If you are confused about how to post on the blog or feel more comfortable e-mailing me your opinion comments and concerns, please do so and we will post it for you.
E-mail: dustin.mcintyre@yahoo.com Dustin McIntyre, Gateway News and www.gatewaynews.org
*In general, an opinion is a subjective belief, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts. An opinion may be supported by an argument, although people may draw opposing opinions from the same set of facts.
I think it is funny the guy behind NO on 1A is a elected official that was there when all the corruption was happening.
It appears Unilateral development with adjacent cities have come to a halt since the new old mayor and new old council members have come to power again. Why is this not being reported?
There is no new large business interest since the former city manager was forced to move to HR because of his ability to negotiate.
No one wants to do business with this city. Why is it not being reported?
The commissioners salaries ARE rediculously high (of course that was okay when Pace was there!)
Still doesn't mean we don't need more commissioners.....with 5, maybe we will not get the good ole boys system in play.
Let's clean up Adam's county!
I find it funnier that a candidate who is married to a judge in Adams county smokes pot. A Republican candidate. And she attempts to harm her Democratic opponent w a DUI from decades ago. WOW
Natale on Facebook "we are one race. The human race." Really Natale. When u were mayor he stated u did not represent "those"people who live in southern commerce city. What happened? U also said u would not ever run for office but every chance u get u do. Do Commerce City a favor. MOVE OUT AND QUIT HURTING OUR CITY.
Nine years of steady decline in district 14. Eight of those years under the "leadership" of the censured Jeanette Lewis. What a legacy you left Lewis. Shame shame shame on you. Thank you new school board for new changes the last year.
Gotta love how all the northern range people who would not help stop oil and gas are NOW moving out because of oil and gas. Such GREAT neighbors. Love ya!
Hi everyone, we have moved to our new retirement home near our children in the woods and it is so peaceful. (No train noise!) We moved to Monument near the Woodmoor Country Club and it is just like moving back into the old time, slower, America. People welcomed us into the neighborhood right away and everyone says, hello, when you smile at them. People jog up and down the hills and ride little golf carts, every day. The ole timers get together for coffee at the local restaurant and we feel like we are already part of the community. Local waitresses already count us as part of their local families. I hope to serve in what ever area, I can, in this new community. I'm sure there are those that say, "good riddance", but, I am so content, that's just fine with me. Happy Holidays!
good bye estelle. hope you have a better life in your new home.
I am going to miss Esttelle. I like reading your comments. Very entertaining.
At the City Counsel meeting tonight.
iVITA Wellness,LLC is going to ask the Counsel to appeal the City's decision to deny there application to operate a medical marijuana facility in Commerce City.
I hope that the Counsel thinks about this very careful as to the negetive things it could bring to our city.
Above all I hope that they dont even consider what the city could recieve as far as tax benifits are conserned. There have been other things in the past that could have raised taxes for the city that were rejected
( Adult Sex Stores, Gambling, Massage parlors) none of which were needed in our city or the tax that may have been generated by any of them. We made it without them and the possable tax that may have been inacted.
I agree with Bob Z.
I also think the state proposal is a BIG mistake!
I trust the council will do what is right.
Why are people bringing up natale? At least he did something as the mayor. look at what ford has done. thats right, NOTHING!
bob is right,
i do not think cc will get much tax money off of one place.
leave the so called "medical" marijuana places to denver and boulder. NOT COMMERCE CITY
Shawn Ford brought us nothing? What about CUMMINS?!
Lets stick to the facts.
Sorry to see Estelle leave. She was very interesting to say the least to read.
nov 5th, no state of city for 2012 as far as I know.
One question...what position has Natale run for?
I heard his name mentioned a few times as a possible contender, but never saw that he ran.
I for one would have voted for him.
I want to make a bold prediction here.
I want to be the first to congratulate Dom Moreno. He will make a great rep in the house for our area. He has a good head in hot times and has a even bigger better heart.
He will be a champion for all the children and keep the economy on the right track.
natalie tried to run for state house as GOP candidate?
What Boys and Girls Club? From what I understand all there is, is a place for a building to be built. There is no money to do any of the building yet. All Natale did was find a space for a Boys and Girls Club building. There is no Boys and Girls Club yet.
Natale was asked to run, chose not to. Just ask those in the party.
"Natale was asked to run, chose not to. Just ask those in the party."
paul natale @mayorpaulcc
Well, here I am again. I will be announcing my candidacy soon for the House District 30 seat. I appreciate all who have advise me.
paul natale @mayorpaulcc
found there is another candidate for HD30Neither of us want a primary.Will work with supporters to determine who runs. no one to declare yet.
congrats to Moreno. Don't mess this up
Now that D. Moreno is on his way to the state house. I pray that the Commerce City council will NOT appoint Gene Leffel.
From the BEACON website:
"This is the most sexist man alive. I worked with him at a previous job and he considers all women "breeders". If you have any self respect as a woman or any respect for women as a man do not vote for this man."
that is too funny! I think they should get tovas to fill the spot if he is in District one!
KEEPIN it real CC!
At Mondays Counsel meeting iVITA Wellness made an appeal to counsel about the City's decision to deny their application to operate a medicial marijuana facility in Commerce City.
The reason for the denial had to do with the location of the proposed ficility as to it's being to close to a city park.
Also had to do with the definition as to what was the meaning of the words parks,trails etc.
The majoriety of Counsel voted to reject the appeal.
What Counsel needs to do now is strenghen the rules for these type of business to operate in Commerce City. And sent them a clear message that they are not needed here.
What about Lewis to replace Moreno? It may set the city back decades but could you imagine that dynamic? It would be like adding Napalm to a forest fire.
j Lewis would be perfect! Maybe she could be the first in history to be Censured by 2 different elected boards.
I heard Jenette Lewis is going to have her daughter run for school board next year so she can ruin all the work the new school board and staff are doing. I'll help everyone elce run against the Lewis family. We can not let this happen to Adams 14.
Bill M
I heard J Lewis is running for City Council. One Lewis on Council and one on BOE would be horrible. Commerce City would suffer agin. Lewis for the love of God please let our city heal. Please don't put us though this agin. Please don't make our students and citizens suffer. God help us. People please get out and vote for anyone but the Lewis family. I would take John Ziler over any Lewis any day!!!!!!!
God Bless
Why haven't the police chief finalists names been posted?
I just heard from someone in the know that Shifters sold to 7-11. It had nothing to do with the Health Department or any finacial trouble as some of the rumors going around here said.
Heck I'll take Toves over the Lewis's on BOE or City Council any day.
Welcome to comments from Dumb and Dumber
The School Board and new administration are doing amazing things for the kids now, how long will it take before you try to mastermind a plan to ruin everything like you did when you were on the board? I bet your little wheels are turning.
I was talking about Janette Lewis. Sorry about that.
when is Commerce City Council going to make ole' chuckie the chief.
He is so dug in now it would be impossible to make anyone else it!
At least when Jerry, Tom and Brittney were in charge stuff was happening.
Today nothing is happening.
Attention Commerce City Residents in Ward One... Commerce City Council expected to post Dominick Moreno's vacant seat in Ward One soon. Moreno was voted to serve in State House.
the seat from dom should go to gene leffel. he is the only one qualified in ward one.
I think there are MANY people in ward one that are plenty qualified.
I would LOVE to have the Commerce City Manager make a decision about the police chief. My God how long has it been. over a year I think?
Write this here because I know this is monitored. hint hint.
Does CC have an official position on the longmont fracking ban?
I dont see how they could, they have not met since the election took place. hmmmm
I think Lewis or Leffel would be great on Commerce City Council.
At least we would have a real voice up there instead of another staff puppet.
Lewis not a staff puppet? She is far worse. She was always in lock step with the staff. She chose her Superintendent over the needs of the community all the time every time. Where did that get them. Steady decline in scores through her tenure, a divided board, a censure, etc.
A Prospective on the Unconventional Natural Gas Rush
The natural gas industry has been placing enormous risks on wells they are drilling, in the hope they produce huge profits and provide energy independence for the U.S. But gas may not be as cheap to extract from shale formations deep underground as first thought. Industry professionals voice skepticism about over rated forecasts and question whether companies are intentionally overstating the productivity of their wells and the size of their reserves.
“Money is pouring in” from investors even though shale gas is “inherently unprofitable,” states some. Others say the shale plays are ponzi schemes and the economics just won’t work. Recent data states that while there are some very active wells, there are often many less-productive wells that cost more to drill and operate than the gas they produce is worth. If natural gas proves more expensive to extract than has been predicted, investors could see their profits dwindle and fail, while consumers will pay the price in utility bills.
The impacts to the environment are unpredictable. The process used to retrieve gas is called hydraulic fracturing. It requires 3 to 5 million gallons of water per well, and must be disposed of responsibly because of toxic contamination used in the process. If gas wells fail before expected, companies will have to drill more wells or frack them more often, resulting in additional liquid toxic waste and air pollution.
A big attraction for investors is the increasing size of the gas reserves that some companies are reporting. Reserves are the amount of gas that a company says it can access from its wells because they are the measure of a company’s value. Forecasting these reserves is a creative practice. Early predictions are sometimes lowered because of drops in gas prices. Intentionally overbooking reserves, however, is illegal because it misleads investors. Comparisons to ponzi schemes and attempts to “con” Wall Street might suggest that questions about the shale gas industry exist.
Although energy companies routinely project that shale gas wells will produce gas at a reasonable rate for anywhere from 15 to 25 years, these companies have been making such predictions based on limited data and a certain amount of guesswork, since shale horizontal drilling is a relatively new practice. Most gas companies claim that production will drop sharply after the first few years but then level off, allowing most wells to produce gas for decades. Gas production data suggests that many wells in shale gas fields do not level off the way many companies predict but instead decline steadily.
Regardless many people within the industry remain confident. T. Boone Pickens, the oil and gas industry executive, states “I wouldn’t worry about these shale companies,” he believes that if prices rise, shale gas companies will make money. Mr. Pickens said that technological improvements including hydrofracking wells repeatedly are already making production more cost-effective, which is why some major companies like Exxon Mobil have recently bought into shale gas development. Still many industry insiders are skeptical, even cynical, about the industry’s announcements.
I guess an operator could always flip a well based on its projected potential just as some did in the past housing boom before the crash and still make some money on it.
Just don’t think that an ethical practice based on who owns the well when the speculation ends and the bubble bursts….
about cc having a stance on lnogmont 300.
of course they are going to be against it. It should be handled at the state level!
What dont you people get about how it all works!
So sick of you all in the north!
Here is a thought about new business to the city. Benson among others always complain about the lack of parks. They complain about the lack of business. How about a dispensary. Should be no problem with the thousand feet barrier. Perfect marriage.
I will fight forever to keep them out of our community
As I have stated in the past. The last thing we need in Commerce City is a any type of marijuana facility.There is no benifit for to be gained unless it is the tax monies it could generate and than money probility would be spent to regulate these places.
If anyone acually need this product let them go to nearby cities to get it.
I would rather have it known that Commerce City is a place where we dont want or need them than to say we are a City that goes along with modern changes such as this.
City Counsel needs to act now to strenghten the rules to help keep them out of our City.
i agree with zeiler. leave these places to boulder and denver.
The Commerce City cops are the ones out of control. Simply they do not want any accountability for being professional cops. They like the old 'combat city' where they could treat citizens like they feel like and be as heavy handed as they like to be.
Once again CC employees make the city look bad! I urge the City Council to vote to disband this group of unprofessional cops- contract out to Adams County while developing standards for a professional department and rebuild the department. In the alternative- take the idea from the Denver chief and make everyone reapply for their positions. The cops have run out 5 chiefs in 6 years- you tell me what the problem really is- I think it's the cops.
But just think that in the north there are no parks to fight over distances. There is always crying about not enough businesses. Plenty of room to grow plants. How about next to dominos and the liquor store. Maybe then we can get a taco bell in the north too. This is just a jab at the entitlement that many, not all, in the north seem to show. So calm down and get perspective. Seriously you bought arsenal houses and complain about everything. You want business but only the business you want.you want all city investment to be about the north. Well the bulk of revenue comes from the core. Why does the core have parks.because its been established so long and the north has been around five minutes. Talk to the land developer about why they didn't put parks. Its called money. You don't want to invest with tax money but want the benefits.your leadership divides you from the core to better manipulate you to focus on what you don't have then what they and the city are not doing. They posture for your vote. look at our buffoon mayor and his vote on the pipeline. He only voted against to say he did. Every meeting he looks more like jabba the Hutt living high on the hog and the paycheck we gave him. The only appearance he makes is to things to raise his profile. Lead don't be led.
Charles Saunier is a joke plain and simple!
If he is hired I will be shocked.
I really do not see what "city services" we get. Police service is not that good, trash which is over billed, no parks (north). GID is paying for the roads and infrastructure.
So what the hell does anyone get?
My road does not even get snow plowed, because I am not on a emergency route.
great Denver Post Article! Thank you for posting!
About the CCPD,
This is really too bad. I thought the department was doing well after seeing how well they all worked together in the missing infant from the core.
Of course, we only see the perception they want us too.
Behind close doors apparently it is nothing but turmoil.
Commerce City is and always will be 2 cities. A North and a South.
They have nothing in common.
No matter how many stupid "one city" campaigns are started and failed.
We will always be 2 cities.
A North and A South.
nef said.
To be Honest,
They guy for the job is Marco Vasquez, chief of investigations for state's Medical Marijuana Enforcement Division. Former chief of police for Sheridan Police Department and former deputy chief with Denver Police Department.
But, ole chuckie might get it because he has dug himself so deep into the dept with his stupid "systems"
no business boom in Commerce City because it is "hard " to do business in the city.
back off a bit and get a reputation that you are REALLY business friendly and watch what kind on magic can happen.
CC not business friendly? since when?
trouble in CCPD has been there for a LONG LONG LONG time. It is just now more out there in the public.
Alright, now since the Commerce City's Police Departments dirty laundry is all out, when can we expect the massive dirty laundry pile of the Commerce City Staff?
I will also agree that Marco Vasquez is the best choice.
It is ridiculous that the FOP will not choose anyone. Seriously?
I don't care who they finally choose. as long as chuck is out. enough of the old boy network.
Fresh start is needed. A re-boot. Fire everyone and have them reapply for their positions.
A new outside person with no baggage is absolutely NEEDED.
dp has it a little wrong. /////////////////// I would say Charles Saunier has the trust and support of a large part of the department as a whole.
I will be supporting him.
how come CC doesn't just hire a consultant to get in a new chief. Isn't all the cities decision decided by consultants?
CCPD Issue:
The letter from the FOP should have been taken seriously and the command staff should have been held accountable.
Commerce City Police Problem is Way to Big for CM McOilBoom. He has already proving that he is not a real leader.
Resign McBrroooom
I hope this in not just one or two officers with an agenda!
Commerce City's frustrated police union won't back any chief finalist?
Cmon! what a bunch of babies! Grow Up and be an adult!!!!!!!!
Blog News
Excellent comment by Robert R. Winkler on "Natural Gas Rush." J. Lewis needs to just retire from Public Service. Everything, she becomes involved with fails to succeed because she puts her agenda before the public needs. I believe the public has spoken loud and clear over Gene Leffel's attempts to serve on City Council. Bob Zeiler is right about Marijuana Dispensaries. Any true profits will eventually cost the city the same amounts to regulate them. We have 26 dispensaries in our small area. Soldiers with PTS use Marijuana to ease their stress and symptoms, just to get through their days. It does bring some relief in that they become so relaxed as to relieve the anxiety of what they went through and I am all for what ever it takes to relieve their pain and suffering. But, this is not the case with recreational users. There are so many dispensaries around CC that it is very easy to purchase and there is always a price to pay on the dark side of these stores for the neighborhood.
Response to "The cops have run out 5 chiefs in 6 years- you tell me what the problem really is- I think it's the cops."
I dont think so, look at what Brian Hebbard aka Perry's right hand man did. Major cover up, at least tried.
Then look at Baca and the "baca book" answers to test. Retired to be with family BullSh*t then ends up in Lakewood RIGHT AWAY. Some BS the staff of Commerce City tried to feed us.
No I think it is the chiefs.
Wes- Hebbard was around for a while as was Baca. Don't support those single incidents they did but what they both had in common was trying to get the cops to do their job professionally and make sure they were in charge- not the cops. The union has gotten rid of chiefs- especially when the chiefs want the cops to do their job as professionals. If the cops don't get their way- they find a way to get rid of the chief.
Why not hire Jeneatte Lewis as our new chief? Just kidding. There are polices and procedures in place but I think the city council gets the final vote? There are 9 people we elected to help the citizens of Commece City. Look what the School Board did. They hired someone from the out side the old good old boys club! I like chuck but I think we need someone that will make some changes some big changes.
good point. Mark my words. the unions will the death of us all!
Why would the Denver Post run this story? Who is the one that tipped them off? The FOP? Someone inthe city? Maybe Staff?
What our city council needs to do is take back our city from the hands of city workers who don't even live here. If the city would hire local residents (who want to live and work in our own community) instead of getting people from out of the city who want to save us from ourselves, our city would be a lot better off. Make it a requirement that city staff live in Commerce City, then see how many loyal and faithful city workers you have!
"What our city council needs to do is take back our city from the hands of city workers who don't even live here."
You are correct! Very well stated.
Heard on 9 news that CCPD shot a pit bull in the northern range, because they could not get it under control.
FYI the city charter does not allow the council to hire (pick) the police chief.
The council is allowed ONLY to hire:
city manager
city attorney
city judge.
All staff including the chief report to the city manage & are SUPPOSE to be hired by the city manager.
Of course this works only when the council/mayor follows the rules!!
Highest number of dogs shot and killed in the Denver metro area- why- the cops do not care about your animals!
Doubtful that you will post this, because I personally know you edit all that goes here, but regarding this blog: you come as many but speak from one... go figure any other fool if you actually pay attention to this.
If Commerce City did not want the marijuana place then why did they vote for the tax on ALL marijuana a couple years ago?
Yes, it is the job of the city manager to hire the police chief. That is not the problem, the problem is that mcbroom does not do his job by dragging out the process for a long time.
The question is why? maybe unqualified?
about the dog in cc. the ccpd were completely wrong!
What another example of what a joke they are.
it was just a dog, they really had to kill it. just be a man and grab it.
Not against the Pit Bulls. I am against the idiot owners!
that is the cold hard truth.
remember when the Commerce City police killed that other family pet.
Warning to Dog owners in Commerce City... Keep your pets safe from the Police!
absolutely pathetic!
what the hell, why doesn't commerce city animal control have a real person that can handle these types of situations?
Not some person that can be over run by a 90 pound dog. So sad.
CCPD kill dog for what reason?
The dog didn't do anything. the poor thing was already restrained when the cop started shooting at it.
It appears as though officers continued to shoot the dog after it had been caught in a snare pole.
Not the first time ccpd had dog issues.
Family sues police over dog's shooting death - http://www.9news.com/rss/story.aspx?storyid=146110
WARNING: Graphic video - Home video shows police killing dog after being captured - http://www.9news.com/news/article/301382/339/Home-video-shows-police-killing-dog--
Just a reminder of why Leffel should not be the replacement for Moreno in ward one
From the Commerce City Beacon Website: "This is the most sexist man alive. I worked with him at a previous job and he considers all women "breeders". If you have any self respect as a woman or any respect for women as a man do not vote for this man."
I would assume the dog's owner can press charges but can we as citizens also file a complaint?
Saw the raw Video twice now. Makes me sick to my stomach. Shame on you Commerce City
I found this post very profound:
"An animal behavior expert with the Denver Dumb Friends League said the dog did not show threatening behavior towards the officers, and the dog was moving away. The dog did not lunge at them. They are just trying to cover their butts with lies!!!"
Five Bullets for a dog in a restraining pole. I hope you all see this.
How come the CCPD did not use some kind of a tranquilizer dart gun?
Budget Cuts?
oops. pd didn't realize there are cameras everywhere.
City Council may not have the authority to hire the majority of city staff but they can make policies that city workers have to live in the city.
CCPD says behind cloased doors they are hired to control the citizens- no where is serving citizens discussed. Combat City is their motto! So the dog shooting was caught on tape- what are they doing that is not caught on tape by a concerned citizen?
For crying out loud! Really, you had to shoot the dog?
If this is reasonable to that officer, he needs to be canned.
No reason for the CCPD to go all Michael Vick on this poor dog. Rest in Peace Chole.
Investigation for this Dog killing incident needs to be investigated by some one else then Commerce City. A THIRD PARTY.
I hear the Police Statement. I want to hear the FOP Statement.
To the police officer who shot the flea bag I say."DOGGONE YOU SURE DID A DOGGONE GOOD JOB"
Flea Bag? Did you know this dog? Or all dogs Flea Bags? You sound heartless. Do you not have a heart?
Boycott Commerce City until they take responsibility for this killing?
Are you mean because you are have a hard life?
Do you need a hug?
interesting how the dogs breed has evolved from lab pit mix to purebred pit bull.
responsible dog owners are the only ones who should have rights to own ANY PET!
I watched the video and NEVER NEVER NEVER saw the dog attempt to attack anybody.
Sean Miller is a professional trainer hired by Commerce City police in 2010 to teach officers how to avoid using deadly force against animals.
He was hired after a similar incident in which a family dog was shot and killed by an officer.
"It appeared that the dog was actually in 'flight mode' which means she is actually fleeing the situation," Miller said.
it is inappropriate to speculate on the incident because we don't have all of the facts? really? did you not see the video? I saw all the "facts" I need!
You had a unqualified lady try to control a dog that was scared and then you killed it.
Those are the facts!
It will serve you well!
Chloe is a good name for the next Commerce City K9 unit.
As a tribute!
Pit Bull Event:
CC has a ban not a kill on site order.
I agree a outside agency needs to look at this, NOT the city trying to cover its own butt.
"charged with numerous violations, including possessing a vicious animal and violating the city's pit bull ban."
How can that be if it was a pit/lab mix?
Just heard the cop fired 5 shots and only hit the dog 4 times. the missing bullet hit the animal control vehicle.
How fast do you think it took Commerce City Staff to take down the candles from the vigil for Chloe the Dog.
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"McBroom is dragging his feet" in reference to hiring a new Police Chief???
Because.....the council hasn't TOLD him who to hire.
He is the council's puppet and THEY do break the charter by making these type of decisions all the time (just quietly).
Now what will the council do with all of this Chloe problem and the CCPD?
So the cops ignored the training by the professional dog trainer. Yet they want control over the next police chief. You have got to be kidding me.
In professonal police departments- the officer that shot 5 times, hotting a dog and this poor dog wpu;d not be on duty until at a minumum he would have remedial gun handing training. It was also in a confined space. Sorry supporters of CCPD- you have NO professional police department from the Chief on down.
Commerce City can have all the "outside" investigation they want. The video is all the "evidence" I need. It was animal cruelty, period!
Someone needs to be held accountable!
Let me make a prediction here.
The Dog Killing Cop will be found justified. Just a hunch.
Such BS! This guy should be fired and go to jail. Chloe DID NOT DESERVE THIS!
By the way, you want unbiased non-corrupt investigation? You might want to have it outside of Adams County, the MOST corrupt place in all of Colorado!
do you think we will see any news coverage of the pit bull shooting in the commerce city news???
I do not understand,
Chloe the Dog gets an outside investigation, but they guy killed at the golf course because of tampered equipment does not?
That guy should have gotten man slaughter!
Commerce City is a JOKE!
Watch this video Quick and tell me he is justified, I dare you!
When I was 11 years old I was attacked by my friends dog for no good reason. I had played with this dog many times before the incident with no problems.
On the evening he attacted me I came through the gate of the property and the dog came running towards me I thought he was comeing to play. Instead he jumped up on me and knocked me to the ground and started to bite me. I started to holler at him but he wouldnt stop biteing me. I crawled to the house door and began knocking and hollering for help. Someone soon came to the door and hollered for him to stop. he than ran to a differant part of the yard. I had several bites on my face,arms and back. After this insedent I could never get near the dog for fear he might attact me again and also he would growl at me when I approached him. My friend said that they would have him put to death if I wanted but I said no he is your pet. About six months later he again attacked another boy and bit him.Now tell me that dogs will not attack for no reason. The dog the police shot may or may not have a record of being vicious. Why were the police there Who Knows think about it. I might add the dog that bit me was a Huskey
funny how all you Paul Natale haters all of a sudden want him back.
I think of the things Natale accomplished like the boys and girls club, the purchase of the dog track, the king soopers. Then I look at what current mayor has done. thats right nothing, nothing new fracking and a dead dog.
Didn't the new mayor promise us new business ( we've lost lots in the core)
transparency (ask staff!)
a council that works together (what a joke)
Like all politions, many promises, little truth!!
And meanwhile in CC-nothing!
The person who reported the dog did tell the police the dog was aggressive and even chased his neighbors into their house. this is on the 911 tape which he now denies saying. None of his nieghbors knew this dog or had ever seen this dog before, and did not know it was being watched (did not live) at a neighbors house. I also learned that he gave the police a sworn statement in writing where he writes that the dog was aggressive and that he even saw the dog try to bite the Animal control officer, and that the officers did what they were forced to do. These are his own written words sworn to the police long before he changed his story and tried to sell his video to the news stations. Why the police did not release this information to the public is beyond me, but the caller lied to the news plain and simple so he could sell his unmentioned video to the news and get his fifteen minutes of fame. Well it worked, He created a False firestorm with the help of the media who simply love controversy. I hear he even got paid by Fox news for the video before he would let anyone see it, and because it really does not clearly show what happened in the garage he Was able to make up a different story to create hype and get paid some more. It seems Nine news is the only station who Actually pointed out that he totally changed his story to the news from what he said on the 911 tape. Boy people love controversy and the mob mentality.
If the officers believing the dog to be dangerous based on what the 911 caller told them , when calling 911 not once but twice, if they had left the dog in that garage, which by the way they were not even aware he was supposed to be at, and this dog attacked and injured or killed someone especially a child at that home or in the area would you all be good with what they did or would you all be screaming they should have done something to prevent it? Think about it, if a dog thought to be dangerous runs Into your garage and it is not yours, and the police just assume it is so they lock it in there and leave, your not home and nobody else knows the dog, would that be ok with you? Especially if they believed it to be dangerous and left it for you to find and deal with? What if they let what they were told and believed was an aggressive dog run into a neighborhood where people and even worse children live, would you say that was fine because at least they did not shoot the dog, and would you say that if a child or any person got hurt by the dog? of course not! If the officer said well i know what wa reported to 911 but i did not want to shoot the dog so i let it go into the neighborhood, would all of you say hey that was a great decision, we support you? NO, you would be screaming and rightfully so. So why do you make them out to be incompetent for doing what you know was right at the time, and would have demanded they do if they had not? I do not get it!!!
Everyone jumped on the Monday morning quarterback wagon based on false and misleading information because a greedy moron decided to create controversy for money. That is the disgrace here not the officer!!!!!!
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