General Issues August, 2012

Another month has passed and once again it has been a very interesting education of your thoughts and concerns. Thank you to all that have posted and we look forward to hearing more of your opinions.

If you are confused about how to post on the blog or feel more comfortable e-mailing me your opinion comments and concerns, please do so and we will post it for you.

 E-mail: Dustin McIntyre, Gateway News and  

*In general, an opinion is a subjective belief, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts. An opinion may be supported by an argument, although people may draw opposing opinions from the same set of facts.


Anonymous said...

Just saw this on CIG's twitter post on July 27.


Just heard that our work on the @CommerceCityED Redefining Commerce brochure is a finalist for a @3CMA Savvy Award! Very exciting!

What happened to the city not paying mega bucks for the PR firm CIG when we have a full communications staff? Nothing has changed. Shame on you City of Commerce City!

Wes said...

CC needs PR firm because they can not do it themselves. Not enough talent.

dkeys said...

very cheery city news this month. Maybe some more musical theatrical financial presentations!

GOP in CC said...

Thank you Commerce City council for standing up for the people and the businesses of the area. Not fee us at a time of economic recovery is the smart thing to do.

Anonymous said...

At least this Republican Mayor is ACTING like a REPUBLICAN mayor!

Real TRUE BLUE said...

If I was the CCPD chief I would Fire everyone and make them all re-apply for their jobs. That is what the Denver Chief did.


Some order NEEDS to be restored in this fractured Department.

RRR in CCC said...

From Past Mayor Natale: "Can anyone explain why the jerk in the big green truck has to open up his pipes every time he goes by my house? How inconsiderate!"

hmmmm wonder who that is?

Anonymous said...

If acting like a Republican mayor means loads of deals for those who gave him thousands for his campaign, then yes you are right!!
Although hmmmmm... that sounds more like the county commishes, and those were DEMs.

Anonymous said...

Here we go....someone is throwing stuff out there with no information. I wonder what deals for what friends Anonymous is taking about? If you have anything like proof then you should put up. Otherwise shut up. Saying stuff like that makes you sound like past Mayor Natale.

RRR in CCC said...

At least the city had a positive future with Mayor Natale. Instead of what is going on now with Mayor Ford!

Monica said...

Bye HI LO. Thanks for all the years of good products!

Anonymous said...

Why does Commerce City not need to trim their weeds at the dog track?

Still think that was a bail out for the old dog owners.

Gina said...

bye bye hi lo

Anonymous said...

Hey RRR in CCC, what is going on in Commerce City under Mayor Ford? Are you talking about the changes that have been implamented to remove all the dead weight that Mayor Natale hired? Or maybe the fact that under Mayor Ford and the current city council the staff actually has to earn their pay. Under Mayor Natale Commerce City had a Police Chief that was selling the answers to the police exam out of City Hall. Under Mayor Natale one month the city has money out the wazoo and the next the Mayor wants to raise fees on the citizens because there is a budget short fall. Remember it was under Mayor Natale that Commerce City Purchased the old dog track one week for 3 million then the next the city wanted to charge the residents for trash service. What positive future did Natale offer Commerce City other then higher fees and more of them for the residents?

King of Olive Street said...

so sad. the hi lo was a cool place. now derby is all dollar store crap. sad day in commerce city.

Anonymous said...

The division of communications of Commerce City is NOT doing a good job. The city council of Commerce City needs to wake up and quit thanking unprofessional people for doing an unprofessional job. The citizens who are your taxpayers are completely fed up with your constant stupidity. All of you need to remember that RECALL is a very viable option. You are wasting money on an entire department that is not needed and is doing a horrible job. No one reads anything that they are producing and the communications director is a liar. You have 290 facebook followers and 279 twitter followers. No one cares about anything you do except that you are not doing anything to enhance our city.

Anonymous said...

What a joke the city council of Commerce City is! And the staff is even worse. PLEASE people consider running for city council in 2013. You need to start now so we have a more professional city council that will get rid of the so called manager that is there now and get a REAL CITY MANAGER AND GET OUR CITY BACK!

Anonymous said...

I have no idea who RRR is or anonymous, but I don't remember any fees being added to our city. I remember the prior council fighting to keep our trash and recycle, lessening the fees to repair or improve my home.
Was everything perfect, heck no, but I didn't have to worry about the people that were on the council like I do now. Too many "ties" and favors.

Anonymous said...

So again someone is making claims that the current City Council is doing favors and have "ties" to someone or something, but they can not produce any evidence to these claims. Why are they throwing out these claims with nothing to back them up? Is it that they are mad because they are not getting what they want? Maybe they are upset because the gravy train has left the station without them. If you intend to make a claim you should have something to back it up. As for adding fees it was the last council that was trying to get a storm water fee added ($72 per household). It was this council that shot that down. It was the last council that was trying to make residents pay for trash service, again this council shot it down. If you are not sure about this all you have to do is look back at the city council meeting minutes.

Anonymous said...

we actually needed that money for the draninage in CC. Everyone wants the gov. to pay for everything.

It is time we the residents step up and chip in!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had found this site before moving to this area. Does anyone really represent the people living in Reunion and other subs off 104th ave.
Why are the lights so unfriendly to the communities? Trying to turn onto 104th: It takes too long for the lights to change even with no traffic. Does anyone on city council really represent or care about the citizens in our area?

I'd really like to see tractor trailer traffic banned on Tower Rd. between 7am and 8:30am. and 4pm til 5:30 pm.

Anonymous said...

I only found 11 followers for Commerce CityCo Facebook page and 287 followers for their twitter account. No where near what the city's communication dept is trying to tell city council. If our city council was smart, they would be doing their own homework and not relying on a staff that only tells them what staff deems important. How about the issue with I-270 and I-70? The concern wouldn't have come up if left to Commerce City staff. They don't live here, they don't care if it happens or not. It shouldn't have taken another city's representative to inform our councilman about the issue. Wake up city council!!!

Estelle Remington said...

Dear anonymous, over these past ten years there have been several really outspoken people from Reunion and 104th Ave up to Eagle Creek subdivision that have spent years trying to get the needs of the Northern Range heard by both city council and the city managers. We have attended council meetings and sat on various committees only to be allowed to speak but never really heard nor allowed to advance the true needs of the Northern Range. Every time, we make a little headway or take two steps forward, some group or people from the core city have much more important needs and the money or whatever went in that direction. We have been promised millions of dollars for projects only to see that money time and time again go to some new project for the core city residents. Now, the city is on such a limited budget that there is not enough money to go around and only a few projects will see any advancement for these next ten years. (Tower Road?) The longer the wait, the higher the costs. We need a complete overhaul of a poor selective system of who gets what on council and it appears those that yell the loudest, rule. We have a few good men that are constantly working to improve the Northern Range but the fight has taken it's toll on so many, it is a sad thing to watch half of our population go without any representation.

Anonymous said...

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Commerce City's unemployment rate today is 10.6%. Yes, that is higher than the national average (8.3%), the state average (8.2%) and the Adams County average (9.5%). And yes, statistically Commerce City has the fourth highest unemployment rate in the state (tied with Brighton) and exceeded only by Pueblo, Fountain, and Grand Junction.

But... the community is working its way back from a painful high of 16.6% in March of 2010. The city's unemployment rate has dropped more than 30% since its peak in 2010 - the fastest improving metro area in the State of Colorado - showing Commerce City's workforce is resilient and heading in the right direction.

Kristi Douglas said...

Dear Honorable Commissioners,
I had the pleasure of attending the North Metro Chambers Meeting regarding the proposed DIA Aerotropolis. As a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee for the Comprehensive Plan in Commerce City, I was both shocked and dismayed to see the very plans we had worked so hard on for our city projected on the screen that morning, as they had now been relocated to the Airport property.
The time has come to demand our ramp to Pena that was promised to us and is now due without hidden agendas and poor excuses, and the opportunity for the development that was part of the agreement made long ago. Denver and DIA obviously want it all, and are poised to move if we don't take a stance for what is rightfully due to us. Have we waited patiently in good faith, only to have it stripped from us by an Administration that feels entitled? I should think not.
As your constituent and a concerned Commerce City and Adams County citizen, I urge you NOT to make ANY concessions or compromises on the DIA IGA. I can assure you, if we were to give Denver even an indication of a nod, it will prove to be economic suicide for the planned Tower Road corridor and the future of Commerce City. I, for one, am tired of backing down and taking the scraps. Even a compromise for revenue sharing is not the answer, especially for Commerce City. We voted to allow them annexation of this land in good faith, now it is time to make sure we get what we were promised. We are good people in Commerce City, but enough is enough. Stand strong. As our elected officials, it is your sworn duty to serve the best interests of the people of this county, including those of us in Commerce City. Compromise and/or some kind of weak agreement for revenue sharing is not the answer. Thank you for your time.
Sincerely, Kristi Douglas
Commerce City, Colorado

Gateway News said...

51st Annual Spaghetti Dinner

September 08, 2012 will be the departments 51st annual fundraising spaghetti dinner (All you can eat). The dinner will be held at Adams City High School Cafeteria, 7200 Quebec Parkway. Tickets are $6.00 each, children 10 and under are free when accompanied by their parents. Takeouts will be from 2:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. Dine In will be from 4:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.