If you are confused about how to post on the blog or feel more comfortable e-mailing me your opinion comments and concerns, please do so and we will post it for you.
E-mail: dustin.mcintyre@yahoo.com Dustin McIntyre, Gateway News and www.gatewaynews.org
*In general, an opinion is a subjective belief, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts. An opinion may be supported by an argument, although people may draw opposing opinions from the same set of facts.
So much said condemning an officer shooting a dog but not one peep for an innocent 14 year old girl (human being) who was brutally murdered. What class Commerce City. What class.
Brutal murder!
Boy! Do I agree with the comment on the murder of that 14 year old girl. What has happened to CC? Have, we lost all sense of our humanity? When, one is high on drugs and alcohol does that give one the excuse to kill another person? Not one RIP or contributions for funeral expense.
I dont think anyone knows this family, they are not from Commerce City. Still very sad.
Does it matter if the victim was from Commerce City? No! She was murdered here and the "great" citizens of this city utter nothing! Disgusting.
Where is the outrage for all of the people killed in our city in the past year? There is none.
A dog (not from our city either) gets more outrage.
The people of this city have lost their dang minds when a dead human being means nothing to them.
Wow, what hypocrites , that dog was not from commerce city either, And was illegal but that did not stop the witch hunt of that officer. This girl (a child) was MURDED in commerce city and not illegal, but not one scream for justice for her, no Facebook pages, or protests at the suspects house. If a person had been stabbed to death by a cop would you be screaming? No doubt the answer is yes, even if you had no facts or incorrect facts. Which begs the question is it that you value dogs over people or just hate police? Perhaps if you supported your police and not criminals like the owner of an illegal dog, and the murderer of a child whom you support by ignoring what he did, and how well the police did to get him off your streets, your crime would be lower, and your reputation better, but hey why use logic? You commerce city people are pathetic and seem to deserve the reputation you have created throughout the metro area. No class, and ignorant from south to North, yes even you morons in reunion who think that if You say you live in Reunion nobody will know you actually live in commerce city. Just an FYI, everyone knows, deal with it you chose to live there.
Tired in the north metro area of commerce city Ignorance.
I was curious, so I looked around and your right. There is really NOTHING about this story anywhere. When there is mention of it, it is all about illegal immigration, not about the girl murdered.
How does this get buried but, Jessica Ridgeway gets all the attention, not to speak of the Dog gets ALL the attention.
That is what is sad!
ps - and yeah, reunion is IN commerce city! that is a fact!
I will try to make a point here,
The reason why Jessica and Chloe got a lot of attention was because there was no closure. Chloe got Shot and the CCPD was coming out saying it was justified in the beginning.
"Our initial review of this incident indicates that the officers responded appropriately to the 911 call and used the force necessary to protect the public," Chief of Police Chuck Saunier said in a statement.
Same with Jessica, there was a killer on the loose and it was unsolved, no closure.
In this incident, the guy turn himself in. It does not make it less sad or tragic, just different because it had an ending.
Hope this point comes across.
that is a bunch of BS!
totally disagree!
I think it has everything to do with race! Sorry, but NO ONE did anything for this poor girl, NO FACEBOOK, NO RALLY or VIGIL nothing!
I am willing to bet most people do not even know her name!
I think you really hit on something here.
Commerce City Dog Shooting Denver Post Comments = 145
Commerce Murder of Girl who was also assaulted = 22
Really need to think what is important in life.
Sad, Sad, Sad.
No facebook for Gabriela Acosta? Maybe the family is grieving in there own way and do not WANT a facebook page!
this poor girl went to Broomfield hs and there is nothing in boulder daily camera. only a denver post article.
I would hope someone would put up a memorial at the 8600 block of Verbena Street for this child that was murdered.
Denver Post says: "Sex assault charge added in death of Commerce City teen"
I do not think this is a "Commerce City" teen just because it happened in Commerce City.
And you are right, all the comments are about the killer being here illegally.
Thank you to
Diana DeGette
Jared Polis
Ed Perlmutter
Showing the people that you care about the middle class!
message to Scott Tipton
Cory Gardner
Doug Lamborn
Mike Coffman, I am sure your days our numbered!
Why are they out, because they did not want to tax the job creators and want to control the out of control obama sending?
I say thank you to Scott Tipton
Cory Gardner, Doug Lamborn, Mike Coffman
Thank you for looking out for future!
Having watched the Chloe thing from afar two things I noticed. One was media attention. Something I have not seen in the death of the girl (I found out here). Two, many of the self aggrandizing attention seekers and "protestors" were not from CC. Some facts you should consider and be knowledgeable of before condemning the citizens. Also, the Chloe incident was more about an officer caught in a lie. An opportunity for those to advance their own agenda against the city, the city council, and the police department. The videotape was made by the guy who called the police and lied either to them or the media about the aggressiveness of the dog. From what I have researched the murderer turned himself in immediately so there was no drawn out search it anything. Here are two things I ask about this. Why was there no outrage or media presence for this murder? Where are the people from outside the city here creating spectacle for a dog murder? Once again too many people trying to use a horrible event as a platform to advance there agenda. Perhaps those who have posted should look in the mirror and ask what have I done to make the world better and hopefully come up with more than posted on a blog. Thoughts and prayers for this girl and those affected by her tragedy.
I hope at least the Commerce City Council hold a moment of silence. If they remember her name.
I disagree, the outcry is way different. When it comes to a cop who is suppose to protect and serve shoots a incident dog that was not vicious and tied to the end of a pole, versus a crazy lunatic that binged and then killed a innocent girl.
For me, the innocent girl who was brutally killed in CC is so much worse, then a dog. Sorry, I know that is not the popular view, But I for one value human life over a dog.
The story of Gaby brought me to tears. The Chloe dog story on the other hand did not.
ever think maybe the family does not want all the media attention. They did not comment to media. Maybe there is NOT a set process. Maybe if there is no facebook page or vigil then it will be okay. maybe the family wants to deal with this in there own way. Who the hell are all of you to be upset that no one is making a circus out of this.
This is NOT your tragedy! That is what really makes me upset and sick to my stomach.
There, enough said.
have a "rally" for this murder? what are "ralling" for? the guy turn himself in.
Zeek, I agree council should have a moment of silence, doubt they will since it was on this blog.
This the new Chief Troy going to be greeted with a vote of no confidence when he comes to town?
Applications available for Ward I City Council vacancy
mayor pro tem moreno to be Recognized for his service Jan. 7
COMMERCE CITY, COLO. – Applications are currently available online
and at the city clerk’s office for the Ward I City Council vacancy. Mayor Pro Tem Dominick Moreno will resign from city council at the January 7th regular meeting and be recognized for his service that evening at a reception after the meeting.
The vacancy was caused by Moreno’s election to the Colorado General Assembly, where he will serve as the representative of Colorado House District 32. According to the City Charter, Section 4.5(b), “In not less than ten (10) days or more than thirty (30) days after a vacancy in an elected office occurs, the remaining council members shall appoint an eligible person to fill such vacancy to serve to the next organization meeting of the city council.”
The Ward I council appointment will serve from Feb. 4, 2013 until the next organization meeting of the City Council, which will be held following the November 5, 2013 general election. The appointee will receive monthly compensation of approximately $843.82, a $5,000 life insurance policy and $5 annual recreation center membership.
Residents interested in applying for the vacant Ward I seat must meet the requirements outlined in the City Charter of Commerce City:
• Be a citizen of the United States;
• Be at least 18 years of age;
• Be a resident of Commerce City for 12 months immediately preceding the appointment;
• Be a resident of Commerce City Ward I for 25 days immediately preceding the appointment;
• Be a registered a voter of the city; and
• Not be currently on probation or parole for a felony or an offense comparable to a felony in the military.
Applications will be available online and at the city clerk’s office beginning Jan. 2, 2013. Interested residents can submit their information beginning Jan. 7 and must be submitted no later than noon on Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2013. These items can be submitted through a variety of means, including hand delivery, U.S. Mail, email or fax to:
City Clerk Laura Bauer
c/o City of Commerce City
7887 E. 60th Avenue
Commerce City, CO 80022
Fax: 303-227-8798
Email: lbauer@c3gov.com
Applicants will be notified no later than Jan. 24 and interviews will be publicly held during the Jan. 28th city council study session. During the interview process, candidates will be sequestered until their interview time, which will be broadcast live online and Channel 8.
The successful applicant will be selected and seated Monday, Feb. 4, 2013 consistent with council policy 21, which outlines the process for filling a council vacancy.
Why go thru this process, just give the damn thing to Leffel already
Whatever happened to our whole china deal in commerce city?
All we got was that tomb stone in front of city hall?
Question: If Commerce City does not want marijuana places, then why did they make and pass a tax on it?
Before you all think Gene Leffel just walks in, please consider the comment on the Commerce City Beacon website:
Whatever Commerce City Beacon Comment is stupid about Gene. Should have been taken down years ago.
Not True.
Commerce City Ward One Position is pretty sure it is all wrapped up with Andrew Amador
How can you guess who is going to be Moreno's replacement when they have not even submitted the applications yet?
Thad, it is Commerce City, a small town, it will be either Gene or Andrew
Whoever it is, just remember the Commerce City Council Appointed Paolo Diaz and then the voters did NOT elect him. So, it is not an automatic. Just because the 9 clowns appoint you, does not mean you will be embraced by the public (voters)
wonder how chief troy will run the ccpd. with a iron fist or a group hug. i kinda hope it is with a iron fist.
A tax has already been placed on the sale of marijuana in Commerce City.
I Believe it was 7%.
However Commerce City does not need any of these facilities. We dont need the tax monies it may generate.I have in the past said this and also restate that City Counsel needs to make the rules as tough as possible on what these facilities need to comply with so that they will see it will not be feasible to operate here.
All City Counsel needs to do on considering Leffel for replacement in Ward 1 is to look back on how many times he was rejected not only for this seat but for the at large seat by a vote of the citizens.
No mention of Gaby the child killed in Commerce City, but Chloe gets mentioned again?!
Congrats to Rene Bullock of Mayor Pro Tem, I bet old mayor Natlie is upset.
Cubbage sues Chuckie, Wow!
Intent to sue, not yet a real suit. Have a chance to settle.
Thank you to Dom for all you did for CC. Keeps us in mind when downtown!
Hey Denver Post. We are NOT "Commerce Pity" we are COMMERCE CITY!
To Wes
Why would Paul be upset about Rene being named as Mayor Pro Tem.
You must be a type of person who trusts no one including yourself.
and one who always looks for negative things no matter what the situation may be.
Tired of people only criticizing. You all think you can do better? then pick up a form to become a council member and stop complaining and start acting.
What a bunch of immature people!
Maybe WES owns a green truck?!?!?!?
500 dollar fine for kids skipping school. I think that is a lot more then some in the core make in a week.
Colorado State Lodge F.O.P. "Show of Support for Wrongfully Accused Commerce City Officer"...
The above "Show of Support" just referred to us all as the "...uninformed..."
We watched a video of a man shooting a dog.
The entire situation was handled poorly.
If anyone is uninformed it is the persons involved that day in that driveway.
Gala Gardens has no plans on closing any time soon! Please help us spread the word!
is gala for sale? there is a sign in the middle. hmm.
From ADCO Facebook:
"To all my brothers in blue: I ask very little of anyone at this time of year, however a very good cop, and co-worker of mine has been the victim of a witch hunt. I have not talked to him personally, as he can't talk about the incident due to current legal and departmental restrictions, but here is what I can tell from the video. He was dispatched to a call, after the RP made two 911 calls, describing a dog that wouldn't let him leave his house. After two officers and a Community Service Officer arrived on scene, they attempted to determine where the dog belonged and to whom it belonged. After being unsuccessful, they attempted to TASER the dog inside the garage in which it was residing in. Again, none of the neighbors, not even the RP, knew where the dog lived. After the TASER was unsuccessful the dog, (A large Pit Bull Mix, which are illegal in our city by statute), charged and left the garage. The dog accidentally ran into the catch pole and became agitated, trying to get at anything it could. Fearing that the dog would hurt one of them, or get loose and hurt someone else, my brother in arms shot the dog until it ceased to be a threat (5 times). The Adams County District Attorney Don Quick who can be emailed at DQuick@da17.state.co.us decided it was appropriate to charge the officer with a class 6 Felony, which will make him ineligible to be a police officer. This is his punishment for solving a problem that he was called upon to, in a manner that kept everyone safe. I ask everyone to send an email or call (303) 659-7720 and let him know that his attempt to take a good cop out for no apparent reason, other then trying to go home unharmed at the end of the day is totally unacceptable. Also, dogs are not people, they are dogs. The worthless left wing media has made this into a real big deal both here and nationally. The headline of this story should be, "Stray, Vicious Animal Stopped by Police Before it Injured Bystanders"". Please help the officers involved in letting our lame duck, left wing, cop hating district attorney know where, we, as cops stand. thank you Ian Ranshaw CCPD"
To all my brothers in blue:
I ask very little of anyone at this time of year, however a very good cop, and co-worker of mine has been the victim of a witch hunt.
I have not talked to him personally, as he can't talk about the incident due to current legal and departmental restrictions, but here is what I can tell from the video.
He was dispatched to a call, after the RP made two 911 calls, describing a dog that wouldn't let him leave his house. After two officers and a Community Service Officer arrived on scene, they attempted to determine where the dog belonged and to whom it belonged. After being unsuccessful, they attempted to TASER the dog inside the garage in which it was residing in. Again, none of the neighbors, not even the RP, knew where the dog lived. After the TASER was unsuccessful the dog, (A large Pit Bull Mix, which are illegal in our city by statute), charged and left the garage. The dog accidentally ran into the catch pole and became agitated, trying to get at anything it could.
Fearing that the dog would hurt one of them, or get loose and hurt someone else, my brother in arms shot the dog until it ceased to be a threat (5 times).
The Adams County District Attorney Don Quick who can be emailed at DQuick@da17.state.co.us decided it was appropriate to charge the officer with a class 6 Felony, which will make him ineligible to be a police officer.
This is his punishment for solving a problem that he was called upon to, in a manner that kept everyone safe.
I ask everyone to send an email or call (303) 659-7720 and let him know that his attempt to take a good cop out for no apparent reason, other then trying to go home unharmed at the end of the day is totally unacceptable. Also, dogs are not people, they are dogs.
The worthless left wing media has made this into a real big deal both here and nationally. The headline of this story should be, "Stray, Vicious Animal Stopped by Police Before it Injured Bystanders"".
Please help the officers involved in letting our lame duck, left wing, cop hating district attorney know where, we, as cops stand.
Guess who has arrived in Commerce City as the new Chief of Police??? Mr. Troy Smith! Here is his info. If you'd like to give HIM a piece of your mind, here is his contact info. I wonder if HE knows what his Officer, Mr. Ian Ranshaw, had to say on the Adams County Sheriff's Facebook page? Please be respectful. We are hoping he cleans house of all the mess that is the Commerce City PD currently. Remember, his first day was yesterday!
Troy Smith
Chief of Police, Commerce City, Colorado
Ph: 303-287-2844
Can the police and now SHERIFF PLEASE STOP KILLING DOGS! My GOD! What a bunch of fraidy cats!
Congratulation to Chris C. from C3! A good guy! Great Promotion!
Maybe cc officer price has something on ian?
maybe someone should look into it.
Since many of us have no clue what was said and or why, can you Copy and post it on here?
Ian Ranshaw of the Commerce City Police Department said "To all my brothers in blue: I ask very little of anyone at this time of year, however a very good cop, and co-worker of mine has been the victim of a witch hunt. I have not talked to him personally, as he can't talk about the incident due to current legal and departmental restrictions, but here is what I can tell from the video. He was dispatched to a call, after the RP made two 911 calls, describing a dog that wouldn't let him leave his house. After two officers and a Community Service Officer arrived on scene, they attempted to determine where the dog belonged and to whom it belonged. After being unsuccessful, they attempted to TASER the dog inside the garage in which it was residing in. Again, none of the neighbors, not even the RP, knew where the dog lived. After the TASER was unsuccessful the dog, (A large Pit Bull Mix, which are illegal in our city by statute), charged and left the garage. The dog accidentally ran into the catch pole and became agitated, trying to get at anything it could. Fearing that the dog would hurt one of them, or get loose and hurt someone else, my brother in arms shot the dog until it ceased to be a threat (5 times). The Adams County District Attorney Don Quick who can be emailed at DQuick@da17.state.co.us decided it was appropriate to charge the officer with a class 6 Felony, which will make him ineligible to be a police officer. This is his punishment for solving a problem that he was called upon to, in a manner that kept everyone safe. I ask everyone to send an email or call (303) 659-7720 and let him know that his attempt to take a good cop out for no apparent reason, other then trying to go home unharmed at the end of the day is totally unacceptable. Also, dogs are not people, they are dogs. The worthless left wing media has made this into a real big deal both here and nationally. The headline of this story should be, "Stray, Vicious Animal Stopped by Police Before it Injured Bystanders"". Please help the officers involved in letting our lame duck, left wing, cop hating district attorney know where, we, as cops stand. thank you Ian Ranshaw CCPD"
What Ian said is NOT the view of all of the FOP 19
hey, whatever happened to the china thing we we all into a couple years ago?
Are we getting a hotel on Tower or is it like the walmat on tower?
I say NO on the $500 fine for kids not is school. Positive reinforcement is a better option.
Do not make this a city revenue maker.
City Manager Brian McBroom announced the selection of Chris Cramer as the city’s new community development director? That is too funny. I wish you could all hear what is said behind closed doors.
I say YES to this:
Commerce City Weighs Daytime Curfew for Students
When Commerce City cops see kids wandering neighborhoods during school hours, the officers can do no more than try to talk to the juveniles unless they're committing a crime.
But changes proposed by school-resource officers would extend the city's curfew to weekdays between 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and allow police to drive truant teens back to school and issue a municipal citation with a fine as big as $499 attached.
airport city. Denver will win, no matter what ADCO threatens. Sorry.
Why do kids act like criminals? 1) they're raised by criminals so that's what they learn (2) they're treated as criminals because they act their immature age (3) they're never given any positive attention by members of the community who can mentor them. So why on Earth would we criminalize truancy? It's what kids do....teach them better choices, give them opportunity, and let them make mistakes.
So who will pay the fine for students who are skipping school? The unemployed student or the unemployed parents?
Who's bright idea was this?
I think this daytime curfew is just another way for the School District to raise some money. With the Commerce City Police rounding up the kids and sending them back to school the district can then get a higher head count and then more money from the state and feds. Maybe the problem is not with the kids but with the School District.
When watching the news about the shotting of the pit bull, when it first happened, I wondered why the person who called the police about a vicious dog was upset by what happened, and it seems he was one of the people recording the events. Since I was not in his position it is hard for me to judge him, I only know if there was a vicious dog call and one of my kids or grandkids could of been hurt I would action taken immediately.
Yes I agree for a "vicious dog", not Chloe who was already in a Pole neck restraint and trying to get away. CCPD is just a bunch of fearful trigger happy group of boys that are only in it for the adrenaline rush.
Applicants for the Ward I City Council vacancy announced
interviews will be held monday, JAN. 28, 2013 in council chambers
COMMERCE CITY, COLO. – Four residents applied to fill the Ward I city council position. The vacancy was created when Mayor Pro Tem Dominick Moreno resigned his seat Jan. 7 to serve in the Colorado General Assembly.
The applicants include:
· John Griego
· Andrew Amador
· Manuel Gonzalez
· Gene Leffel
Candidate applications are included in the online meeting packet, which will be available by the end of the week.
Interviews will be publicly held during the Jan. 28th city council study session, beginning at 6:30 p.m. in council chambers. The meeting will be broadcast live online at www.c3gov.com/video and Comcast Channel 8. Candidates will be sequestered until their interview time.
The successful applicant will be selected and seated Monday, Feb. 4, 2013 consistent with council policy 21, which outlines the process for filling a council vacancy.
Fix is in, might as well congratulate Andrew Amador!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually not fixed, it is either between Andrew and Manuel.
Well if CC was smart they would appoint Gene. He is really the ONLY one of that bunch who is ready to go and has a extreme grasp of all the city issues. I would say Gene has a better grip on what is going on with the city then most of the currently seated council by a long shot.
I support Mr. Leffel for the appointed and plan on emailing council to tell them why.
disagree with GL, if the people wanted him in they would have voted him in by now.
The people have spoken.
I hope Gene Leffel gets in, then council can have some real backbone.
Just remember what the Commerce City Beacon says on their website about GENE LEFFEL
Commerce City BEACON: "This is the most sexist man alive. I worked with him at a previous job and he considers all women "breeders". If you have any self respect as a woman or any respect for women as a man do not vote for this man."
Link is right here: http://affiliate.kickapps.com/_Gene-Leffel-Ward-I-Candidate/video/801388/80131.html
This man has no room to be in politics at any level, period.
I thought beacon took that down, apparently not. hmmmmmm.
PRESS STATEMENT from Adams County DA Dave Young...
Police Officer Robert Price appeared in Adams County Court today for a first appearance on the charges related to the shooting of a dog in Commerce City on November 24, 2012.
In response to recent statements made by the Fraternal Order of Police, District Attorney Dave Young states, “Our office makes decisions on the filing of criminal charges based upon thoughtful consideration of the evidence, not based upon outside influences or the status of the offender.”
The next court date is a dispositional hearing scheduled for April 15, 2013 at 2:00 p.m.
Benson, and Douglas will vote for gene. Ford might, that means his lap dog rene will vote to. all he needs is one more. Maybe teter.
doesnt matter, they are a weak mayor format, aka council that can not do sh*t.
In response to recent statements made by the Fraternal Order of Police, District Attorney Dave Young states, “Our office makes decisions on the filing of criminal charges based upon thoughtful consideration of the evidence, not based upon outside influences or the status of the offender.”
Other words: FU FOP19!!!
What Ever Happened to Our Walmart in the NORTH. I am pretty sure we were first.
Walmart has announced plans to build a second retail location in Arvada.
The 135,000-square-foot Walmart store would be located at the southeast corner of West 58th Avenue and Independence Street, the anchor of the long-awaited redevelopment of the Arvada Plaza.
Is Mr. Price's attorney a tax payer funded attorney? Or is it out of his own pocket?
big thanks to these guys for at lease trying to do good for the city. We need to get on a new track of good things happeneing.
· John Griego
· Andrew Amador
· Manuel Gonzalez
· Gene Leffel
We the people in Ward 1 voted in the regular election for other candidates rather than voting for laffel. Once for ward counsel person & once for at large Counsel person. He was also rejected by past counsel persons to fill vacancy for Counsel person. I think present Counsel people should take note of this and select someone else to fill this position.Gene may know a lot about what goes on in the city but does he really know how to present the right solution for any old or new things that happen for the good of Commerce City. I an not saying who they should select. I am only saying listen close to the other people who put their names in for this position and than select the one most qualified.Let leffel fill some other position in city government.
Laffel Leffel, That is FUNNY!
I agree, put him on Cultural Council!
Hope all of you who are against Oil and Gas are watching the news. Colorado is benefiting from this with lowest national gas prices.
Good Luck to Miz. I thought he would have made a better City manager then McOilBoom.
Good Luck to Mayor Ford on the Airport City idea with Denver, Your going to need it.
cheaper gas is not a trade off for sick people and pets.
I would rather pay more now and concentrate all efforts on green energy.
heard sikh temple is offering some ungodly amount of money as an award from some activity that has happened in Oct of last year. Something like over $10,000 reward. 5 times the amount for the capture of a killer of a child.
Didn't see anything in news about this yet.
Colorado Singh Sabha offering 11K for arrest of who sent porn to their place.
Really HIGH price for this crime. Should be more out there. This amount of money could really change some peoples lives.
They are working with CCPD
Mizraim's entire job should have been done by the City Manager. That is a Fact. I wonder if any other cities have this position.
Someone from the city should tell Kronke that his stadium is in Commerce City and NOT Denver. Maybe that is why there is no development around the stadium?
From Colorado Rapids "More good news for Colorado soccer fans. Denver's Sports Authority Field at Mile High was chosen as one of 13 venues to host the CONCACAF Gold Cup this summer"
My, my Charlotte, you need to do some research.
The "green" energy you support, would take miles and miles of turbines etc to begin to give us a drop in the bucket.
The green cars, batteries are horrible to dispose of and very costly.
I also challange you who probably has a large income (ie Reunion) to not drive anywhere you don't HAVE to. Let's put your sacrafice upfront.Ride with friends, only shop with others to car pool. How really good are YOUR efforts!
Do your research and don't just believe the poop out there.
looks like Andrew Amador has it in the bag! congrats.
If Mr. Amador gets the nod then the process was a waste of time, resources, and money. Did you watch the interviews? He rambled and really said nothing. Mr. Gonzalez was more articulate and engaging. Mr. Lefel is the most informed and prepared.
My god gene better be prepared, he only has what more then 10 years trying to get on council.
Commerce City officer loses control of vehicle, crashes into city snow plow en route to Adams County Jail?
And the professionalism of our PD just keeps on coming.
I suppose there will be a lawsuit for this, right?
Manny Gonzalez should run for school board, not council. Just my opinion, just a better fit.
I would go with Amador for his professional experience
Andrew Amador talked about fire and police and transportation. Funny how he does not have a grasp what the city really needs. THAT IS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT!
Leffel does know what the city needs and will be a great council man.
Nope! Sorry! G. Laffel has too much baggage. Anyone who pays half attention knows this.
Andrew has this in the bag.
I am sure Amador has this in the bag? Obviously a biased opinion. Step back and look at it as unbiased. We all know about THE baggage. But who has dedicated the time?
Who is most knowledgeable? Big deal if Amador is an architect. He obviously doesn't think it applies the the position or he might of talked to that point and economic development. Instead he talked of issues like police and fire. Oh wait could it be possible he didn't even know council has little to no input beyond approving budget at this point. Everyone complains about weak or puppet council now you want to weaken it further. We need best man for the job. Not the one everyone likes best. Who has done more for this community. Who has dedicated their time. Who actually said our community has a good image. Deluded or ignorant Amador? This decision will only further the perception of other communities have of CC.
Hey GW....any truth to the story that Manuel Gonzalez does not reside in Ward 1?
recent event have me questioning the deviance of some in the city. Unreal, Unfair.
hmm sounds interesting, any details?
good day for Amador?
I know there is a spot to be filled on the council. Has anyone heard or have their own thoughts on the ACHS is doing. It must be good if no one has said anything. Please let us know if they have anything to say.
So the city's incompetence and underhanded manueverings come to fruition tonite. Andrew Amador will be handed the job. Lefel is more qualified but as usual the council will follow the staff lead and do what's in their interest not the city's. I know he is not popular but we need informed and involved leaders. Amador hasn't done anything yet to earn the spot except cozy up to the right people. Never seen him at city events until lately. What has he done community wise. Again he has many detractors but Lefel has at least put much effort into furthering our community. And how does a candidate get through the interview before the city realizes he lives outside the ward? Either they are severely incompetent or they wanted to give appearance of a legitimate process. Either way when they hand Amador the seat it will be another black mark on our city. Neighboring municipalities just keep laughing. When is the next election? Maybe we could talk the school board into shifting seats since they seem to have finally gotten it right.
WOW what a surprise, Amador got the job. What a bunch of BS, Seriously!
looks like blog got it right again!
the fix was in from the beginning.
No Surprise, look who "won" the appointment. Amador the Architect.
Congrats to Andrew! Lets keep this city moving forward!
What fix!? really, is that what this whole situtation with one of the other candidates was all about!? Gasp!
can you get the vote count, I know it was anonymous, but I think you can still get the count.
Just wondering.
Just because you get appointed, does NOT mean anything. Look what happened to Paulo Diaz, the BFF of Natalie.
He was appointed by city council, then lost to the vote of the people, which what really matters.
I do not Like watching his site when it all comes true. this is the second appointment the was correctly predicted.
Makes me think that maybe there really is a "FIX".
Agree, GASP!
Its not hard to guess right when there are so few candidates. The real sadness here is that more people dont apply
I agree with that. It just does not pay that much to get headaches and high BP all the time.
Just not worth it.
why would anyone want to be part of a weak form of gov format with a city that is struggling. very depressing.
dog track going to bring 110 million?
okay, sure I believe that.
hope s. ford doesn't think he will just walk in to a second term as cc mayor.
good people in the city like Joel Coen of Ranking Colorado would be a great cc mayor.
Just who is this person Joel Coen that would make such a great Mayor for Commerce City
Also Where or what is Ranking Colorado that you stated he is from.
What the heck happened to this site. It looks like crap on the homepage...
Heard one the candidates that just recently got beat out in the appointment will be running for CC council.
Good for him!
has this joel guy even been to any council meetings?
Mr BB in CC, that really doesn't prove or disprove anything. I don't know the guy, but his leadership is certainly NOT tied to his attendance at the CC council meetings.
CC meetings
I attended every CC Council meeting with pen and paper in hand and sometimes watched the 3 1/2 hour meetings twice over on computer or TV. It is NOT the fact that one personally and physically attends these meetings, it is the fact that one watches, listens and takes notes to comment on these meetings. Because, someone sits on a chair in attendance does not mean that they have the leadership qualities and common sense needed to make responsible decisions. To me, that in some cases is just playing politics. A person's track record and actions, says volumes about their personality. Some people have a long history of attendance at these meetings but that does not mean that they have any real answers for the city but may have been there to just stay in the spot light. Some people, right or wrong, think name recognition, alone, gets them elected.
some advice for all that think that just because you come to meeting you are the best person for the job.
The student that comes to class all the time is not always the brightest.
I heard this name Joel Coen before. Very Interesting. hmmmmm
Amador the Architect may have gotten by the council. But he will have to get past the people if he wants to stay.
Remember the past, Paulo Diaz was appointed by council and then the people shot him down. Showing how out of touch the council was.
Good Luck Amador, but the people know the what happened and they will come out to vote, you will see!
maybe some good people will come out to run, harvest, mayor toovas, leffel, romine.
man what a town!
I would like to see more women on Commerce City Council!
Hickenlooper to sue all cities that ban fracking?
Now are you all should be happy that Commerce City Council PROTECTED the city!
By the way, Hickenlooper says, FRACKING HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE SAFE!
fracking - it should go to court, then we will finally know who has power on this subject, home rule or state.
I am thinking home rule might have an edge.
fracking safe?
quick search tells me different.
tree hugger,
dont like fracking? MOVE! because Adco and CC are very PRO FRACKING!
Dont Frack Colorado.
Call Hickenfracker 1-877-292-7298
Wow. All those bemoaning the murder of the girl getting fewer comments - the dog was shot BY A COP, who is supposed to serve and protect. THAT is the difference. Also, penalties for murder are severe and the person responsible will be punished accordingly. For animals, the penalties are more like a slap on the wrist. If there was no outrage, the ridiculous amount of dogs being killed by cops would not be addressed. Everyone knows murdering a human is wrong already, but animals don't have the same protection,nor, as shown by the comments in this thread, any real respect. Again, Chloe was shot by a COP, so to say things like"class , Conmerce City" is completely ridiculous.
Wow. All those bemoaning the murder of the girl getting fewer comments - the dog was shot BY A COP, who is supposed to serve and protect. THAT is the difference. Also, penalties for murder are severe and the person responsible will be punished accordingly. For animals, the penalties are more like a slap on the wrist. If there was no outrage, the ridiculous amount of dogs being killed by cops would not be addressed. Everyone knows murdering a human is wrong already, but animals don't have the same protection,nor, as shown by the comments in this thread, any real respect. Again, Chloe was shot by a COP, so to say things like"class , Conmerce City" is completely ridiculous.
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