal E-Verify program to validate new employees' immigration status as a condition of holding a city contract.
Listening to CC council meeting last night, I have discovered the way to get past city zoning or planning regs. You find a few council people to befriend or give money to and voula' when you bypass the system they vote to give you what you want!! Actually quite impressive of what I was told about CC's history of deals. Rules and regs be damned, we don't need no stinkin rules, just a few bucks and some close friends! Sad. I heard we had moved beyond this!
Thank you for asking, from 2005-2006, I was Co-chair of the Commerce City Ballot Forum and did voter registration. We had a very successful State and City Forum at Adams City High School. In 2006-2007, I was Chair of the Commerce City Ballot Forum and we had successful forums at Belle Creek and a Latino Forum at Our Lady, Mother of the Church on Mar. 1, 2007. The Latino Forum was in English and Spanish and we had 10 Latinos attend. We did open registration at CC Walmart, King Soopers and Hi Lo Market in both English and Spanish. We had two Spanish applications in two years. Most of the Hispanic people thought all one needed was a drivers license to vote only 5% out of 10,000 of area Hispanics can actually read Spanish. Those figures come from the State Election Center. We signed up about 10 people at each site. All of the young people that we talked to and two older people at Walmart and Hi Lo Market could not sign up because they were on probation or convicted felons. We had two homeless people asking to sign up. We had one 18yr. old sign up at King Soopers. In two years, we signed up about 60 people.
In 2007, we tried to get CC to get Spanish interpreters for Ballot polls. That's how I found out only 5% can read Spanish. I put an article in the local papers and offered to supply any Latino voter with an interpreter if needed; no one signed up. (Don't Read English, April 22, 2007, Beacon.) Also, wrote an article, Gateway News, Mar.9,2007, on "The First Rights of a Citizen to Vote. Out of 10,000 Hispanic population only 5% can read Spanish if provided at voting access." We had 43% minority population at that time.
In 2000 census, "about 53 percent of CC population was of Hispanic descent; 43 percent were of non-Hispanic white." Between 2000 and 2007, about 80 percent of the total residential growth considered themselves of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity." ( Socioeconomic & Housing Profile, CC, p.6.)
From 2005 (800 voters.) to 2007 (2,953 voters.), CC had an increase of 375% voters. Total Ballots Cast: CC Rec Ctr 265; Central Elem 230; Adams HS 107; Reunion Rec Ctr. 691; Buffalo Run 215: 2nd Creek Elem 224; Municipal Services Ctr. 67; Belle Creek Ctr. 104; Thimmig Elem 146; Kemp Elem 223; Rose Hill School 223; Absentee 269; Provisional 65. April 3, 2007, local newspaper.
Total South: 1, 239 Total North: 1, 714 Difference North 475 more votes. Today, we have a population of between 38 to 40 thousand in CC. So, only about 7.7 percent voted in 2007. It said in local paper that 17% vote but I believe that only about 5% to 10% out of 20,000 actually read Spanish according to State information. I can not find my statistics beyond 2007. Perhaps, The Gateway News has those?
Thus, the problem with many immigrants is that they can not read English or Spanish. Those Hispanic/American citizens should be able to read English to be able to cast their vote were probably born here and many may be too young to vote. Currently, it may be against the law to even ask if they are citizens that can vote. The only way to find out how many immigrants in our area are citizens and able to vote is to use Secure Communities.
If, a person is going to write in and take the time to say that I assume too much the least they can do is sign their name.
The first thing to do to find solutions, is to recognize and admit to the problems. The next thing is to get people together to ask more questions and to brainstorm. What we have right now is a mayor who refuses to admit there are problems and who also refuses to let people talk or debate issues. He even does this to his fellow council members. Estelle, keep up the good work!
Denver just passed an ordinance that makes construction firms use the federal E-Verify program to validate new employees' immigration status as a condition of holding a city contract.
Ok we have a mayor that will not allow healthy dialogue and debate- leading to solutions. We have a city manager who is the poster child for having a legal contract but no ethics. What do they have in common? They do not care about doing the right thing for our community and all our citizens. I will be happy to see their tail lights when they leave our fine community. Let's do better next time everyone!
Adams 14 is a case study in how to ruin a school district that was getting awards and moving up continually! Under the current leadership directed by Ms. Jeannette Lewis, this school district is tanking! The last professional and credible study on Commerce City indicated that Adams 14 is dragging the entire city down, both north and south areas. The new high school is filled with students and teachers who hate how it is being run. How many lawsuits have and are going to be lost? The whole thing is a tragedy by anyones standard. No one in their right mind would accept the excuses that Adams 14 is spinning.
Petey the Prairie Dog here. The campaign against Walmart in the north is going very well. As all of you can see, NO Walmart! And my job at the city, I love it! It is so simple. People employees come and go all day long, mostly never here at all. So I just sit here in the air conditioning and keep on shredding documents. So don't blame the city for no development. I get all the credit. He He He!!!
Great. Adams 14 in the Denver Post today at the bottom of the barrel.I just read Ms. Chandlers, Mr. Albright's (I am sure apporved by President Lewis) petty and absurd responses. They said the poor scores were because they were changing the teaching strategies and that there are always poor results when there is change. What!?! There were ten years of change with Dr. Lange and other Adams 14 school boards and presidents. All resulting in tremendous progress and community support. Not one school year was sacrificed to poor performance because of said "change". Adams 14 had the same rediculous explanation last year. Please, Adams 14, don't add any more insult and embarrassment to this disaster.
Glad that anonymous knows what the "mayor" allows and doesn't. Look at the votes, he has one. There are 8 others. The council norms and meeting norms were voted on by the ENTIRE council. I have watched the meetings for a while now and the votes are not with him, yet special deals are made for special friends of some of the council, so where is his "special power" p.s. this is a weak mayor city, one vote is one vote.
Some solutions might be for the city to hire Spanish Interpreters to serve at Ballot Polls during elections. I was told it was too expensive. Instead of buying car seats which other agencies can provide, perhaps, we can help Hispanic Citizens to vote and do some citizenship building?
The Gateway News used to deliver Newspapers to our subdivision but because residents could not read or write English, they were just left on front yards. Then, the Gateway News printed some pages in Spanish but because residents could not read or write Spanish, newspapers were left to blow on neighbor's yards.
When, I ran the Forums, I paid hundreds of dollars to print everything in Spanish. We knocked on hundreds of Latino doors and handed out over 300 flyers but because no one could read them they were just thrown away. As a city, we can not educate thousands of people on how to read and write both English and Spanish. Most don't know the candidates because they don't come to the Forums even with interpreters because they can not read our flyers. We finally did get a few by announcing meetings in churches. Likewise, when elections are coming up we must announce dates and times orally. I would suggest that at Motor Vehicle Registration on 72nd Ave., we hire Spanish speaking election representatives to talk about the candidates and issues on upcoming elections. People go in there everyday to get their licenses.
On a more serious note: We have to stop the flow of immigrants into CC because we are coming to an end on how many our city can absorb and pay to support. They need millions of dollars in assistance with free services, especially in child care and food. Most have no intention of becoming U.S. citizens because they do not have the $5,000 each needed to pay for the amnesty process. Sad to say, immigrants come across an open border with two goals in mind: To get jobs and bear children for citizenship. They think that if they bear American citizens then they have the right to stay and raise them here. (And, I am not putting anyone down for doing this they want to stay here for free.) One way to slow down this whole process as a city is to adopt E-verify and Secure Communities.
Estelle you are talking about people here right? Don't you have a heart for someone coming here to better their life. I would ask that you put yourself in their shoes and then answer me this, What would you do?
I don't think we need SPANISH interrupters to help someone pick a name on a ballot or a number of a ballot measure.
The people in our city who don't speak English well enough can understand the Politicians and Ballot Measures, believe me, they do cover these types of issues on one of the MANY Hispanic TV channels and/or Radio stations.
So e-verify makes it so any one who bids on a contract with the city would have to ensure that all workers are legal? If, so I think that would really put the city in a bad bad bad position.
I would be against this all together.
I would hope the current Commerce City Council would not even consider this.
Lets be smart people!
ps-I find Petey the Prairie Dog as much needed comic relief on a frustrating situation, that being the Walmart in the North.
Dwight: Why would that be putting Commerce City in a bad position?Some movement on enforcing the laws we already have on the books has to start soon. I do see the viewpoint of people who will do most anything to give their families a better future. I think they are very brave, but all of the services that we are providing is breaking the bank. Something has to give. And I agree Petey is hilarious. Let's start a fan club. Petey needs to run for office.
I heard a rumor that Caliber Recycled Products located at 6121 Clermont Street is closing the doors Friday. I just wanted to give you a heads up, I believe if they are closing then they will leave behind 100's of Thousands of pounds of tires, much more tires than the city has ever seen. I also heard that Richard Cookson Caliber's President is going back to England for good so he will not be able to be contacted once he leaves.
As you may or may not know I have not been with the company since it was taken over on April 30, 2009. When we got the approval from the city it was for AcuGreen a company of which I was President. On April 30, 2010 New company formed that I was not included in called Caliber Recycled Products and I was told to leave. I did without a fight but did warn everyone about the problems with the permit including a number of people at Commerce City.
A few other things:
* The City approved only AcuGreen for the permit to run the Tire Recycling Plant. At the City Counsel meeting that AcuGreen was approved, in front of you and the Mayor, I was told by Paul Workman that if another company was to come in it would have to get a new permit. I told Patrick Buckley and Paul Workman 4-5 times that AcuGreen was no longer in Business and that Caliber Recycled Products was running the plant which is a different company so they needed a new permit. The reason I made it clear to him was I new this was a violation and I didn't want AuGreen to be held responsible when, not if something like this happened. * The City as well as the Adams County Fire approved a plan to store tires on the west side of the lot and some inside I believe up to 20,000 pounds. I reported the violation to Commerce City Officials as well as all the to the top of Adams County fire and again it fell on deaf ears. Caliber had stacked against the wooden fence on the south end of the lot (violation written in they are not allowed to do that) as well as more than 5 times the allowed limit in the warehouse and no one wanted to do anything about it, well you're going to have to do something now because I heard he's skipping town. I once had Denver Fire look at it (early 2010) and they said "I'm so glad this is not in Denver anymore, this place is not going to catch fire it's going to blow up the entire subdivision".
To date I have done everything in my power to notify Commerce City and Adams County Fire that they were allowing a disaster to happen, allowing a company to violate the city zoning policy and putting their citizens in danger with fire violations as well as Department of Health Violations. I have nothing to do with Caliber Recycled Products never have and never will. I did my duty to report the violation but due to personal issues with me it fell on deaf ears.f you need anything please feel free to call me I will pout you in contact with someone that can clean this up.
I have not been in that industry since my departure April 30, 2010 but I still have many contacts. I don't think the citizens of your great city should have to have this problem put on them
During our first Forum, 2005, at Adams City High School, we had the Civic students take a major part in the set up and direction of the meeting. I had ordered 40 nice box dinners for the 30 Candidates because it was over their supper hour. Only half of the candidates took a meal. So, I gave the rest out to our helpers. One Hispanic girl from the Civic class asked if she could take the leftovers to her family " because they never have enough to eat." I gave them to her.
At our March 2007 Latino Forum, I had ordered about 120 Tacos to give two to each person attending. After the Forum, we had a lot of leftovers. A teenage boy was helping the Church janitor take down chairs and asked if he could take home the extra Tacos "because his brothers and sisters were always hungry." I let him take them home. (In July, 2007, the city gave the City Manager a loan for $450,000 for a house.)
When I interviewed for a vacant seat on Adams 14 School District's Board of Education, I talked to their Finance person who said that the School District was $174,000 over budget for school meals because children did not get meals at home. For these past two years, School District 14 has had a summer food program because children would not get meals over the summer. This shows how badly families are struggling to get food on the table in CC. We must do something to to feed these hundreds of hungry children. New and old immigrants coming to CC have no idea how slow our economy has become in CC and we probably have not bottomed out as yet. So, that is where my heart lies as a Mother/Grandmother, we need to feed our children, first. So far, that responsibility has been put on School District 14. Finally, we must do something to regulate the flow of incoming immigrants so that those that are already here might be able to survive in this economy.
E-verify is the sole responsibility of the employers and has nothing to do with those that contract with them. Read, Arizona's SB1070 and it tells exactly how E-verify works. Yes, Candidates and Ballot issues are discussed over Hispanic TV programs but it would cost only a few dollars to make sure non-English speakers and readers had all the help they needed at the polls on election day. I was told that many bring their children with them to interpret by Election Headquarters. Sometimes, when you vote for something, you are actually voting against something. Ten generations ago, my ancestors came from Germany, Bohemia, Spain, Ireland and Scotland to give us a better life. But, they became citizens as soon as possible. We fought and sometimes died in the Revolution, Civil War, Spanish American War, WWI, WWII, Kosovo and Iraq. (Married my Spanish Great Grandmother, SAW.) Today's immigrants are crossing an open border illegally with full knowledge that it is against our laws. Why don't they fight for a better life and equally in Mexico and set their own people free like we did! How many Police and City Mayors have to be killed before the people stand up and take their country back?
Estelle is on to something. I think the people who come to our coutry illegally do so because we do not take our border laws seriously. If you don't know, there was a recent vote of no confidence by the union of the ICE group (illegal immigrant enforcement).
To make matters worse, anyone who speaks out about illegal immigrants is either not being political correct or is labeled a racist.
It is getting very frustrating. I would like to see change, but until we get good leadership at the federal level, I do not think anything is going to happen.
Thanks for the comments Estelle you should bring up a lot to talk about.
Estelle, I completely agree with you.People are always collecting food, clothing and other supplies to keep all these families going.I have seen you speak at the Spanish outreaches and you were one of only a few that cared to help these families.You were very compassionate.You are also correct, this must stop. You give everyone food for thought.
I resent that fact that people like you assume that the democrats are not concerned about the law. We are.
Obama is doing the best with what he had given to him. We know there is a big problem with the borders, but it does not help to just complain about it. Why don't you give some actual advice on what to do to solve the issue.
I would also like to restate someone very important that another blogger said here just a day or so ago and that is we are talking about people here. People with families and are trying to better their life.
It makes the issue harder when you think about then this way instead of just illegal numbers costing us dollars!
Estelle, I respect your opinion, but I have a hard time with you saying the kids of Adams County School District 14 are hungry when they all have cell phones and facebook accounts.
Maybe some real facts would be nice for a change. Do you have any real factual numbers?
about the car accident on tower road in Commerce City this morning. It was reported that she swerved to miss a box on the road. I am wondering why there was a box on the road on the first place. Is it because it blew out of the one of the many trash trucks that litter our roadsides when they go out to trash mountain? I would like the Commerce City council to look into this and hold those responsible. It is not only making our city look bad, it is creating a dangerous driving condition.
as the city needs to look at all the rocks on the road on 104th, very dangerous for motorcycles. I am glad I am posting this now for a record when someone just hurt or killed on 104th.
One of the worst median designs in the history of mankind.
30 feet across and filled with various size rocks and kids kick out to the street. Someone will get hurt or killed. Especially those of us on motorcycles.
by the way, gateway, I love, love, love the videos and pictures. keep up the good work! people are noticing!
I appreciate the discussion about the accident regarding the box on Tower that resulted in a fatal accident. But we can not assume that the box came from a trash truck. There is just no evidence, it could have come from anywhere.
Thank you for answering the question about the Tire company. Do you know the procedure of what a citizen should do if they know of illegal immigrants in the city limits?
We need to look at the true picture of immigration in CC. It costs the average American about $216,000 to birth and raise a child in the U.S. One Hospital District in Colorado is $17,000,000 in debt paying for free hospital care. In the American School system 62% of school children qualify for the State and Federal free lunch program because their families earn below a certain set wage. One can go on the Adams 14 School web site and get the precise percentages listed for any school district in Colorado under the Free Lunch program. All schools in Colorado have a free lunch program for those students that family earnings are under a set standard. I don't have time today to go back through my records but I believe Adams 14 is at about 72% of the families that can not afford to feed their children. Thank God for these Federally funded free meal programs. When I was a teenager, fifty cents was too much for my mother to give me for lunch. We purchased from a grocery store that gave us credit, thus, we did not have money for food. I ate a lot of sugary foods to fill me up. My clothing came from the Salvation Army. I know poor, first hand. If, 72% of the CC students families are saying they only earn a certain amount so that their children qualify for free lunches, I am not too sure how these children get cell phones and cell phone service each month unless someone is not telling the truth. But, I do believe that a teenagers will go without meals at home just to have the latest symbol of American culture. Perhaps, a cupcake instead of real food? My fifteen year old grandson who is eating my son out of the house is constantly texting his friends, you wouldn't even know he was sitting under that Beatles long hair do. My son makes him eat a nutritious diet but he is still almost six feet tall and skinny as a rail and always hungry. Imagine what it must be like to have no food to eat. As a child, I remember going to the neighbor's house to eat free spaghetti dinners until I was stuffed.
DA Don Quick: No criminal charges should be filed against Commerce City Police Officers involved in May 5 incident. Full Review of evidence at:
Estelle, I have no doubt that you had a rough childhood. But todays kids are much different. We are living in a digital era. I know for a fact that at least 90% of child in the Adams County School district has somehow access to YouTUBE and myspace or facebook. I maybe wrong, but I think the new high school is completely wireless. I just wonder how kids do this.
I just read that Council will again consider the 250 acre piece of land by the airport for the comprehensive plan Monday night. This property is the land that high priced lawyer, David "I get whatever I want" Foster represents. I have no doubt Mr. Foster will try to confuse, muddle, and manipulate to get his way Monday night. Watch for it!
Petey the Prairie Dog here. Just wanted everyone to know that it looks real good for us. Pawmart is coming! And possibly Hole Depot! All located at the new (drum roll please) Prairie Dog Center. See one prairie dog CAN make a difference. Too bad humans don't understand that. Oh well its better for all us furry families in the northern range. Thanks to our mayor Paw Natal and colony manager Furry Flannery.
The Gateway site has to be the most amazing website in Colorado! You are all very talented people. Many congratulations and much continued success! P.S. LOVE the Current Page and new set-up. Everyone should check out all your pages. Congrats also to all of your advertisers!Great on line paper.
Just saw last week's council meeting. Mayor Natale whining about wanting to go on MORE trips back to China and other countries! He has repeatedly said that his new-found China connections would and have benefited other cities in Colo and other cities of the region. What cities? At Commerce City's expense? Whose mayor is he anyway? What an opportunist.
Gee anonymous, what meeting were you listening to?? I heard the mayor try to get Ms Snyder to go to continue the relationship with China, not himself. I have heard that the whole council goes to DC yearly, nothing has ever come from that after what 9 years? How many thousands of dollars are spent for each trip? Now I hear that the China connect is going to be given away to another city. Yes opportunity lost for the city, not opportunist.
Good news about Caliber Recycled Products located at 6121 Clermont Street: Neighborhood Services completed an inspection to investigate the claims made about this property. They found only 7 tires within the designated outside storage area; there are no tires located within the building.
The good news was the alternative to the original claim of "they are closing then they will leave behind 100's of Thousands of pounds of tires, much more tires than the city has ever seen."
I read comments about the "foster factor" a lawyer that has the reputation of getting what he wants in Commerce City. Also, comments about certain businesses getting what they want from the council because of campaign donations.
I can understand why this is out in the public. I read the money behind the voice piece by the Gateway News.
I would like to say that this current council really does have the good of the city at heart. I would like you all to take note on the ordinance 1823.
In the past the MHMF donated a portion of the sales from the festival to the Commerce City quality community for a lifetime grant program. Will they be doing this for the 2010 festival? And if so, how much will be given?
How much were the total costs to the city of Commerce City and how much revenue was generated in the city from the festival being here?
I know this is controversial, and most likely there is nothing anyone in the city can do about it. But I do not think that the largest kush concert in Commerce City is the best thing for our image as a city now or looking long term.
I respect the law and the voters decision to legalize medical marijuana, I just personally do not think it is right.
Pro City, I don't understand what you mean. The current council is completely fractured. They don't seem to be a team at all. As citizen that can only see what is happening at council and other meetings and what I heard at places like the Monaco picnic, I feel very worried about what is happening to our city. A few years ago, we were so exicited about what was happening. I am discouraged and embarrassed.
Adams 14 is such a mess. Another scandal, another HR director bites the dust and another principle dismissed at the beginning of the school year. The morale around here is at an all time low. Jeannette Lewis had the gall to show up at the Monaco back to school nite at the park after she lowered the boom.
This is from the following council meeting in Commerce City: "The departments submitted requests that were flat with 2010 except for those items that increased due to insurance premium, outside agency fee or utility price increases. Those increases added approximately $996,000 to the 2011 budget requests. The amount for the insurance premiums is estimated only since we will not receive the actual insuance company premium proposals for some time. In addition, there were Special Consideration requests totalling $133,000, Budget Enhancement requests" totalling $916,380 and New Position requests totalling $842,628. These requests have been reduced and work continues on refining the requests.
What are those items that increased due to insurance premium, outside agency fee?
Gateway, how did Adams 14 justify the last 2 years CSAPS? What is going on with the principal at Monaco and the HR director being put on administrative leave?
Is the CC council ever going to do the city manager evaluation? And if they do are they going to take in account the city's financial reality of before he was hired and now 3 years after?
Has the city's finances been limited in the past 3 years?? I say Yes! Reality also says..the entire country has been in a dire straight economically. Anyone thinking CC wouldn't be affected is crazy. We have actually done well. The budget has been tightened and we haven't gone the way of many cities around us, cutting postions or services. "It's the economy stupid!'
There are many ways to measure the CM even with the down aconomy. How many employees have left the city? How is the morale? What complaints and lawsuits have named the CM? Is the CM a role model and outstanding representative of the city? Is the adminstration of the city transparent, ethical, innovative and creative? Do citizens, council and employees feel the CM communicates well, is trustworthy and follows through on projects and promises? Is the image of the city better over the past 3 years due to the actions of the CM?
Called the city contacts I know. City Manager Flannery is being sent to Germany not by CC, but by the National League of Cities. He was chosen by them as one of a few city managers in the US to go. No city money is being spent to send him.
The Canabis Festival is a use by right of Kronke organization. The city has no input as it's Kronke's lease of the stadium that gives him the right to allow whomever his organization wants. I heard it was not successful.
My question for the city manager is this: Why do you need to spend 3+ weeks away from the city when there is work to be done locally? Again, it seems to me that this is another example of a city manager who does not put the local community first.
Maybe some of you don't know, Mr. Flannery going to Germany is going to be good for the city in the long run. It is common practice for individuals in a city manager capacity to participate in something called professional development.
Mr. Flannery will learn and gain experience from this trip that can be applied to our city here.
This is a good positive thing and should be celebrated. Not criticized.
School District Adams 14 Director of Communications, John Albright Confirms: "...the Monaco Elementary School principal and the Adams 14 chief human resources officer have been placed on administrative leave. This is a personnel matter, so I am unable to provide further details."
We will follow this as it develops.
Once again, thanks for the questions. Keep them coming.
Anonymous: You are obviously ignorant to issues like bringing business to Commerce City. Do you think seriously that anyone can force Walmart, Kings etc to build? Incentives have been given to Walmart, very good incentives. If they are not ready, that means they are not ready. No one can hold a gun (figurativly) to their head and force them to start building!
Gateway News. Can you guys ask if the CM going to Germany is going to be time paid by our tax dollars or is the Commerce City CM going to Germany on his time off, like vacation time?
Petey the Prairie Dog reporting in. As all of you know our campaign (P.A.W. - Prairie Dogs Against Walmart) has been extremely successful. A splinter group of our original group has formed under Dog Pawtrayus as they believe they cannot take any chances at losing the land. We in no way are associated with them and even though we have the same goals, we do not agree with their methods.
We have heard everything now! Pro City advocating for CM Flannery to go to Germany for 3 weeks disguised as a needed quest for "Professional Development" is beyond preposterous and quite mind-boggling. Any rationally run city would run from doing this. Three weeks is almost 1/12th of the CM's year. Certainly Brighton, Thornton and others who are getting REAL economic development wouldn't consider such an outrage to its people.
So, the guy Hoops (or whoever he is) has been meeting with high officials from Commerce City? He is Natale's candidate which will bring him nothing but zero votes in Commerce City. We agree, Mr Hoops, the Thornton City Council is beautifully run by Mayor Hansen.Since you haven't been to any other council meetings, I guess you don't know that Mayor Natale is the reason for all of the turmoil and split votes on the Commerce City Council.I'm sure he asked you to come to the council meeting knowing full well the rules would be broken. Better do your homework. You lost my vote tonight!
So are they letting Flannery go? Who will be in charge? And of course Natale has been at the center of the splits. He does not do it in the meetings but totally manipulates behind the scenes.
We knew Mayor Paul Natale would finagle his way back to China. It was embarrassing watching Mayor Pro-Tem Tracey Snyder and Natale as they kept saying it wasn't about them going to China when clearly it was. Snyder was outfoxed by Natale who could have declined McEldowney's motion that Natale continue going to China. They didn't have to turn anything over to the Metro Mayors Caucas. ANY mayor can go on these trips if they want to pay for them. What relationship with the Chinese? They didn't even stay in Commerce City for any time at all and all they did was tour Waste Management. Hasn't anyone been listening? Natale repeatedly has said that if anything comes of these trips it would be for Colorado, not Commerce City. The only voices of reason for saving the citizen's money and council and staff time are Jim Benson, Kathy Teter and Rene Bullock.
I would like to make a suggestion here. I would make it to commerce city council, but they just ignore us.
I would like to say we need a stop of all international travel for staff and council until we take care of some of the pressing issues here at home. Two things come to mind would be a grocery store in the North and also a Recreation Center in the North.
Improved Economic Development around the stadium also should be a focus too.
An alleged bomb threat has been made to Prairie View High School All students evacuated and safe. Building is being checked and secured. Safety of students is the highest priority.
Update on 27J bomb threat at Prairie View High School: 27J have received the information from the Brighton Police Department that all is clear at Prairie View High School and the school building is safe for students to return to a normal school schedule tomorrow, August 25. Two students have been arrested due to a sign that had been placed on a locket that said “explosive”. It was reported that a ticking sound was heard inside the locker.
Both Commerce City and City Manager Flannery are building their resumes for future political purposes and employment. Visits to China and visiting dignitaries from China help to make dignitaries on both sides of the Pacific appear to be helping International relationships and looks good on any cities resume. Even though, nothing may ever come from this cultural exchange. Both cities can say they have made International exchanges to the public.
Three weeks of training in Germany would impress any new employers on a resume when Mr. Flannery decides to move on to another position. One can only hope that City Council will finally decide to review the real facts surrounding relocation expenses and the time line of the sale of Flannery's Arizona house and not allow high pressure third party's to make executive decisions based on inflated National Industrial Standard's.
When a person applies for a job, all the people making the decision to hire that individual ever see is a carefully written Resume and all they hear is what the candidate has to say about themselves. The candidates ethical history, how, he conducts business, is never fully known. Few candidates reveal their true ethical standards with future employers. They say what they think people want to hear or what will get them hired. Just like, no ethical history was shared with the National League of Cities and will not be shared with any future employers. A person either has a good ethical foundation, no matter what the situation, they will relate in an ethical manner or they did not have ethics to begin with. When, Mr. Flannery decides to move on, no one will know that he manipulated this city out of thousands of taxpayer dollars. (I am referring to living free in the taxpayer's house for three years for about $144,000.)
The citizens don't care or if they do care and bring it up, they just get ignored.
Flannery can basically do what he wants, the council is way to wimpy to stand up to Bob and Jerry and will follow them to the end. Jerry to most of the council is better then sliced bread, so there you go.
Until the citizens step up, we will just be used like we always are.
In response to the person who asked: "So is the city manager trying to get fired so he doesn't have to pay back his house?"
As far as I know, the house is already in Jerry Falnnery's name and does not have a lien on it. So the only thing that he is obligated to is the last agreement, which has a long history of being changed, being amended many times.
1 – 200 of 268 Newer› Newest»Hello there everyone. My name is Petey the Prairie Dog and I am an employee of the city of Commerce City and also an activist with P.A.W. That is the very successful group out of the northern range, Prairie Dogs Against Walmart. I guess you are wondering how I secured a job in the building department without anyone knowing? Have you ever been to the building department at city hall? Well everyone is so very busy they didn’t even notice me, chewing and shredding documents, thereby thwarting every effort to build in the northern range. So don’t just give me credit for Walmart, give me credit for all the awesome economic development they keep talking about. They talk, I chew and shred. What a team! (And I think there are prairie dogs working in other departments too. They have disposed of the city manager’s offer letter, employee complaint documents, etc.)
It would be nice, if the readers of this blog would go down to the Derby area of Commerce City and shop there.
Derby is under some construction, but please do not let that deter you.
Come down and visit us, we welcome all of you.
The Gateway is taking over the world with websites
any news on a possible date on n. walmart?
Do you have any idea how far and unpleasant of a drive it is to come to Derby from the north. I'm not going to mention the increased possibility of being hit by an unlicensed/uninsured person...
Gateway, your Zen Garden is beautiful, Petey the Prairie Dog is really funny and your website and Facebook page rock!
I would go to derby if they had some stores to go to
Derby gets free advertising in the city lights and Gateway just did a thing on them too. Why is it that Derby is always a charity case? I have a issue with my tax dollars being spent to promote only one area or business.
It is a business world, if you can't make it. Sorry.
are you aware the reason some people are trying to help the Derby area is the streets are torn up currently for the renovation?
It is an area that could be a real benefit to our city.
The improved image and new business can do nothing but help all areas!!
Obviously you must be new to the city, it is also a personal world made of people, if you don't like it, sorry!
Paul Floth:
The tax dollars you pay to the city (if your are talking about property tax) doesn't pay for your trash pick up.
The average home in the north pays about 60 to 70 dollars per year to the city, the rest go to schools,fire,library, metro districts etc.
Mr. Floth,
It is not only Commerce City that promotes areas within their city limits. It is a win win for a city to do this.
Derby is a key part to Commerce City.
I suspect that one day the city might even give Derby Historical status, if they haven't yet.
And as far as the city promoting one business is not true. They city features new business that have entered in to the city. A recent article was put out by the city on their website about Cummins Diesel in the north range.
my god! their is a small group that will defend the city's actions no matter what they do. I call them the Defenders of the City
They blow a bunch of money on a rude city manager (example: Benson letter: "I have asked the city manager to make some good faith showing in this matter by simply paying for his taxes and insurance every month, but he refuses to do so, stating "I don't have to."). And the defenders of the city say he is worth every penny.
City manager has yet brought anything significant to the city. (side note: next time your in the Lakewood area, specifically the Belmar area, see what is going on there, a new target, best buy and two other huge boxes.) And yet the Defenders of the city jump in.
The Police shoot a family pet, instead of Pivot and Parry, at least that is what I was taught to avoid on coming danger. Or use their pepper spray or flashlight. And the city defenders jump right in.
I guess the city can do no wrong.
Paul Floth,
There is nothing wrong with positive promotion of an area that needs a boost because of street renovations.
Not at all a waste of tax payer money.
I do not agree with what Mr. Floth said about the Derby area.
But I am tired of people, especially politicians and city staff referring to the property tax as only covering the trash pickup. This fact maybe true, but is is nothing more then a great example of how people use statistics to make a point.
I think of taxes as all the same. If I pay the taxes on my house to the city or buy a gallon of gas from Suncor and pay the taxes to the city that way, it is exactly the same.
Make no mistake people, the city is getting more then just your property taxes. The city really does nothing except mostly sit back and collect taxes that comes from us ultimately. Because this comes to them so easily, you will get citizens who get upset when the money is then spent in a manner that is not responsible.
Like giving it to a city manager for a loss that never happened. Or a car allowance that is one of the highest in the state.
Or lawsuits that should have not happened in the first place.
ps, this was in a way a bit of a rant, but I do feel better.
I would like to thank the for having a way to start and express opinions.
did flannery win the manager of the year award?
I assume nothing, everything, I write is documented. Both Denver Newspapers and CNN said that Bell, Calif. is a poor city. Commerce City is a financially secure city in that we have major industries (Sunco and UPS, etc.) that pay millions of dollars each year in Use taxes.
Let me share a friend's experience. Twenty years ago, her first husband was Canadian and the family arranged her marriage from the Middle East. At that time, it cost her $2,000 to become a Canadian citizen and she had to learn to speak English. Twenty years later, her husband died of Cancer. A year ago, she met and married a Middle East friend of ours in Colorado. They both speak their native language at home. Today, it cost her $3,000 to file for citizenship. At dinner the other day, she proudly showed me her six ID cards needed to become a permanent resident. It will cost another $600 in six months to become a permanent resident and in four years she will become a U.S. Citizen. The U.S. government gives immigrants 5 years to learn to speak English and pay the filing fees of about $4,000 to become a citizen. Thus, it is the U.S. government that sets guidelines and standards for citizenship. If, an immigrant lives in the United States for five to twenty years and makes no effort to learn English and pays no filing fee to become a citizen of this United States one could say they are not trying to assimilate.
Illegal immigrants have taken about 11 million jobs away from U.S. citizens. That does not include those immigrants that have Green cards and are here on work visa. Green card immigrants have worked in this United States for over 200 years. However, most Green card holders do not return to their country of origin. Finally, the shoe has been on the other foot as I hold several college degrees in Education and Human services and can not find employment in teaching and the field of my choice because I do not speak Spanish. My religion has nothing to do with getting employment except that I have often prayed for a job.
Has anyyone looked at this? It is a complete view of goals and priorities.
Now how do we get there?
From cc goals: How do we overcome possible hurdles of SACWSD, SACVFD for business attraction?
we can change on any number of levels, but without our other key partners working together not against each other business will
go where it's easier to do business ‐ this is about identifying IF there is an issue, and if so, how to overcome in PARTNERSHIP with SACFD, SACWSD, and others.
This should have been addressed 4 years ago, not recently.
Does the SACWSD support the commerce city tea party, these are the questions that need to be addressed.
Also from commerce city goals:
Sit down restaurants in the entire City that compliment Northfield development. Growth is all around us, in Northfield/Stapleton, and the Prairie Way Center.
We need to be sure that we are not left behind in ED, and that we continue to move forward with smart growth.
I am wondering why we are just getting this now? This should have been brought up years ago.
Ward meetings provide a way for our citizens to hear directly from city council and staff regarding what is going on in the city. In Ward II in January 2008 the city spent $2,000 and somewhere around 200‐250 people attended. In May 2009 the city spend over $5,000 on a “town hall” at Thimming Elementary in River Run and only 40 people attended. This cost the
city $125 per person. We need to find a way to spend the city’s money in the most efficient manner to attract the most residents to such a meeting.
Citizens don't care because they know they will get no action. Can't get a response from council at council meeting, rule is to talk and then sit down, like talking to the wall. Email them and you get a rude response or just out right ignored.
This council will go down as the "deal breaker" council that ignored the citizens and did NOTHING.
I am with Petey WHAT A TEAM!
In May 2009 the city spend over $5,000 on a “town hall” at Thimming Elementary in River Run and only 40 people attended. This cost the city $125 per person.
Actually, it was more like 20 people if you take away the staff and media
Interesting, I never heard this from the city until now. What do citizens do if they have a "concern"?
Concerns in the community about ‘illegal element’ and not paying ‘fair share, but yet demanding significant attention from city & schools ‐ how do we overcome?
From CC staff: Citizen Engagement - North (E/W) Range community
1) They are feeling ever more the stranded community, caught between Brighton & CC and feeling part of neither
2) This is our growth area – and as the housing situation levels out and rebounds, we need these people to be ambassadors to attract new buyers
They have gambled on CC, and so far they have lost ($$), they are feeling like they made a poor choice and are t rapped ‐ How can we save these relationships before they are made bitter and check‐out?
Already small talk about how to de-annex into Adams County and become part of Brighton
Encourage development of the Adams From cc staff goals: Crossing area, in addition to Tower Road and HWY 2. We should also look at a revenue sharing agreement with Brighton for businesses that open up in the proximity.
Adams Crossing should come first as there with be 1,000 employees there later this year or early 2011. Brighton is way ahead of us on this one.
why would Brighton get into any kind of agreement with cc? Why should they? Once again, is cc a charity case?
With the Chinese get this new air craft carrier bomber and tensions increasing, I ask, is it a good idea for Commerce City to get involved with the Chinese?
Do you think the Commerce City officials will talk about the new Chinese Carrier Killers in their visit here?
new Chinese missile have nothing to do with economic development!
yeah right, until they use it
Maybe the Chinese can manufacture their new BOMBS here is Commerce City, prime location, ear DIA, PERFECT
Sans, the council would be damned no matter what they do.
If they try to get citizens envolved, but they don't turn out, then bad council.
If they don't try, then bad council.
Brent, I my opinion, the reason some of this info was brought out before was the past position of
ED didn't have a clue on how to provide a comprehensive plan as to what our city needs.
Archer, hope you can write a huge check.
I looked in to the "deannexation" and ya gotta pay CC for all infrustructer up front. You know the stuff you are paying for over 30 years now!
Personally I think that would be a good idea for you. Everything you write is critical. I like ideas, critisim and input, not all negativity!!
Make Petey the new city manager please.
No worries. China was never going to come here anywhere so do not fret. They had come to Canada and America to attempt to get investors to go to China, never the other way around. And if Commerce City is stupid enough to pay for their trip, why not take it?
Something is very wrong with Pro City. I am all for being positive but Pro City never challenges ANYthing about the city, about decisions made, about direction, about newsworthy events, and even about the lack of real economic development in Commerce City. This despite the great things going on in Brighton, Stapleton, Northfields, Thornton and Northglenn. The most patriotic thing that anyone can do is to challenge and question their elected officials and all of their government entities. Dissent is basic to a healthy government and is the hallmark of patriotism. Reasonable and wise folks welcome questions and discussion. Yet Pro City spins circumstance and events in a way that certainly is disturbing. Who is Pro City? Mayor Paul Natale or his family? An employee whose job it is to watch this blog and respond with spin? Pro City is devoid of thoughtful balance and objective thinking. Very dangerous for any democracy, including a local government.
I'm not surprised people in the north want to break away from commerce city. city council doesn't listen to the people. the city turns a blind eye to illegal immigrants. just take a look at the literature sent to our homes. spanish mixed with english?? -what a waste of money..strait to the recycle bin for all city communication. city refuse using e-verify to confirm city employees are eligible for employment.
I am surprised this "commerce city goals" are out in the public.
Seems is sounds more like an internal document.
Equal Representation
Since 2000, when Commerce City became known as a Sanctuary City, thousands of immigrants flooded into the Historical area of our city. City council representatives are elected from a population count in their Wards. So, in the core city area we have Wards I, VI and III with parts of Ward III pointing fingers up into the Northern Range area. The entire Northern Range area is Ward II. Before 2000, the majority of a population count would have been made up of property taxpayers and registered voters. Today, only a minority of the Historical City residents are registered voters while the majority of these core city residents are current immigrants to our city. These immigrants pay Use taxes to the city just like Suncor who has no vote in city affairs or finances. Moreover, immigrants are heavy consumers of goods and services and probably spend about 100% of their incomes within the city limits, but, do not vote. Today, Use taxes probably comprise 70 to 72% of our city finances.
Most of the Northern Range area is made up of about 96% of property taxpayers and registered voters in Commerce City, but, we have only one city council member to represent us. Furthermore, the Northern Range spends about 100% of consumer monies outside of city limits as there is little or no retail or grocery stores in the Northern Range and they probably have two or three times the amount of money to spend as the core city. The one time I ventured to Derby to take some pictures for a Committee, a women followed me asking for money, a young man in a white pickup circled around me for about ten minutes until I left. A restaurant had a huge Mexican flag out front and the small shops played loud Mexican music. I really did not feel safe. I felt like I was in another country.
City council members from the Historical City vote according to their Ward's needs which are many even though the majority of residents are not able to vote themselves. Hence, unlike Suncor who has no say on how their Use taxes are being spent, immigrants get almost dollar for dollar whatever infrastructure or support service they need for their quality of life. On the other hand, the Northern Range with only one city council member who is easily out voted does not have equal representation according to the majority of registered voters in CC and property taxes paid. If City Council continues to refuse to hear the Northern Range concerns, I fully agree to explore de-annexation to Adams County and Brighton. Why would I agree? Because, we must do something for our families future education, employment and quality of life. If, we have no equal representation and no voice on council what are we doing in CC? ( Archer wrote a very insightful tweet.)
who ever posted the goals. THANK YOU! very interesting!
from cc goals: "Financial practices & decision making. We need to think in terms of sustainable financial practices . We need to get better at
identifying ‘unintended' consequences of our decisions"
Does this in anyway tie back to the numerous amendments to the Commerce City manager's contract?
By the way I do appreciate the PRO-CITY comments. Good to hear the "other" side on this.
hey gateway, can you find out why commerce city keeps saying that "The old rules no longer apply" in their goals? What were the old rules"
I wonder how Brighton feels about a Commerce City northern "Break Away"?
I think you would all be surprised.
CC says: "Maybe change the city logo to a buffalo."
Maybe a good idea, but do you all know how much we spent on the claw tree?
I think this document might be a little old, at least months old.
straight from the city's mouth: "travel times to CC Rec are unreasonable for majority of NR community and act as a deterrant to use of existing facility"
So can we finally admit that we are TWO CITIES NOW?
this is a hell of a comment by our city staff: "The image of Commerce City in the minds of many outside the city is one of industry and slums, substandard housing, and housing unfit for human habitation."
to sans: If the shoe fits.
Sans, where did you get the staff comment from??
Was it something that was repeated by staff, but originally said by a citizen on a committee?
Estelle, first of all there is no ward VI.
By the way the "one ward person who represents the north" doesn't.
His focus has been on the south and his buddies there.
page 15 on goals sheet
The image of Commerce City in the minds of
many outside the city is one of industry and
slums, substandard housing, and housing unfit
for human habitation.
I was reading about the closed interviews for Aurora's city manager. If we add Flannery's salary plus the $72000 he received in the unethical and shady house deal- does that make him the highest paid CM in Colorado?
Dusty, you are very talented, those pictures are great! I hope you are doing this professionally
Section 4.2 Wards The City is hereby divided into four (4) wards whose boundaries shall be the same as presently established . ........ Wards shall be contiguous and compact, and shall have approximately the same number of voters. Commerce City Charter
A few months ago, I paid for a copy of the voters in our subdivision for a petition. There were 600 or more registered voters and 300 actual voters. I would guess that this would be the case in our other Wards. Because, there has been 10 to 12% home foreclosures in CC and the Angelou Economic Study said at that time we had about 53% Hispanic population and most of them had no citizenship and therefore can not vote. Thus, I feel that the voter count for core city wards is not a true count and would like to see some kind of a recount of the true number of voters. The Charter does not say registered voters but "the same number of voters." Since the last census numbers 2008, we have no idea the numbers of immigrants flowing in and out of CC. The wards as I remember have about 8 to 9,000 registered voters each. But, that hardly seems true since we have a disproportionate number of immigrants living in the Historic City. Only 10 to 17% actually vote.
Personally, I admire and respect, Jim Benson. He thinks outside the box and is very observant. I continue to support him.
On Aug. 2, at the end of the city council meeting, council pro-tem Tracey Snyder asked for specific funds be used to purchase car seats for children 8 yrs and younger. (Channel 8) Colorado passed a law that children 8 yrs and younger had to use car seats. She said that needy families were getting children ready for school and could not afford cars seats, too! Council member, Jason McEldowney agreed with her and said that he would vote for that. Mr. Serna spoke to the council and agreed that people could bring car seats into Maria and that families could not afford to buy their own car seats.
For many years, local churches, stores and Channel 9 News have donated hundreds of school bags and filled them with school supplies and given them to local school children. Walmart and area stores have barrels that local customers have filled with donated school supplies to give to children. Therefore, the community is already giving and helping these local families. City Manager Flannery said local Fire Stations are collecting car seats for CC residents.
The question is with so many different groups already giving local residents free backpacks, school supplies and car seats is this now the responsibility of city council to provide hundreds of dollars to local residents for car seats. If, we give money, we can not be sure it will go for car seats, if, we (The City.) purchase car seats to give what is the next expectation? I can not find anywhere in our City Policy or Charter where it says that the city is responsible to provide this kind of assistance to our residents.
Estelle you say: "53% Hispanic population and most of them had no citizenship and therefore can not vote."
Is this a fact? or just a assumption?
wards have nothing to do with registered voters, just people living there, It is not the fault of anyone in the ward if no one votes.
The responsibility of the right to vote falls on all of us as the people of the city.
No one can force you to vote.
But you lose your validity as a complainer is you do not vote.
Make no mistake, Commerce City politics have always been, how many of your friends and family voted for you, nothing else!
The history of the voter turn out has ALWAYS been extremely low!
Even when the beacon was around. That is just the way Commerce City is and always has been.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
People in CC just don't care! Doesn't mean we should not give up on them, it is just what it is here.
Maybe someday that will change with the continue development of the north, but until then, it is what it is.
commerce city council needs to leave the social services to the social services. They should be concentrating on economic development!
So what if we spend some money on car seats, we are already spending almost 2 grand on cars for our "talented" city managers, larry, curly and moe!
2 things, why is council starting at 5:30 instead of 6:30 according to the agenda, second, why is only the city attorney getting eval and not the city manager.
From the agenda: "Executive Session 5:40 a) An Executive session concerning a personnel issue regarding the annual evaluation of the City attorney pursuant to C.R.S 24-6-402(4)(f)"
Because it is an exec session, and that is behind close doors. so makes sense to have it earlier.
the Executive session is about BOB, nothing bad to say about BOB, he is basically the father of CC!
What happened to the City Manager's review?
Beautiful pictures, Gateway!
Denver just passed an ordinance that makes construction firms use the federal E-Verify program to validate new employees' immigration status as a condition of holding a city contract.
Should Commerce City follow suit?
Listening to CC council meeting last night, I have discovered the way to get past city zoning or planning regs.
You find a few council people to befriend or give money to and voula' when you bypass the system they vote to give you what you want!!
Actually quite impressive of what I was told about CC's history of deals.
Rules and regs be damned, we don't need no stinkin rules, just a few bucks and some close friends!
I heard we had moved beyond this!
couple things,
I do not think the masses that came out for the 2008 election where all friends and family of the candidates!
I don't think there is anything wrong with the City spending a little money on car seats, have a heart!
And once again, I would remind you all we are light years from where we were, not perfect, but much improvement.
a vicious cycle, you take campaign funds and then it is time to vote on something that involves the group you took campaign funds from.
Do you have the ability to keep the two separate and vote for what is truly best for the city or do you cave in and do whats best for your donor.
This is not limited to Commerce City, it is limited to ALL politicians that take money from anyone.
if one is disgusted by politics one should participate more, not less, since how else will things change.
Curious in Reunion
Thank you for asking, from 2005-2006, I was Co-chair of the Commerce City Ballot Forum and did voter registration. We had a very successful State and City Forum at Adams City High School. In 2006-2007, I was Chair of the Commerce City Ballot Forum and we had successful forums at Belle Creek and a Latino Forum at Our Lady, Mother of the Church on Mar. 1, 2007. The Latino Forum was in English and Spanish and we had 10 Latinos attend. We did open registration at CC Walmart, King Soopers and Hi Lo Market in both English and Spanish. We had two Spanish applications in two years. Most of the Hispanic people thought all one needed was a drivers license to vote only 5% out of 10,000 of area Hispanics can actually read Spanish. Those figures come from the State Election Center. We signed up about 10 people at each site. All of the young people that we talked to and two older people at Walmart and Hi Lo Market could not sign up because they were on probation or convicted felons. We had two homeless people asking to sign up. We had one 18yr. old sign up at King Soopers. In two years, we signed up about 60 people.
In 2007, we tried to get CC to get Spanish interpreters for Ballot polls. That's how I found out only 5% can read Spanish. I put an article in the local papers and offered to supply any Latino voter with an interpreter if needed; no one signed up. (Don't Read English, April 22, 2007, Beacon.) Also, wrote an article, Gateway News, Mar.9,2007, on "The First Rights of a Citizen to Vote. Out of 10,000 Hispanic population only 5% can read Spanish if provided at voting access." We had 43% minority population at that time.
In 2000 census, "about 53 percent of CC population was of Hispanic descent; 43 percent were of non-Hispanic white." Between 2000 and 2007, about 80 percent of the total residential growth considered themselves of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity." ( Socioeconomic & Housing Profile, CC, p.6.)
From 2005 (800 voters.) to 2007 (2,953 voters.), CC had an increase of 375% voters. Total Ballots Cast: CC Rec Ctr 265; Central Elem 230; Adams HS 107; Reunion Rec Ctr. 691; Buffalo Run 215: 2nd Creek Elem 224; Municipal Services Ctr. 67; Belle Creek Ctr. 104; Thimmig Elem 146; Kemp Elem 223; Rose Hill School 223; Absentee 269; Provisional 65. April 3, 2007, local newspaper.
Total South: 1, 239 Total North: 1, 714 Difference North 475 more votes. Today, we have a population of between 38 to 40 thousand in CC. So, only about 7.7 percent voted in 2007. It said in local paper that 17% vote but I believe that only about 5% to 10% out of 20,000 actually read Spanish according to State information. I can not find my statistics beyond 2007. Perhaps, The Gateway News has those?
Thus, the problem with many immigrants is that they can not read English or Spanish. Those Hispanic/American citizens should be able to read English to be able to cast their vote were probably born here and many may be too young to vote. Currently, it may be against the law to even ask if they are citizens that can vote. The only way to find out how many immigrants in our area are citizens and able to vote is to use Secure Communities.
If, a person is going to write in and take the time to say that I assume too much the least they can do is sign their name.
You are on to something, but I will ask you this, what is your solution? I hear a lot of problems, but no solutions or proposed solutions
The first thing to do to find solutions, is to recognize and admit to the problems. The next thing is to get people together to ask more questions and to brainstorm. What we have right now is a mayor who refuses to admit there are problems and who also refuses to let people talk or debate issues. He even does this to his fellow council members. Estelle, keep up the good work!
so ADAMS D14 drops in CSAPS AGAIN!, I guess they need to fire someone?
Response to
Denver just passed an ordinance that makes construction firms use the federal E-Verify program to validate new employees' immigration status as a condition of holding a city contract.
Should Commerce City follow suit?
ANSWER IS YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok we have a mayor that will not allow healthy dialogue and debate- leading to solutions. We have a city manager who is the poster child for having a legal contract but no ethics. What do they have in common? They do not care about doing the right thing for our community and all our citizens. I will be happy to see their tail lights when they leave our fine community. Let's do better next time everyone!
When the last city manager bought those expensive pens, didn't he reimburse the city? Great model for the current city manager (hint $72000)
Adams 14 is a case study in how to ruin a school district that was getting awards and moving up continually! Under the current leadership directed by Ms. Jeannette Lewis, this school district is tanking! The last professional and credible study on Commerce City indicated that Adams 14 is dragging the entire city down, both north and south areas. The new high school is filled with students and teachers who hate how it is being run. How many lawsuits have and are going to be lost? The whole thing is a tragedy by anyones standard. No one in their right mind would accept the excuses that Adams 14 is spinning.
my god, our csaps are bad, we have no eco dev. and the cand. the 3 of the council endorsed lost.
Cant CC get a break!
PS-I voted for Bennet!
who endorsed romanoff on council?
Commerce City Council Members who Endorse Andrew Romanoff over Michael Bennet for US Senate include: Benson, McEldowney, and Moreno.
Romanoff should have bet Bennet. OH WELL
Ken Buck may have beat Jane Norton, but he will be no match for Bennet. I predict Bennet will win in November 55%
Ken Buck can't possibly beat Michael Bennett. The race between Larry Pace and Erik Hansen will be interesting.
Can't wait to see how many in Commerce City voted.
what does Adams #14 have to do? It is not money, 27J has no money either. What is so wrong?
Gateway, the CSAP graph on the School News page is great THANK YOU!
I agree the Hansen v. Pace race will be very interesting.
I for one am going for Hansen. I would love to see where the county heads with a at least one republican in there.
Apparently, Adams County is heavily democratic.
Petey the Prairie Dog here. The campaign against Walmart in the north is going very well. As all of you can see, NO Walmart! And my job at the city, I love it! It is so simple. People employees come and go all day long, mostly never here at all. So I just sit here in the air conditioning and keep on shredding documents. So don't blame the city for no development. I get all the credit. He He He!!!
Great. Adams 14 in the Denver Post today at the bottom of the barrel.I just read Ms. Chandlers, Mr. Albright's (I am sure apporved by President Lewis) petty and absurd responses. They said the poor scores were because they were changing the teaching strategies and that there are always poor results when there is change. What!?! There were ten years of change with Dr. Lange and other Adams 14 school boards and presidents. All resulting in tremendous progress and community support. Not one school year was sacrificed to poor performance because of said "change". Adams 14 had the same rediculous explanation last year. Please, Adams 14, don't add any more insult and embarrassment to this disaster.
I am also voting for Hansen. Time for a change for sure.
Glad that anonymous knows what the "mayor" allows and doesn't. Look at the votes, he has one.
There are 8 others. The council norms and meeting norms were voted on by the ENTIRE council.
I have watched the meetings for a while now and the votes are not with him, yet special deals are made for special friends of some of the council, so where is his "special power"
p.s. this is a weak mayor city, one vote is one vote.
Attention: Paul Floth
Some solutions might be for the city to hire Spanish Interpreters to serve at Ballot Polls during elections. I was told it was too expensive. Instead of buying car seats which other agencies can provide, perhaps, we can help Hispanic Citizens to vote and do some citizenship building?
The Gateway News used to deliver Newspapers to our subdivision but because residents could not read or write English, they were just left on front yards. Then, the Gateway News printed some pages in Spanish but because residents could not read or write Spanish, newspapers were left to blow on neighbor's yards.
When, I ran the Forums, I paid hundreds of dollars to print everything in Spanish. We knocked on hundreds of Latino doors and handed out over 300 flyers but because no one could read them they were just thrown away. As a city, we can not educate thousands of people on how to read and write both English and Spanish. Most don't know the candidates because they don't come to the Forums even with interpreters because they can not read our flyers. We finally did get a few by announcing meetings in churches. Likewise, when elections are coming up we must announce dates and times orally. I would suggest that at Motor Vehicle Registration on 72nd Ave., we hire Spanish speaking election representatives to talk about the candidates and issues on upcoming elections. People go in there everyday to get their licenses.
On a more serious note: We have to stop the flow of immigrants into CC because we are coming to an end on how many our city can absorb and pay to support. They need millions of dollars in assistance with free services, especially in child care and food. Most have no intention of becoming U.S. citizens because they do not have the $5,000 each needed to pay for the amnesty process. Sad to say, immigrants come across an open border with two goals in mind: To get jobs and bear children for citizenship. They think that if they bear American citizens then they have the right to stay and raise them here. (And, I am not putting anyone down for doing this they want to stay here for free.) One way to slow down this whole process as a city is to adopt E-verify and Secure Communities.
Estelle you are talking about people here right? Don't you have a heart for someone coming here to better their life. I would ask that you put yourself in their shoes and then answer me this, What would you do?
I don't think we need SPANISH interrupters to help someone pick a name on a ballot or a number of a ballot measure.
The people in our city who don't speak English well enough can understand the Politicians and Ballot Measures, believe me, they do cover these types of issues on one of the MANY Hispanic TV channels and/or Radio stations.
So e-verify makes it so any one who bids on a contract with the city would have to ensure that all workers are legal? If, so I think that would really put the city in a bad bad bad position.
I would be against this all together.
I would hope the current Commerce City Council would not even consider this.
Lets be smart people!
ps-I find Petey the Prairie Dog as much needed comic relief on a frustrating situation, that being the Walmart in the North.
Dwight: Why would that be putting Commerce City in a bad position?Some movement on enforcing the laws we already have on the books has to start soon. I do see the viewpoint of people who will do most anything to give their families a better future. I think they are very brave, but all of the services that we are providing is breaking the bank. Something has to give. And I agree Petey is hilarious. Let's start a fan club. Petey needs to run for office.
I heard a rumor that Caliber Recycled Products located at 6121 Clermont Street is closing the doors Friday. I just wanted to give you a heads up, I believe if they are closing then they will leave behind 100's of Thousands of pounds of tires, much more tires than the city has ever seen. I also heard that Richard Cookson Caliber's President is going back to England for good so he will not be able to be contacted once he leaves.
As you may or may not know I have not been with the company since it was taken over on April 30, 2009. When we got the approval from the city it was for AcuGreen a company of which I was President. On April 30, 2010 New company formed that I was not included in called Caliber Recycled Products and I was told to leave. I did without a fight but did warn everyone about the problems with the permit including a number of people at Commerce City.
A few other things:
* The City approved only AcuGreen for the permit to run the Tire Recycling Plant. At the City Counsel meeting that AcuGreen was approved, in front of you and the Mayor, I was told by Paul Workman that if another company was to come in it would have to get a new permit. I told Patrick Buckley and Paul Workman 4-5 times that AcuGreen was no longer in Business and that Caliber Recycled Products was running the plant which is a different company so they needed a new permit. The reason I made it clear to him was I new this was a violation and I didn't want AuGreen to be held responsible when, not if something like this happened.
* The City as well as the Adams County Fire approved a plan to store tires on the west side of the lot and some inside I believe up to 20,000 pounds. I reported the violation to Commerce City Officials as well as all the to the top of Adams County fire and again it fell on deaf ears. Caliber had stacked against the wooden fence on the south end of the lot (violation written in they are not allowed to do that) as well as more than 5 times the allowed limit in the warehouse and no one wanted to do anything about it, well you're going to have to do something now because I heard he's skipping town. I once had Denver Fire look at it (early 2010) and they said "I'm so glad this is not in Denver anymore, this place is not going to catch fire it's going to blow up the entire subdivision".
To date I have done everything in my power to notify Commerce City and Adams County Fire that they were allowing a disaster to happen, allowing a company to violate the city zoning policy and putting their citizens in danger with fire violations as well as Department of Health Violations. I have nothing to do with Caliber Recycled Products never have and never will. I did my duty to report the violation but due to personal issues with me it fell on deaf ears.f you need anything please feel free to call me I will pout you in contact with someone that can clean this up.
I have not been in that industry since my departure April 30, 2010 but I still have many contacts. I don't think the citizens of your great city should have to have this problem put on them
Hungry Children
During our first Forum, 2005, at Adams City High School, we had the Civic students take a major part in the set up and direction of the meeting. I had ordered 40 nice box dinners for the 30 Candidates because it was over their supper hour. Only half of the candidates took a meal. So, I gave the rest out to our helpers. One Hispanic girl from the Civic class asked if she could take the leftovers to her family " because they never have enough to eat." I gave them to her.
At our March 2007 Latino Forum, I had ordered about 120 Tacos to give two to each person attending. After the Forum, we had a lot of leftovers. A teenage boy was helping the Church janitor take down chairs and asked if he could take home the extra Tacos "because his brothers and sisters were always hungry." I let him take them home. (In July, 2007, the city gave the City Manager a loan for $450,000 for a house.)
When I interviewed for a vacant seat on Adams 14 School District's Board of Education, I talked to their Finance person who said that the School District was $174,000 over budget for school meals because children did not get meals at home. For these past two years, School District 14 has had a summer food program because children would not get meals over the summer. This shows how badly families are struggling to get food on the table in CC. We must do something to to feed these hundreds of hungry children. New and old immigrants coming to CC have no idea how slow our economy has become in CC and we probably have not bottomed out as yet. So, that is where my heart lies as a Mother/Grandmother, we need to feed our children, first. So far, that responsibility has been put on School District 14. Finally, we must do something to regulate the flow of incoming immigrants so that those that are already here might be able to survive in this economy.
E-verify is the sole responsibility of the employers and has nothing to do with those that contract with them. Read, Arizona's SB1070 and it tells exactly how E-verify works. Yes, Candidates and Ballot issues are discussed over Hispanic TV programs but it would cost only a few dollars to make sure non-English speakers and readers had all the help they needed at the polls on election day. I was told that many bring their children with them to interpret by Election Headquarters. Sometimes, when you vote for something, you are actually voting against something. Ten generations ago, my ancestors came from Germany, Bohemia, Spain, Ireland and Scotland to give us a better life. But, they became citizens as soon as possible. We fought and sometimes died in the Revolution, Civil War, Spanish American War, WWI, WWII, Kosovo and Iraq. (Married my Spanish Great Grandmother, SAW.) Today's immigrants are crossing an open border illegally with full knowledge that it is against our laws. Why don't they fight for a better life and equally in Mexico and set their own people free like we did! How many Police and City Mayors have to be killed before the people stand up and take their country back?
Estelle is on to something. I think the people who come to our coutry illegally do so because we do not take our border laws seriously. If you don't know, there was a recent vote of no confidence by the union of the ICE group (illegal immigrant enforcement).
To make matters worse, anyone who speaks out about illegal immigrants is either not being political correct or is labeled a racist.
It is getting very frustrating. I would like to see change, but until we get good leadership at the federal level, I do not think anything is going to happen.
Thanks for the comments Estelle you should bring up a lot to talk about.
Estelle, I completely agree with you.People are always collecting food, clothing and other supplies to keep all these families going.I have seen you speak at the Spanish outreaches and you were one of only a few that cared to help these families.You were very compassionate.You are also correct, this must stop. You give everyone food for thought.
Whose ward is the tire company in? This sounds very serious!
to Ryan the republican:
I resent that fact that people like you assume that the democrats are not concerned about the law. We are.
Obama is doing the best with what he had given to him. We know there is a big problem with the borders, but it does not help to just complain about it. Why don't you give some actual advice on what to do to solve the issue.
I would also like to restate someone very important that another blogger said here just a day or so ago and that is we are talking about people here. People with families and are trying to better their life.
It makes the issue harder when you think about then this way instead of just illegal numbers costing us dollars!
I feel stupid, this whole time I thought accugreen was in business in commerce city.
Commerce City Council Approved the PERMIT for the COMPANY AcuGreen, NOT I REPEAT NOT a company called Caliber Recycled Products!
So why was there no NEW approval process! Or was there? Or was it once again another closed door back room Commerce City deal?!
I respect your opinion, but I have a hard time with you saying the kids of Adams County School District 14 are hungry when they all have cell phones and facebook accounts.
Maybe some real facts would be nice for a change. Do you have any real factual numbers?
A real citizen on Cherry St. Commerce City
about the car accident on tower road in Commerce City this morning. It was reported that she swerved to miss a box on the road. I am wondering why there was a box on the road on the first place. Is it because it blew out of the one of the many trash trucks that litter our roadsides when they go out to trash mountain? I would like the Commerce City council to look into this and hold those responsible. It is not only making our city look bad, it is creating a dangerous driving condition.
good point sarah,
as the city needs to look at all the rocks on the road on 104th, very dangerous for motorcycles. I am glad I am posting this now for a record when someone just hurt or killed on 104th.
One of the worst median designs in the history of mankind.
30 feet across and filled with various size rocks and kids kick out to the street. Someone will get hurt or killed. Especially those of us on motorcycles.
by the way, gateway, I love, love, love the videos and pictures. keep up the good work! people are noticing!
Caliber Recycled Products is located in Commerce City ward 1.
I appreciate the discussion about the accident regarding the box on Tower that resulted in a fatal accident. But we can not assume that the box came from a trash truck. There is just no evidence, it could have come from anywhere.
Thank you for answering the question about the Tire company. Do you know the procedure of what a citizen should do if they know of illegal immigrants in the city limits?
True Picture
We need to look at the true picture of immigration in CC. It costs the average American about $216,000 to birth and raise a child in the U.S. One Hospital District in Colorado is $17,000,000 in debt paying for free hospital care. In the American School system 62% of school children qualify for the State and Federal free lunch program because their families earn below a certain set wage. One can go on the Adams 14 School web site and get the precise percentages listed for any school district in Colorado under the Free Lunch program. All schools in Colorado have a free lunch program for those students that family earnings are under a set standard. I don't have time today to go back through my records but I believe Adams 14 is at about 72% of the families that can not afford to feed their children. Thank God for these Federally funded free meal programs. When I was a teenager, fifty cents was too much for my mother to give me for lunch. We purchased from a grocery store that gave us credit, thus, we did not have money for food. I ate a lot of sugary foods to fill me up. My clothing came from the Salvation Army. I know poor, first hand. If, 72% of the CC students families are saying they only earn a certain amount so that their children qualify for free lunches, I am not too sure how these children get cell phones and cell phone service each month unless someone is not telling the truth. But, I do believe that a teenagers will go without meals at home just to have the latest symbol of American culture. Perhaps, a cupcake instead of real food? My fifteen year old grandson who is eating my son out of the house is constantly texting his friends, you wouldn't even know he was sitting under that Beatles long hair do. My son makes him eat a nutritious diet but he is still almost six feet tall and skinny as a rail and always hungry. Imagine what it must be like to have no food to eat. As a child, I remember going to the neighbor's house to eat free spaghetti dinners until I was stuffed.
DA Don Quick: No criminal charges should be filed against Commerce City Police Officers involved in May 5 incident. Full Review of evidence at:
I like your zen garden, very relaxing.
the DA got it right with the CCPD situation.
I have no doubt that you had a rough childhood. But todays kids are much different. We are living in a digital era. I know for a fact that at least 90% of child in the Adams County School district has somehow access to YouTUBE and myspace or facebook. I maybe wrong, but I think the new high school is completely wireless. I just wonder how kids do this.
Maybe it is just the sign of the times.
Gateway, your new Current Page is a work of art and the best on line paper we have ever seen! The colors are unbelievable! Congratulations!
I am not sure who does your art work, it is extraordinary! Very nice layout, easy to navigate. Absolutely love the graphics and photography.
I just read that Council will again consider the 250 acre piece of land by the airport for the comprehensive plan Monday night. This property is the land that high priced lawyer, David "I get whatever I want" Foster represents. I have no doubt Mr. Foster will try to confuse, muddle, and manipulate to get his way Monday night. Watch for it!
Petey the Prairie Dog here. Just wanted everyone to know that it looks real good for us. Pawmart is coming! And possibly Hole Depot! All located at the new (drum roll please) Prairie Dog Center. See one prairie dog CAN make a difference. Too bad humans don't understand that. Oh well its better for all us furry families in the northern range. Thanks to our mayor Paw Natal and colony manager Furry Flannery.
The Gateway site has to be the most amazing website in Colorado! You are all very talented people. Many congratulations and much continued success! P.S. LOVE the Current Page and new set-up. Everyone should check out all your pages. Congrats also to all of your advertisers!Great on line paper.
I hope and I pray that council will use the city manager review tonight to restore some public trust.
Just saw last week's council meeting. Mayor Natale whining about wanting to go on MORE trips back to China and other countries! He has repeatedly said that his new-found China connections would and have benefited other cities in Colo and other cities of the region. What cities? At Commerce City's expense? Whose mayor is he anyway? What an opportunist.
Was there ever a report issued on how the golf course employee was killed?
Great shots Gateway
you going to do this much coverage for the marijuana festival in Commerce City next weekend?
Gee anonymous, what meeting were you listening to??
I heard the mayor try to get Ms Snyder to go to continue the relationship with China, not himself.
I have heard that the whole council goes to DC yearly, nothing has ever come from that after what 9 years?
How many thousands of dollars are spent for each trip?
Now I hear that the China connect is going to be given away to another city.
Yes opportunity lost for the city, not opportunist.
Good news about Caliber Recycled Products located at 6121 Clermont Street: Neighborhood Services completed an inspection to investigate the claims made about this property. They found only 7 tires within the designated outside storage area; there are no tires located within the building.
how is losing a business in the city limits of commerce city "good news" as you call it?
The good news was the alternative to the original claim of "they are closing then they will leave behind 100's of Thousands of pounds of tires, much more tires than the city has ever seen."
NOT that the business went out of business.
hope you all come out to the largest marijuana festiva in all the Denver Metro Area, right here in Commerce City this sat. AUGUST 21, 2010
I went back to some of the past posts.
I read comments about the "foster factor" a lawyer that has the reputation of getting what he wants in Commerce City. Also, comments about certain businesses getting what they want from the council because of campaign donations.
I can understand why this is out in the public. I read the money behind the voice piece by the Gateway News.
I would like to say that this current council really does have the good of the city at heart. I would like you all to take note on the ordinance 1823.
is the principal at monaco elem. on admin leave? and why?
In the past the MHMF donated a portion of the sales from the festival to the Commerce City quality community for a lifetime grant program. Will they be doing this for the 2010 festival? And if so, how much will be given?
How much were the total costs to the city of Commerce City and how much revenue was generated in the city from the festival being here?
I know this is controversial, and most likely there is nothing anyone in the city can do about it. But I do not think that the largest kush concert in Commerce City is the best thing for our image as a city now or looking long term.
I respect the law and the voters decision to legalize medical marijuana, I just personally do not think it is right.
Sharon B. Commerce City Colorado
Pro City, I don't understand what you mean. The current council is completely fractured. They don't seem to be a team at all. As citizen that can only see what is happening at council and other meetings and what I heard at places like the Monaco picnic, I feel very worried about what is happening to our city. A few years ago, we were so exicited about what was happening. I am discouraged and embarrassed.
A few years ago, we as a city were going through numerous city council recalls. That is fractured.
Today, the council may have disagreements, but they have a foundation that is basically good.
I would like to use the example of the one time budget adjustment. It passed with flying colors.
Also, just recently the ordinance 1823 passed 8 to 1.
I know many may disagree, but I do think the Deal Breaker article made the current council come together.
no city council in the US will ever agree 100%, that is the idea of it.
As far as Commerce City, there maybe some personality issues in the background, but I have to say they are driving this city positively forward.
at least that is my sense of the situation.
good questions on here, are you guys going to follow up on them.
Yes, all questions are sent to the appropriate people to answer. We will post answers when they become available.
Thanks and keep those questions coming.
Dustie, Gateway News
Adams 14 is such a mess. Another scandal, another HR director bites the dust and another principle dismissed at the beginning of the school year. The morale around here is at an all time low. Jeannette Lewis had the gall to show up at the Monaco back to school nite at the park after she lowered the boom.
why is the weed festival in Commerce City? It should be in Denver. Commerce I think only has one marijuana place, and that is only distribution
does commerce city see any revenue at all from all these festivals at dicks sporting park?
I heard Church's Chicken was raking it in during Mile High festival!
This is from the following council meeting in Commerce City: "The departments submitted requests that were flat with 2010 except for those items that increased due to insurance premium, outside agency fee or utility price increases. Those increases added approximately $996,000 to the 2011 budget requests. The amount for the insurance premiums is estimated only since we will not receive the
actual insuance company premium proposals for some time. In addition, there were
Special Consideration requests totalling $133,000, Budget Enhancement requests"
totalling $916,380 and New Position requests totalling $842,628. These requests
have been reduced and work continues on refining the requests.
What are those items that increased due to insurance premium, outside agency fee?
Positive News about the city!
Next Monday the Commerce City Council will be reviewing and approving the following Incentives:
wow looks like the incentive program in working.
Resolution 2010-51 is a prime example of how Unions and Gov. can work together as a win-win for all involved.
Comm City/FOP agreement is good. Police will get a .5% increase for 2011 and 1% increase for 2012.
If all goes well with Economic Development in the city. It will be a win win for all
Gateway, how did Adams 14 justify the last 2 years CSAPS? What is going on with the principal at Monaco and the HR director being put on administrative leave?
Do you or anyone know anything about this upcoming 3 week trip to Germany for Mr Flannery?
Hey Gateway,
Is the CC council ever going to do the city manager evaluation? And if they do are they going to take in account the city's financial reality of before he was hired and now 3 years after?
is the 27J school board going to push a bond for nov.?
I know the Commerce City PIO quit. My question is who will be the city PIO or are we just not going to have one?
Does the Weed Concert at Dicks Sporting Goods have to get a Permit to perform there? If so, was the council made aware of this?
Thanks for all the questions. We will be asking the appropriate municipalities and posted the answers when they become available.
Keep those questions coming!
Gateway, why was mr. quintana not allowed to attend the close door meeting on the 19th? Does he also have a lawsuit against the district?
Has the city's finances been limited in the past 3 years??
I say Yes!
Reality also says..the entire country has been in a dire straight economically.
Anyone thinking CC wouldn't be affected is crazy.
We have actually done well. The budget has been tightened and we haven't gone the way of many cities around us, cutting postions or services.
"It's the economy stupid!'
Are you kidding me!?! A three week trip to Germany for Flannery?
Gateway, is this true?
There are many ways to measure the CM even with the down aconomy. How many employees have left the city? How is the morale? What complaints and lawsuits have named the CM? Is the CM a role model and outstanding representative of the city? Is the adminstration of the city transparent, ethical, innovative and creative? Do citizens, council and employees feel the CM communicates well, is trustworthy and follows through on projects and promises? Is the image of the city better over the past 3 years due to the actions of the CM?
Cannabis Festiva @ Dick's Sporting Goods Park Speaker: "All Cannabis will be legal in "Cannabis Colorado" in the year 2012."
cannabis festiva or festival should be held in Denver. they need to call it the MILE HIGH CANNABIS FESTIVAL and hold it Denver.
It makes no sense to have this in Commerce City.
I am also not happy that the Cannabis Festival is in our city.
who knew commerce city had so many festivals.
Called the city contacts I know.
City Manager Flannery is being sent to Germany not by CC, but by the National League of Cities.
He was chosen by them as one of a few city managers in the US to go.
No city money is being spent to send him.
The Canabis Festival is a use by right of Kronke organization.
The city has no input as it's Kronke's lease of the stadium that gives him the right to allow whomever his organization wants.
I heard it was not successful.
Kronke has a right to have any kind of festival he wants there.
no big deal, the festival for the potheads has not that popular.
If Stan Kronke can get money from any kind of festival, let him. We need him to have enough money to keep Meeeeeeelo!
mayor to China, manager to Germany.
aren't we the international playas
My question for the city manager is this: Why do you need to spend 3+ weeks away from the city when there is work to be done locally? Again, it seems to me that this is another example of a city manager who does not put the local community first.
Gateway: How much money did the Quality Community Foundation or the City get from last year's Music Festival and how much this year?
dusty, i heard the marijuana festival at mile high was not too popular? true?
why is Jerry the city manager spending time in Germany when we have pressing issues here in town, like Wal-mart?
Maybe some of you don't know, Mr. Flannery going to Germany is going to be good for the city in the long run. It is common practice for individuals in a city manager capacity to participate in something called professional development.
Mr. Flannery will learn and gain experience from this trip that can be applied to our city here.
This is a good positive thing and should be celebrated. Not criticized.
School District Adams 14 Director of Communications, John Albright Confirms: "...the Monaco Elementary School principal and the Adams 14 chief human resources officer have been placed on administrative leave. This is a personnel matter, so I am unable to provide further details."
We will follow this as it develops.
Once again, thanks for the questions. Keep them coming.
You are obviously ignorant to issues like bringing business to Commerce City.
Do you think seriously that anyone can force Walmart, Kings etc to build?
Incentives have been given to Walmart, very good incentives. If they are not ready, that means they are not ready.
No one can hold a gun (figurativly) to their head and force them to start building!
Oh sure- send an uethical and nonproductive representative of the city to Germany-good plan.
The Adams #14 people that were put on leave is because of not teaching English?
jerry can go to germany and stay there!
Gateway News. Can you guys ask if the CM going to Germany is going to be time paid by our tax dollars or is the Commerce City CM going to Germany on his time off, like vacation time?
Petey the Prairie Dog reporting in. As all of you know our campaign (P.A.W. - Prairie Dogs Against Walmart) has been extremely successful. A splinter group of our original group has formed under Dog Pawtrayus as they believe they cannot take any chances at losing the land. We in no way are associated with them and even though we have the same goals, we do not agree with their methods.
Okay I am getting scared of the POWER OF PAW!
Pettey for mayor 2012! WAIT! Forget that, Pettey for President!
Finally someone who can get things done around here!
We have heard everything now! Pro City advocating for CM Flannery to go to Germany for 3 weeks disguised as a needed quest for "Professional Development" is beyond preposterous and quite mind-boggling. Any rationally run city would run from doing this. Three weeks is almost 1/12th of the CM's year. Certainly Brighton, Thornton and others who are getting REAL economic development wouldn't consider such an outrage to its people.
So, the guy Hoops (or whoever he is) has been meeting with high officials from Commerce City? He is Natale's candidate which will bring him nothing but zero votes in Commerce City. We agree, Mr Hoops, the Thornton City Council is beautifully run by Mayor Hansen.Since you haven't been to any other council meetings, I guess you don't know that Mayor Natale is the reason for all of the turmoil and split votes on the Commerce City Council.I'm sure he asked you to come to the council meeting knowing full well the rules would be broken. Better do your homework. You lost my vote tonight!
Petey for Mayor!
Gateway, I Love the peteyleaks caption. Thanks for making me smile.
P.A.W. (Prairie Dogs Against Walmart)is one of those things were it is so stupid it is funny.
I would vote for Petey for City Manager. The reason why is because I think we would move forward faster with Petey in Control.
So are they letting Flannery go? Who will be in charge? And of course Natale has been at the center of the splits. He does not do it in the meetings but totally manipulates behind the scenes.
So is the city manager trying to get fired so he doesn't have to pay back his house?
We knew Mayor Paul Natale would finagle his way back to China. It was embarrassing watching Mayor Pro-Tem Tracey Snyder and Natale as they kept saying it wasn't about them going to China when clearly it was. Snyder was outfoxed by Natale who could have declined McEldowney's motion that Natale continue going to China. They didn't have to turn anything over to the Metro Mayors Caucas. ANY mayor can go on these trips if they want to pay for them. What relationship with the Chinese? They didn't even stay in Commerce City for any time at all and all they did was tour Waste Management. Hasn't anyone been listening? Natale repeatedly has said that if anything comes of these trips it would be for Colorado, not Commerce City. The only voices of reason for saving the citizen's money and council and staff time are Jim Benson, Kathy Teter and Rene Bullock.
Go P.A.W.! Where do we sign up? Petey for Mayor!
I Love Petey and his friends.
I would like to make a suggestion here. I would make it to commerce city council, but they just ignore us.
I would like to say we need a stop of all international travel for staff and council until we take care of some of the pressing issues here at home. Two things come to mind would be a grocery store in the North and also a Recreation Center in the North.
Improved Economic Development around the stadium also should be a focus too.
An alleged bomb threat has been made to Prairie View High School All students evacuated and safe. Building is being checked and secured. Safety of students is the highest priority.
Update on 27J bomb threat at Prairie View High School: 27J have received the information from the Brighton Police Department that all is clear at Prairie View High School and the school building is safe for students to return to a normal school schedule tomorrow, August 25. Two students have been arrested due to a sign that had been placed on a locket that said “explosive”. It was reported that a ticking sound was heard inside the locker.
Resume Building
Both Commerce City and City Manager Flannery are building their resumes for future political purposes and employment. Visits to China and visiting dignitaries from China help to make dignitaries on both sides of the Pacific appear to be helping International relationships and looks good on any cities resume. Even though, nothing may ever come from this cultural exchange. Both cities can say they have made International exchanges to the public.
Three weeks of training in Germany would impress any new employers on a resume when Mr. Flannery decides to move on to another position. One can only hope that City Council will finally decide to review the real facts surrounding relocation expenses and the time line of the sale of Flannery's Arizona house and not allow high pressure third party's to make executive decisions based on inflated National Industrial Standard's.
When a person applies for a job, all the people making the decision to hire that individual ever see is a carefully written Resume and all they hear is what the candidate has to say about themselves. The candidates ethical history, how, he conducts business, is never fully known. Few candidates reveal their true ethical standards with future employers. They say what they think people want to hear or what will get them hired. Just like, no ethical history was shared with the National League of Cities and will not be shared with any future employers. A person either has a good ethical foundation, no matter what the situation, they will relate in an ethical manner or they did not have ethics to begin with. When, Mr. Flannery decides to move on, no one will know that he manipulated this city out of thousands of taxpayer dollars. (I am referring to living free in the taxpayer's house for three years for about $144,000.)
Commerce City is ideal for a guy like Flannery.
The citizens don't care or if they do care and bring it up, they just get ignored.
Flannery can basically do what he wants, the council is way to wimpy to stand up to Bob and Jerry and will follow them to the end. Jerry to most of the council is better then sliced bread, so there you go.
Until the citizens step up, we will just be used like we always are.
In response to the person who asked: "So is the city manager trying to get fired so he doesn't have to pay back his house?"
As far as I know, the house is already in Jerry Falnnery's name and does not have a lien on it. So the only thing that he is obligated to is the last agreement, which has a long history of being changed, being amended many times.
Way to go CC!
If what I am saying is wrong, please correct me!
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