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*In general, an opinion is a subjective belief, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts. An opinion may be supported by an argument, although people may draw opposing opinions from the same set of facts.
over a million dollars for d14 payout!?
that would explain a lot. no wonder the kids cant get a decent education!
The question is.....When did all this start? Was this under the last admin (Lewis) or was this under the current admin? I am thinking that this might be some leftovers from the last......
congrats CC. Rancho Librio out, mi pueblo in.
Like there was no gap at all!
your hub:
Commerce City residents are concerned over slow pace of development around Dicks soccer stadium?
Slow pace? what about NO PACE?
But we are to believe that the dog track is just going to take right off?
What a joke this city is?
CC touts about Mi Pelobo replacing Racho librio and creating 50 jobs, yet fail to report that Rentech is shutting down getting rid of 65 jobs.
lee you come off sounding bitter?
did you get hit by neighborhood services?
It is called Mi Pueblo grocery store, just so you know.
Everyone should reduce your water consumption so we can sell it to the frackers!
Turning Water into Oil? Not a good plan at all.
love the name of the admin "steveson" water district building in Core CC.
I did not know she/he died. so sad?
hmmmm, heard talk of Commerce City thinking about Water District take over? Make sense?
I say no until we can get real CM that is willing to stay and not have resume out all over the place.
I am willing to bet that there is a lot of Resumes out and about at good ole CC HALL.
wonder if commerce city offers the CC staff time during the day to update their resumes and check on their job seeking hunt?
nothing but sour grapes.
real reason why CC will not ban fracking? IT is all about money for them. A city started only because they wanted the tax stream from Suncor. It is all about the money. Commerce City is long been the dumping ground of Denver.
CC wants to keep up they will need to kiss oil and gas ass.
CC officials and staff have no cares about the residents well being. Why would they, they all choose to live here. It is not a secret on what Commerce City is all about.
All CC officials and staff care about is keeping the money flowing tax and FEES! for the over paid bloated staff.
Of course this point of view is not just mine, shared by some on the current council behind closed doors.
not sour grapes, just the way it is.
Commerce City would not know about Rentech because the city does not keep track of businesses that leave.
Just an FYI for all of you.
"Though the city owns the land around the park, Kroenke Sports Enterprises has first right of development refusal until October 2014. After that, the city can begin marketing the area without approval from Kroenke.
“Kroenke seems to be standing still,” Serna said. “We just keep waiting. They should be pushed. They owe it to this community.”
Mayor Sean Ford said he’s also interested in seeing more development in the area."
Nothing like a deal with Kronke, Thanks Perry!
Area around Victory Crossings: "Mayor Sean Ford said he’s also interested in seeing more development in the area."
Good idea especially now that they are building housing right outside of the stadium in Denver Stapelton.
what happened to china?
anything? anyone?
Victory Crossing?
maybe jumped the gun on the name on that one.
concerned with victory crossing/ prairie gateway?
what about Derby or old HS site, or Dog track or North, or tower, or along 85? at least we got the mexican store in mexico plaza.
off topic, but what makes mi pelbo think they can make it if ranch could not?
so tired of commerce city being a charity case. big news is 7-11 is coming, after they left so they are coming back. thats it.
this town needs some ed to get everything going again.
Glad to hear that civil unions will be a law now!
Thank you Ed Casso for spear heading this.
hope you all see now what a GREAT mayor Paul Natale was!
I hope he will come back and save us again!
"What a great mayor Paul Natale was." Are you smoking dope? The man was nothing but a bully...He is the reason there were so many lawsuits filed by employees that he had fired. The man is nothing but a bully. The city did nothing under him but spend money like it was going out of style. Remember he is the one that bought the dog track for something like 2X what it was worth.
Dont like the way Colorado is headed. Way to left of me. I am thinking about moving.
Not popular, but I do not like the civil union law and I do not like seeing the house speaker kissing his lover in the Denver Post. No need for that. Act more professional.
Reality Check: does any really think victory crossing and the old dog track area will attract anything outside of mexican interests. The flea market isn't even an English speaking venture anymore????
Like it or not that's the perception and there's no way commerce city can compete with Denver's Northfield\Stapleton areas and if the north and Reunion areas decide to annex to Brighton or Denver the city will be in really have an image issue..
mexican development? SURE why not, better then nothing!
Wow...some people are really not well informed when it comes to somethings....Do you really think that Denver or Brighton would annex the north end of Commerce City? There is no tax revenue in the north...just a revenu drain. As for the development around city hall...I would not be suprised if something does not come out real soon...what with Kroenke having to do something before the spring of 2014 or loose something like $20 million.....
so 2014 is the magic time for development around stadium?
Somehow I think that their might be a couple of loop holes in that deal.
There is no way Kronke would bank 20 mill on development happening or not. It does not make smart businesses sense and I think Kronke is smarter then that.
Mr. Stan Kronke will not "loose" ANYTHING on the stadium area.
You actually have to read the deal Perry setup.
It is a deal straight from hell.
maybe one of the 7-11 will be on the stadium sight?
At least when Natale was in charge we had a professional, well stocked staff.
Today the staff is just going thru the motions.
Also, the reason why there is no movement on China is because they wanted it to fail.
It is a opportunity that is missed and that is really sad.
First of all. Commerce City is a weak mayor. There is no one in charge of anything. It is all done by the staff.
The mayor has no more or no less power then anyone else on the council.
And yes 2014 will come and go and there will be nothing happening at victory crossings and Kronster will not be out one penny.
commerce city is what we thought it was. and the development that fits commerce city is what will come. dollar stores, taco places, automotive stores to fix your brakes on your lawn.
It is not a bad thing, it is just what it is.
Maybe KSE/rapids could do something for the kids in the core for Easter on their fields?
A lot of the children in Commerce City are not part of HOAs.
Brighton still does this for the kids, why not Commerce City?
is the historical society doing the historical preservation plan?
I think that is just the city of commerce city:
From city's website:
"Although Commerce City has doubled its population in the last decade and continues to remain on a fast-track towards growth, the city is taking the time to reflect and acknowledge the past, creating the city’s first Historic Preservation Plan.
The open house March 20 seeks resident and business insight on what historic preservation means to the community, what issues face historic preservation in the city, and what opportunities exist for historic preservation. The open house serves as an opportunity for community wide input on a plan that will be developed by the city this year with assistance from historic preservation professionals, interested community members and the Commerce City Historical Society. Future meetings will provide progress updates and additional opportunities for feedback.
WHAT: Historic Preservation Plan open house
WHEN: 4:30 – 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 20
Open house format with interactive display boards
WHERE: Commerce City Civic Center, 7887 E. 60th Ave."
Heard CC is too difficult to work with. Developers will go to Denver/Stapeton area or Adams County before they come here.
Why are we sending a council person to DC?
I am so HAPPY that the council PROTECTED the RESIDENTS of COMMERCE CITY FROM THE rash of Lawsuits coming to all the smart ass cities that are trying to ban fracking.
Are we sending only one to DC?
I heard it was quite a few more, including staff.
from 7 news:
"You can't bring in somebody from Cherry Creek to try to tell these kids how life is because, No. 1, they don’t know how life is," said school board member David Rolla, during a meeting last year. "I think we need to open up our eyes and see what our population is and what our culture is and not try to mold them into something we really can't. I think we really need to start looking at people of color."
A human resources person at the meeting seemed uneasy about the public comments.
"Our obligation legally is to make sure we are hiring people who are qualified to do the job -- it's a bonus if their race might be reflective," said the HR person. "Now for us we want to make sure the race is reflective as best we can of the community, and I understand that's the intention that you're speaking to."
I am having some trouble with this. I think it was wrong when I first read it. Then after it settled, I think I understand it.
Call me crazy.
whatever, that is way wrong, rolla is a idiot that will cost this district a lot of money.
too bad, especially for the children.
cherry creek is not all that good either.
I am confused, Adams 14 got rid of Judy? She was a minority, right?
teachers of color or "cherry creek" white ones, WHO CARES, just teach the kids to prepare them for life.
teach them reading writing and math and send them on their way.
that is not happening now.
So what everyone is saying is that the core part of Commerce City is bad and no one really knows how bad it is because we can't talk about it?
bring J lewis back, she will straighten all this out.
Lewis? Some of these big lawsuits go back to her days too.
Some more information about this: Read more about Adams 14 payouts/settlements:
Adams #14 is in a much better position then is has been.
I applaud the board!
original story is on 7 News:
Go there for good comments
If Lewis or her daughter even runs for a seat on the Adams 14 BOE my family and I will never vote for a bond ever agin!!!!!!!! That woman has disgraced Adams County school District 14. That woman has made a mass of everything. My family will Campain against them everyday.
Ben M
So has anyone looked at the story or watched the video. Half the names are Spanish surnames. All but the last settlement were made on Lewis's watch. The last is the Superintendent this board dumped. This was Lewis's superintendent just as she claimed many times. Lewis's board cost the kids half a million dollars firing Lang to get her Superintendent and lead this district to third lowest in the state. Call the board or new superintendent and they will tell you honestly where this district is. I didn't know they hired a Hispanic male to be the principal. Something might be wrong with this story if basic facts are incorrect. Yeah bring back Lewis or one her lackeys to drive the nail into the coffin. What does everyone else think.
Looks like you really don't know how Commerfe City if run. The Council makes the decision, all the staff can do is recommend and research. The Mayor is a figurehead. Paul was not a bully, he was the designated spokesperson for Commerce City. Paul did an excellent job of keeping an open mind and putting forth the will of the Council.
It looks like J Lewis and Shelli Robins is trying to stir up more BS for Adams 14. Shelli if you loved the kids just go away. Lewis you should just retire and shut up. Leave the pore kids alone.
My kids finely want to go to school. My kids are doing the best they ever have in Adams 14. My kids love school now. There teacher feels safe and supported by the administration.
That never happened with Chandler, Lewis, Klocker and Robins.
That you Boe for finely supporting the students of Adams 14.
The level of ignorance displayed on this Blog is mind boggling. Paul Natale didn't fire anyone. Commerce City's Mayor has no more power than any other council member. If staff was fired it was at their department heads recommendation with a great deal of investigation by Human Resources. Paul Natale was not a bully, he spoke his mind, voted his mind and represented the City to the best of his ability. If you don't like the way the city is run, look at the whole council and look at the votes they placed on issues. The Mayor for Commerce City is a figurehead, he does not have any power to fire anyone. Council does not get involved in staff issues.
I kind of agree, if you care and so call "love the kids" of Adams 14, then dont sue and take the money away from them. Do you know what the kids of D14 could have accomplished with over a million dollars payouts to adults that had their feelings hurt!
The problem is that the average person does not know that the Commerce City council really has no power. They do NOT have the power to hire and fire, only the city manager does that.
Learn how your city works and stop putting out bad information.
i would like to see paul natale run the the adams county commish. we need a good strong republican to help erik hansen out.
the only thing I am going to say about ADSD 14 is that they have to get it thru their heads that they are a SCHOOOL DISTRICT, not a District of schools! Bottom line!
Just to show what everybody knows about Paul Natale....the old city manager once told me that when the last of the candidates for the city manager position were in town taking a tour of the city, good old Mayor Natale told them all that "the first thing whoever gets the job will do is annex the area around 96th ave." "Don't care what you have to do but you will do it." As for Natale being a bully take a look at the tapes from the counsel meetings...Paul use to tell several of the members how to vote on the issues before the counsel. Just watch how it goes...Snyder could not do anything without Natale telling her what to do.....
OMG....give it up he's gone!
What a B**ch
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